Chapter 5: 'I'm So Dead.' - Dean Ambrose ♥

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Seth's POV:

I sighed happily as I sat down on the couch in my hotel room. I actually had lots of fun with Randy. I felt like I was a normal person. There was something about him though that I felt attracted to. I didn't know what it was. Maybe it was his shyness. I just felt really happy around him. I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow.

"Someone looks like they're in a good mood." I heard Roman say.


"You met someone, didn't you??"

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Ooooohh, tell me who it was." he said, jumping up and down like a little child.

"I'm not telling you yet."

"No, tell me. I wanna know."

"You'll know soon enough. He's very different than most people. For a movie star, he's very shy."

"So, he's a movie star??"

"Yeah." I said, blushing slightly.

"Awww, that's adorable."

"Whatever." I said, still blushing. "I....I invited him over tomorrow."

"Awww, my little man is all grown up." Roman smiled.


The Next Day.....

Dean's POV:

It has been about 15 minutes since the real Randy Orton checked into the hotel. He went up to his room so I thought of it as the perfect opportunity to tell him to meet Seth. I really wanted to meat him myself but I couldn't carry on pretending to be Randy. I didn't wanna get in trouble but I also didn't wanna break Seth's heart. I didn't wanna raise his hopes up.

I stood in front of Randy's door, contemplating whether I should knock or not. But I had to get myself out of this mess so I knocked. After a few seconds, a really good looking man opened the door who I was assuming was Randy.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Um..I just needed to inform you that Mr Seth Rollins has invited you to his hotel room tomorrow." I said, looking down. I really wanted to hang out with Seth but deep down, I knew I couldn't.

"Oh really?" Randy said, smirking. "Well do tell him I would love to see him."

"Will do Sir." I said before he closed the door.

I sighed to myself as I walked away. All I had to do now was stay away from Seth for the next couple of days. 


A Few Hours Later.....

I was by the front desk of the hotel when Mr McMahon approached me. 

"Dean, I have to ask you a huge favor. You are my most trusting employee so I know you'll be able to do this without any complaints from anyone."

"Anything Sir. Just name it." I smiled.

"Randy Orton called the front desk earlier and said he was meeting Seth Rollins tomorrow in his hotel room." he said, making my heart skip a beat. What if he found out I wore Randy's jacket?? I'm so dead.  

"Um...yes." I gulped.

"Randy has requested our most honorable and trustworthy butler to be able to serve them both. And I thought, why not you??"

Why me?? I told myself to stay away from Seth and it doesn't seem to be working. I really wanted to say no but I couldn't say no to my boss.

"I would love to Sir."

"Great! I knew I could count on you." Vince said before walking away.


"WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO??!!" I yelled as Finn, AJ and Chris looked at me.

"You have to go, that's what." Finn said.

"How?? Seth has already seen me and he thinks I'm Randy. I'm definitely losing my job. I'm so screwed."

"Just try to stay away from Seth's view." Chris said.

"Really?? I'm the one serving them. Of course he's going to see me. And when he sees the real Randy, he's bound to say something."

"Maybe you could tell Vince to take another butler."

"I don't wanna risk it. This could be a huge opportunity for me. If I do this right, the chances of me getting that managerial position will increase. What am I going to do?"

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