Chapter 3: "2.....2 Million Dollars!!" - Dean Ambrose ♥

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Dean's POV:

"I really don't wanna be here." AJ said. 

"Stop whining man. It's gonna take longer if you don't do anything." I said.

"Whoa, look at what I found in the closet." Chris said, coming out with what looked like a very fancy and expensive suit.

"Dude, put that away before we get in trouble. We're not allowed to touch any of the guest's belongings." I said. 

"Look at it though." Finn said as Chris laid it on the bed for us all to see. I looked at the price tag and my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets.

"2 MILLION DOLLARS!!!" I yelled in shock.


"2.....2 million dollars!!" I whisper screamed. "How can anyone afford that?? I don't get it. It's just fabric and silk. How can you pay so much money for that one outfit??" 

"Randy can pay for that because he's rich." AJ said.

"Try it on man." Chris said with his arms out.

"Dude, are you insane?? I can't do that."

"Why not??" Finn asked.

"It belongs to a guest. We can't touch their stuff."

"Stop being a boring old blob for once in your life and try it on. It's worth 2 million dollars. When are we ever gonna get the opportunity get wear or even look at something worth 2 million dollars ever??" AJ said. 

"I really don't know guys."

"Don't think about it. Just change." Chris said, pushing me into the next room. 

"I gotta get a picture. Lemme get my phone real quick." Finn said, leaving the room.

I knew for sure I was gonna regret this but I still didn't know why I was doing it.


Seth's POV:

I arrived at the hotel with the security team and Roman. The hotel staff was very welcoming. I saw a sign that said there were no pets allowed but I had Kevin with me. I didn't have the heart to leave him behind. He was my life.

"Hello Mr Rollins. I'm Vince McMahon. I'm the owner of this place." he said as he shook my hand.

"Thank you for letting me stay here."

"It was nothing. I'm guessing this adorable dog is yours." he said smiling as he looked at Kevin who was in my arms.

"Yeah but I noticed the no pets signs. I can tell someone to take him back home if I'm breaking the rules or anything."

"No, no. It's really fine."

"Are you sure?? I just feel like it'll be unfair to everyone else."

"No, it's okay. It looks like you're very close with your dog. I have a pet as well. I hate leaving him at home everyday."

"Thank you so much."

"I'll take you up to your room."

I had my team carry my bags as we all were taken to my room. Once we got there, I put my stuff down and Roman was already making himself at home, plopping down on the couch, making me chuckle.

"If there's anything you need, please do let me know." Vince said. 

"I will. Thanks again." I said before he left. "The hotel staff are very nice."

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