Chapter 2: "I Doubt Anything Will Happen Though." - Seth Rollins ♥

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That Same Day.....

Seth's POV:

"Hey Roman, is my room for the hotel booked??" I asked as I sat down with my dog, Kevin.

"Yeah, you got the best suite there."

"Okay. Gosh, I wonder what it'll be like being a normal person?"

"It would be easier than your life now. I'll tell you that." Roman said.

"I know."

I had some work in New York so I had to stay in a hotel there for a few days. Being a politician can be really stressful but it can also be a lot of fun. The worst part is having political rivals. They'll do anything to make you look bad towards the public. I had a rival once. Kevin Owens. He had some major plan to 'take me down' or something like that but it totally back fired.

"So, what's on the schedule for tomorrow??" I asked Roman as I fed Kevin. 

"Well, we get to the hotel for around 12. You don't really have much tomorrow. You have a press conference the day after though."

"Okay. I just wanna relax tomorrow."

"You better. It could be your last day to relax. If you become president, you'll be very busy. I doubt you'll get any time for yourself."

"I know. I better make the most of it. I'll just mess around with Kev." I said.

"Maybe you'll meet someone as well." Roman said, making me look up at him.

"I doubt it Roman."

"Seth, it's time to settle down. You've been alone long enough. Don't you want someone to be there next to you?? Someone who'll pick you up when you fall?? Someone to lend you a helping hand??"

"I do Roman. Of course I do. It's just hard. Especially with me being gay, it's hard."

"But when you find that person, you'll find out how easy it is."

"I don't know. I'm not really looking for a relationship anyways."

"If you say so. I just wanna see you happy. I'm not saying this as your secretary. I'm saying this as your best friend. Best friends wanna see each other happy."

"I know. I see how happy you are with your relationship. I want something like that. When the right moment comes, I'll be there. I doubt anything will happen though. It'll probably be a normal day like any other day."


The Next Day.....

Dean's POV:

All I could see were my co-workers running around the hotel, taking care of last minute arrangements. Half of them were super excited. The other half of them were really nervous. I guess the nervous half was worried that if they made a mistake, Seth would send them to jail or something. I didn't know what he's like but if someone is rich and famous, they're most likely to be huge jerks so I'm gonna try my best to stay away from him.

"I am so excited." Chris said.

"Why??" I asked.

"What do you mean 'why'? The freakin future president is coming here." he replied.

"Why aren't you excited?" AJ asked.

"Because he might turn out to be a huge jerk."

"Not all politicians are like that." Finn said. 

"Well, I don't care. I'm just gonna stay away from him."

"But what if he wants you for something??" Chris asked.

"Then I'll do what he wants but if he thinks he can boss me around like a personal assistant, he'll have another thing coming."

"But what if he wants you??" AJ asked with a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean??" 

"Like wants you, wants you." Finn said. 

"Why do you guys always bring that up?? It's not gonna happen. I'll practically be invisible to him. He's not gonna notice me with all his work and corporate friends and shit."

"You're so boring." Chris said. 

"I'm just stating the truth. I'm not gonna start bringing my hopes up for nothing. And anyways, I'm not looking for a relationship right now. I just wanna focus on that managerial position."

"You better give us a raise when you hire us." AJ said. 

"Hmmm, I'll think about it." I smirked.

"No, you won't think. You'll do." Finn said.

We all laughed as everyone began to wait in the lobby for Seth Rollins to turn up. 

"Umm....Dean, Finn, Chris and AJ. I'm really sorry but I'm gonna need a favor from you four." Vince said to us.


"I'm gonna need you to get another room ready for another guest. His name is Randy Orton. His luggage is already here but he's arriving tomorrow. I'm afraid you might miss the arrival of Seth."

"Oh come on." Finn, AJ and Chris whined. I just rolled my eyes at them.

"It's fine Vince. We'll get right on it." I said. 

"Thanks Dean. I know I can count on you." Vince smiled before walking away. 

"I wanna see Seth." AJ whined.

"You'll see him later. We need to get Randy's room ready. Isn't he that really big movie star??" I said. 


"Exactly. Get excited for that." I said. 

"I thought you said famous people are huge jerks." Chris said.

"I mean, they most likely are but we still got a job to do."

"Whatever. Let's get this over with." Finn said.

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