Chemical Reactions

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"What about that thing on your back?"

"He used his cane."

"Oh my god," he stared at the ceiling, no doubt trying to get a grip of his emotions. "That's fucking horrible." I just nodded, not really wanting to elaborate on the subject. "And you promise that this is the first time he's done shit like that?" I nodded, "well, that's something, at least," he muttered.

"Can I ask you something?" His eyes flickered back down to mine and he nodded. I shifted where I sat on the floor, "how upset are you about all of this?"

He sighed, closing his eyes, "I've never been so... out of sorts. I have no idea what I'm doing anymore, but I'm sure things will somehow get back to normal, or as close as possible."

I ran my fingertips over the smooth tile of the floor, the grout the only roughness against my skin. "You didn't answer my question: how upset are you... about this?" My finger swirled in a circle between us, and he sighed.

"Logically, if I wasn't upset, that would be worrisome, wouldn't it?" He chuckled, but I wasn't having it.

"You still haven't answered me."

"I'm fine, Nii-san," he got to his feet, "I'm sure there's other chores that need to be done, and with your condition, it'd be best if I did them." I struggled to get to my feet and stumbled after him, grabbing his sleeve.

"I thought you had more questions?" He chuckled and shook me off, a small smile on his face.

"I guess I overestimated the actual amount I had." His hand rested on the door handle and I watched as he exited, leaving me behind.

What... What is going on? I knew that something like this would happen if he found out, but that didn't make me any more prepared. Maybe it's my imagination, but I feel as though he's being far more secretive with me than need be. With all the stress lately, I had no idea where to even begin to solve a problem like this. At a loss, I sighed, my eyes wandering over the room for a moment.

Oh, Yukio seriously must be out of it, he forgot to add bleach to the white load. Sighing, I walked over to the washer and fished out the small bottle of chemicals. Just opening the cap, my nose scrunched up, the smell burning my sinuses. With another sigh, I filled the required amount into the washer, setting the bottle on top of the machine when I was done.

God, what was I going to do? I can barely think about how I'd survive one day, how was I supposed to survive this week? Or next month, or the rest of the year? I shuddered, my sour mood devouring my determination to stay somewhat cheerful, for Yukio at least. I played with the bleach cap, twirling it on the surface of the wash machine, my dull thoughts not going much farther than the rest of the day.

I grunted in frustration, "what the fuck am I supposed to do?" I ground my teeth, slamming the bottle cap down, "what can I do?" I doubt I'd ever find a concrete answer, but deep down, I knew that I was hopeless. Nothing, that's what I can do, it's the only thing I'm good at. With reasonable doubt, I don't think my life would sort itself out, that'd be a miracle. And those types of heavenly gifts aren't given to hellish spawn like me.

My eyes wandered over the bleach label, reading the ingredients as to keep my mind off of my bitter life. However, a persistent thought kept invading my mind. Why not drink it? I shook my head, I wasn't going to drink bleach, am I fucking nuts?


Well, maybe.

I sighed, grabbing the open bottle and passing it between my hands. My eyes roamed over the label, a warning was printed in bold letters:

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