Chapter 12: "Was...Was Any Of It Real?" - Seth Rollins ♥

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The Reception

Dean's POV:

"I'll need your name tag, ID and pass key." the Nikki said before I handed it to her. "I'm sorry about what happened."

"No it's okay. I knew I was playing it risky."

"Just know, this job as a butler doesn't define who you are. I know you'll make it big and I know you will make an amazing hotel manager one day."

"Thanks Nikki. I'm gonna miss working here." I sighed before leaving.


I was walking down the street when I heard someone calling my name.

"Dean. Dean, wait up." I heard. I knew it was Seth but I carried on walking. I really didn't wanna talk to him anymore.

"Dean, Randy, Dean. I don't know what name to use." he said as I stopped and turned around to face him.

"It's Dean." I said before walking again.

"I-I don't get it. What happened?"

"What don't you get? I'm the butler."

"Well, what was all this? A bet or something?" Seth asked. "Was it a game or something?"

"No." I said. "Look, I was trying on his clothes and then you suddenly appeared and then you invited me out."

"So, you thought you had to lie to keep me interested in you?" Seth asked, making me stop walking.

"Who's kidding who here?" I asked. "Do you think you would've taken a second look at me if you knew I was the butler?" 

I could hear cameras behind me. I knew the paparazzi were taking pictures of Seth and I talking.


"Look, with all due respect for your big hearted politics, I don't think so." I said before walking again.

"Well, how would you know? You didn't give me a chance." Seth said, following me. "You go around judging everyone thinking they're judging you."

"And you think they're not?" I asked. "Half the time, I'm some stereotype that they're making fun off. The other half of the time, I'm just invisible. You know what? Maybe that's the point. The first time you saw me, I was trying on some rich people clothes because I knew I could never come across anything like that in my lifetime."

Suddenly, Roman appeared and a whole bunch of cameras surrounded us all.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" Roman asked Seth.

"Roman, not now."

"I gotta go." I said, walking off, only for Seth to follow me again.

I could hear Roman backing off all the paparazzi.

"Dean." Seth said, making me stop. "I just want the truth."

"Alright, you want the truth? There was a part of me that wanted to see what it felt like to have someone like you look at me the way you did just once. I'm sorry. If I could rewind the past week, I would."

"Was...was any of it real?" Seth asked with sadness in his eyes, making my heart break.

"Yeah, it was real." I admitted. "It was so real it made me wonder how I was ever going to give you up. But...I have to give you up. That was the plan. And then, last night, I couldn't. I just couldn't Seth." I said before walking away.

I got back into my apartment, tears spilling out of my eyes. I wiped my tears and washed my face before coming out of the bathroom.

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