Chapter 7: "If You Want Me There, Get Him To Go." - Seth Rollins ♥

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Dean's POV:

I was about to head home for the day. I was really looking forward to getting home and not having to avoid Seth. Thank god for that. I grabbed my jacket and left the hotel.

An Hour Later.....

Seth's POV:

I had no idea what was going on. I was finally able to get rid of Randy or whoever that guy was. He wasn't my Randy. I didn't even know what to think. I was stood in front of my car, waiting for Roman so we could go to a meeting. As soon as he approached, I shoved him into the car and closed it as the car started driving.

"That Randy didn't see us, did he?" I asked.

"No, you're fine. Don't worry." Roman said.

"How? How did this happen?"

"Look, I looked him up. Randy is very attractive and he's a movie star. You can't get any better than that." Roman said as I sighed. "He comes from a great family with lots of money, politically neutral and there are no naked pictures of him anywhere."

"Roman, that wasn't the guy that I wanted." I said.

"Well, I don't know what else to tell you Seth. I talked to the manager and that's the only Randy Orton staying in the hotel." Roman said. 

I groaned as I looked out of my window. My eyes widened at what I saw.

"Wait, there he is!" I exclaimed as Roman looked out of my window. "That's him. Pull over." I told the driver.

The driver pulled over and I quickly rushed out of my seat.

"Hey, wait! Randy!" I said, making him stop in his tracks, looking at me nervously. "How are you doing?"

"Um...G-good." he stuttered which I found absolutely adorable.

"You know what was really strange? I invited you to lunch today and you came, except it wasn't you." I said as Randy let out a nervous laugh. "What happened?"

"I don't know what you mean." he said pretty casually, confusing me.

"Well, are you still staying at the Empire Hotel?"

"Oh, no. I.....actually moved quite a while away."

"Well, why don't you hop in? We'll give you a ride."

" I can't. I'm going to a party just a few blocks away so I'll walk."

"So, how can I get a hold of you?"

"How about...I-I call you?" he stuttered again, making my heart flutter.

"If you wanna get in touch with him, make sure you call this number on this card here." Roman said, showing Randy the card as I stood with a huge smile on my face. "What's your last name?"

"Ambrose." he said quietly, confusing me even more.

"Okay so take this card and call me any time." I said as he began to walk away.

"Alright. Okay."

"Don't be shy." I teased.

"Okay we have to go because we gotta get to a meeting you'll be late for." Roman said.

"Okay, make sure you call me." I said as he nodded and walked off.

I stood there, staring at him with a huge smile on my face.

"Okay, we gotta go right now." Roman said, heading to the car before coming back to get me, pulling me to the car. "Come on buddy. We gotta go, gotta go."

We both got back into the car and the driver started driving.

"Who the hell is he?" Roman asked.

"I'll tell you who he isn't. He isn't like anyone I've ever met before." I smiled. "And he isn't a phony. I'll make you a deal. The benefit is tomorrow night, right? If you want me there, get him to go."

"Well, it is really important that you're there." Roman sighed. "Okay, deal. But what if he doesn't turn up?"

"Then I'll go out with the other Randy guy."


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