Sick Minded

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I didn't have any time to register what was happening as it unfolded before me. A yelp escaped my throat when I felt some sort of blade touch my neck. Oh god, this couldn't be happening, not so soon... My breathing hitched and I felt his hot breath waft over my ear.

"Don't move a muscle, got it?" I nodded fiercely and I felt his presence leave my side. Kuro was still meowing loudly and the noise was absolutely horrid.

"Kuro... what's he doing?" My thoughts didn't come out as panicky as my voice would have, but he most certainly heard my tone.

"I don't know! He shoved me inside your suitcase! I can't see anything! Oh my god, Rin, is he hurting you?!"

I heard loud footsteps walk passed and the sound of his foot hit my bag. A pained cry came from inside, "shut the hell up." Kuro's cries only grew higher and more frequent, which made me grow even more panicked. Those footsteps approached me and I nearly howled in pain when he gripped my hair and forced my head back uncomfortably.

"Shut your damn cat up, or I won't hesitate to slit it's throat." I nodded, pain radiating out from my skull.

"Kuro!" He kept mewling, "KURO!" He faltered and it gave me a chance to calm him down as best as I could. "Please please be quiet. He'll hurt both of us if you don't. Either way, there's no way out of this for me." Father Naito dropped his grip on my hair and continued to do what he had been before. My familiar's cries went quiet, but his voice continued to echo in my head.

"Rin! I can't just sit in here while he's raping you! I'm gonna get out of here!"

I immediately knew what he was planning and I rushed my next thought. "No! If you go neko in here... you can't! It's way too small of a space, you'll end up hurting us."

"I don't care about him!"

"Then do it for my sake!" Finally, there was silence in my head. He seemed to have given up, but I knew his silence wouldn't last long. I could only pray that this ordeal would be over soon.

Loud footsteps approached my bed and I squeezed my eyes shut. His hands were rough as he shoved something papery in my mouth, probably some of the tissues sitting on Yukio's desk. I was more surprised when I felt something cloth being forced in my mouth, as well. "Bite down," he ordered and I obliged, his fingers tying the long piece of fabric behind my head. He'd just made some sort of makeshift gag, and I felt my heart hammer in my chest when I felt him use another strand of fabric to tie my arms behind my back.

"The boy's are redecorating the church at the moment, so we wouldn't want to disturb them now would we?" Although the bonds would restrict me from running away, I knew it wasn't their main use. As I felt the cloth rub against my wrist, I knew it was his reminder of my helplessness. I breathed out shakily and shook my head. "Good boy." I closed my eyes again as his fingers trailed over my clothing. "I hear that you're sick," he hummed, "you always used to fake illness to keep me away, but that never worked, did it?"

A lone tear escaped from between my closed eyelids and I whimpered. "I asked you a question," he pinched me harshly through my clothes and I shook my head. "That's right, no matter what you've done, you can't get away."

Kuro hissed and I silently berated him, but my silence was cut short when my assaulter violently pulled at my pants. My garbled cry was muffled by the gag, and he simply laughed in response. God he was so... so... sick, getting his kicks from something as horrible as this. How could someone like him be a priest?!

He ruthlessly pulled at my clothes and I focused my mind on anything other than what was about to happen; like how Yukio's window needed to be cleaned, along with the worn carpet. How some of the wallpaper was ripping off of the wall, or how comfortable this mattress actually was when I wasn't being... it never works, however. It always leads back to this, because like he said; I cannot escape, physically or mentally.

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