Chapter 13: "Can We Start Over?" - Seth Rollins ♥

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Dean's POV:

"Dean, what were you thinking going out with someone like that?" Cesaro asked once I got home.

"Someone like what?" I asked.

"Seth Rollins. You had to pretend to be somebody else so he would go out with you? Really Dean?"

"People like you make people like him seem like some kind of god. What? Because he's rich? He has things that we don't have and dream of? It must really burn you that I think I have the right to go out with him." I replied.

"You don't." he said, making me roll my eyes.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Hey, I'm not the one who lost their job today." 

"Yeah, I did. I messed up big time's all my fault." I sighed. "But you know what? It's fine. I'm gonna be fine. I'll just find a new job."


The Next Morning.....

When I left my house the next day, there were paparazzi everywhere. One of them handed me a newspaper that had a huge picture of Seth and I on the cover. I looked at it in shock. Now my life was over.

I tried to walk away but they kept following me and asking questions.

"How did it start?"

"Is it true he didn't know you were a butler?"

"Are you embarrassed or hurt?"

I just carried on walking with all the reporters trailing along behind me.


Seth's POV:

"I am now standing outside the hotel where yesterday Politician and potential future president Seth Rollins was captured on video tape in a lovers spat with a man now identified as a hotel butler." the news reporter on the TV said as I watched on.

Then they showed footage of the conversation between Dean and I yesterday.

"You think you would've taken a second look at me if you knew I was the butler?"

I sighed and grabbed the controller, switching the TV off.

1 Hour Later.....

A Press Conference

"We will not be answering any questions right now. Mr Rollins will make a statement." Roman said to the media that was in front of us.

I sighed and went over to the podium before speaking.

"I'd like to make a short statement and it'll be all that I have to say about this....this invasion of my privacy." I said. "I happened to meet Mr Ambrose during my stay at a hotel and we actually became friends. There are people from all walks of life who I count as friends and my only regret in this instance is that one of them is subjected to the scrutiny and innuendo of the media as a result of that friendship with me."

Third Person:

Days went by and there wasn't a moment where Seth and Dean weren't thinking about each other. Seth missed Dean's shy personality and Dean missed Seth's sweetness. Seth was always distracted by Dean from his work. 

Dean was trying hard to move on and got a job in a different hotel as a butler. However, the pair couldn't stop thinking about each other. They desperately wanted to be together but deep down, they weren't sure if it was possible.

Seth's POV:

 I was in another press conference that I really wasn't bothered for but it was something I had to do. 

"How would you feel if you actually got elected?" one of the reporters asked.

"Well, it'll feel great. I'll finally feel useful and feel like I can actually create a change and make America a better country." I said.

"Did your father leave you with any advice?" another reporter said.

"Yeah, he said don't run." I said, making everyone laugh.

"Okay, we have time for one more question." Roman said.

"I have a question." I heard. 

I looked and saw some guy that looked like he was Swiss. He also didn't have much hair.

"Sure." I said.

"If you don't know who I am, I'm Dean's roommate, Cesaro." he said, making my eyes widen. He knew Dean?! "I was wondering, everyone makes mistakes and it's a sign of character to give the person a second chance, right?"

"Right." I said.

"Even if someone lied, they should be forgiven otherwise, we'd never have any congressmen or presidents." he said, making everyone laugh. 

"Okay, thank you very much. We're gonna have to-"

"Wait, Roman. He's not done." I said. "Go on."

"Well, what if you're not a politician trying to do good for everybody? What if you're just a regular person like a butler or something? And he made a mistake?" Cesaro asked. "Do you think he should get a second chance? I mean, nobody's perfect, right?"

"No, nobody's perfect." I said with a small smile on my face.

"Okay, thank you very much everyone." Roman said before everyone started to leave.

I got off the podium and went towards Cesaro.

"Where is he?" I smiled, making him smile.

Cesaro walked out and I quickly followed him. Roman followed behind alongside most of the press. He led me to some other hotel and to some staff room. Cesaro closed the door and locked it with Roman and the press outside. I saw Dean sitting on a chair, scrolling through his phone.

"Hey Dean." Cesaro said, grabbing his attention.

He turned around and saw me, his smile fading from his face.

Dean's POV:

"Cesaro, what are you doing here with-"

I was interrupted by Seth kissing me. It was all really sudden and I didn't know what to do. I kissed back until Seth pulled away and I just stood there, shocked.

"Hey." Seth smiled.

"H-hi." I stuttered.

"Can we start over? Second chance? Second date? You as you and me as me. No secrets. What do you think?" Seth asked with hope in his eyes.

I heard the press knocking on the door, asking for them to come in. I looked at Cesaro who was nodding at me. Then I looked back at Seth.

"Dean Ambrose. Butler." I said, holding out my hand.

"Seth Rollins. Politician." he said, shaking my hand. His hand was incredibly soft.

Seth smirked at me, making me smile before he pulled me closer to him and kissed me again. I heard the door opened and the press taking pictures of us but I really didn't care. It was our moment and I was enjoying every bit of it.

I pulled away with a smile and a huge blush on my face as Seth pulled me into a hug.

1 Year Later.....

Seth and Dean were still together and were stronger than ever. Seth was elected to become the President of the United States. Dean had achieved his dream of owning and managing his own hotel. Being true to his words, he did in fact first employ his three best friends, Finn Balor, Chris Jericho and AJ Styles.

Everyone's dreams had come true and Dean couldn't be happier.


A/N: That is the end. I hope you enjoyed. This concept was little different but I hoped it was worth it. Thank you for reading and waiting for the late updates. I love you all. xxx

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