Chapter 9: "You Were Mesmerizing." - Seth Rollins ♥

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The Hall

Seth's POV:

I walked into the huge hall, dressed in my best suit and tie, with Roman. We met and talked to a lot of people as fancy music played in the background. I looked around at the crowd to see if I could see Randy. 

"Is he here?" I asked Roman. 

"Look, he'll be here." Roman reassured me as we walked through the crowd. 

The place was beautiful. There was a giant crystal chandelier hanging on the ceiling. There was a lovely marble floor and beautiful floral wallpaper on the wall. There was lots of people, dressed up all fancy but only one person would be able to brighten up the room and that was Randy.


Dean's POV:

"Have fun!" AJ said as I looked at him from inside the car.

"Oh my god. I literally can't breathe right now!" I said, feeling super nervous. "I don't even know what I'm doing here. What am I doing here? All this is a lie."

"No Dean, it's more like a dream. Your dream Dean." AJ said. "And for one night, you are living it for all of us. Don't think about tomorrow. Don't think about anything but tonight. Tonight, the butler is a lie. This...this is who you really are Dean." 

I nodded. AJ stepped away as the car drove off. What was I going to do?


Seth's POV:

I finished up talking to a man when Roman approached me.

"Hey-" I interrupted him.

"Oh my god, look who's here." I said, eyes widened.

It was him. That other guy that claimed to be Randy. Why was he here for? I just couldn't seem to get away from him.

"He should be here by now." I sighed, looking at my watch.

"He'll be here. He'll be here." Roman said.

"He better be Roman." I said as he walked off.

I continued talking to the man when I noticed everyone facing somewhere. I turned to see Randy. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him. His blond hair brushed back and his suit that took my breath away. I could feel my heart beat faster and faster. I just couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked.....magnificent. When he smiled at me, I felt myself smile back as I tried to hide my blush.

We both walked towards each other, my eyes not leaving him. I looked at him up and down. Words couldn't describe how amazing he looked.

"I...I don't know what to say Randy. You look so handsome tonight." I said.

"S-so do you." he replied. 

"Thank you for being here." I smiled.

"I only came to tell you that and me can't go anywhere beyond this evening. just can't." Randy said, making my heart drop a little.

"Well....maybe you should've have worn something else. Maybe you should have some not looking so sexy." I said. I could see his cheeks turning a light shade of pink, making me smile. "Wanna dance?"

We both walked to the dance floor and when my hand touched his, I could feel the sparks. I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach as we danced.

"Look, you have to listen to me. I know you're used to getting your own way." he said as we slowed danced.

"Yeah, until I laid my eyes on you." I replied.

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