Chapter 10: 'Lust In His Eyes.' - Dean Ambrose ♥

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Later That Evening.....

Seth's Hotel Room

Dean's POV:

"Well, if I can't have you any other day, then why not tonight?" Seth said in his dimmly lit room.

It was now raining and here I was sitting in Seth's room, on his bed. I just couldn't keep running from him anymore. I felt like the more I ran, the more he caught up to me. Seth stood in front of me as I pulled off his tie that was around his neck.

He climbed onto the bed before placing his lips on mine. I laid on the bed with Seth on top of me, kissing me softly and passionately. He started kissing down my jawline and leaving a trail of kisses down my neck before pulling my shirt off.

My mind went blank as I felt a pair of lips crash onto mine and my senses just went out of control. I felt myself breathing heavily as he started biting me slightly which sent little jolts of electricity through my body.

I felt my entire body shiver every time his lips were on my skin. It was almost as if he knew what kind of effect he had on me. Seth's hand slowly crept down to the waistband of my boxers. He pulled away for a split second and stared at me with lust in his eyes. I knew I needed him, more than anything.

"Do it Seth. Just do it. Do it before I change my mind." I begged.

Seth smirked and left a trail of wet kisses down my stomach and stopped by my waist. Then he started to slide my boxers down as my heart was racing. He seemed to stare at me in awe before quickly taking off his shirt and pants along with his boxers.

What the actual fuck?! How was his member so fucking big?!

He was about to kiss me again but stopped, making me look at him confused.

"Do you want it?" he asked, making me breathe heavier. "Show me what you can do."

I bit my lip as I looked at his member. I had no idea what to do. I never had sex with a man before. I felt Seth brush some of my hair out of my face as I stared at his member. I decided to start small and kissed the head, making Seth groan so I was guessing I was doing it right.

"Mmmm, keep going." Seth moaned, playing with my hair.

I carried on placing small kisses along his hard length and then licked the tip, causing Seth to groan even louder. I slowly took him in my mouth. I didn't even know if what I was doing was right but when I heard Seth moan in pleasure, I took it as a good sign.

I started to speed up and at times, I would flick my tongue around his tip as Seth groaned in pleasure. He pushed his member deeper into my mouth, making both him and I moan in pleasure.

"Fuck babe." he said as he threw his head back slightly. "Wait, sit here a minute."

He patted on a spot on the bed. I was confused but did what he said. Seth went over to a bag and pulled something out before covering his length in it and then walking back. He quickly crashed his lips on mine, backing me up into the headboard of the bed.

"Lay down baby." he said in his rough sexy voice so I quickly did what he said, my heart beating out of my chest. He moved a few stray hairs from my face as he stared into my eyes. He gently lay my head down on some pillows.

"This is gonna hurt a little, okay?" he said, cupping my cheek.

I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded as he placed himself at my entrance.

"Oh my god...." I muttered as I felt him push himself into me as I felt a slicing pain.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded as I gripped the sheets and felt him push the rest of himself into me, the pain starting to become unbearable. Seth leaned down and left sloppy kisses down my neck as the pain started to turn into complete pleasure, making me moan. 

Seth pulled away and stared into my eyes. I couldn't describe the emotions that were rushing through me. He then began to thrust in and out.

"Seth...fuck." I groaned as my body was taken over with pleasure I couldn't describe.

He started moving faster, making me moan and arch my back slightly. He leaned over and started sucking on my neck, making me moan even louder in pleasure. Then he smashed his lips on mine, placing his tongue in my mouth as we both fought for dominance.

"I...I'm coming." I moaned.

"Do it." Seth replied.

I soon came and Seth pulled himself out and came all over my stomach. He laid down next to me as we both tried to catch our breath. Soon enough, I was surrounded by darkness.

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