Helping Hand

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He immediately started to fuss over me. "How much sleep have you gotten?" I barely opened my mouth before he had asked another; "do you feel any better?" I just sighed, and he got his answer through that. "Why are you by the bathroom? Did you throw up again?"

"Yukio," I took a small step forward, trying to wiggle myself into the bathroom. "I just want to take a shower."

A wrinkle formed between his brows, "you just took one this morning, though."

I fumbled to give him a buyable answer, "uh, yeah, I know, but I'm, uh, all sweaty and stuff." He gave me a puzzled expression and I shrugged my tense shoulders.

"Alright... could you maybe wait awhile, though. Some of the other kids need to shower, too." I think the amount of filth on and in my body far surpassed any of the cram school kids, but I didn't mention that.

"C-can't they use the upstairs shower?"

His eyes brightened, "oh, that's right! God, we should've thought about that before." He waved me off, "alright, go take another shower, but remember to save some hot water for the rest of us, alright?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and he seemed satisfied with my behavior. Once he had turned his back, I scurried into the bathroom, Kuro following at my heels.

"Come to think of it, after Shiro and I would come back home, you would spend an awful lot of time in the bathroom for days to come. We never thought anything if it, but now it just seems so obvious that something was wrong." He had muttered it to himself more than anything, but I shrugged anyway.

"It's in the past, nothing can be done of it now." I tossed my clothes onto the counter and started pulling off my shirt. When I walked toward the shower, I turned the water to scalding.

"That's a little hot, don't you think?"

"If I could use boiling water, I would" it was only logical, boiling water eradicates a majority of germs and bacteria. Anything less is simply just brushing the filth around on your skin, bleh.

I tried to take my pants off, but a sharp pain told me that it wasn't going to be easy. I mentally prepared myself for the agony I was about to put myself through, and then I tried again. I gave a strangled cuss, but I was successfully able to step out of the garments.


I felt somewhat better when I exited the bathroom about half an hour later, my skin a bright pink. I did the usual routine of throwing my dirty clothes into the hamper before slowly making my way toward the church. However, there was no one present. My ears twitched as I tried to figure out where everyone was, maybe they were outside? Listening closely, I heard a laugh from upstairs.

I gave Kuro a look and he sighed. "I have no idea how you plan on making it up there, you can barely walk across a flat surface the way it is." I knew that much, but I did need food, and considering that Yukio was back, it must be nighttime. I hadn't eaten all day, and if I planned on working tomorrow, I'd better take some care of myself.

I mumbled some things to myself before I pushed myself toward the staircase. They were kinda a way to psych myself up, but I knew deep down, that it was a near impossible feat for me to achieve.

"One step at a time," I told myself, exhaling as I forced myself up another stair. I was a little under halfway when the pain became unbearable. I gave up, grasping the railing and bringing myself down into a sitting position. "Fuck, ow," my body didn't like this particular pose, yet I doubted that any pose would be comfortable.

"What do we do now?" Kuro said, jumping up onto his hind legs so he could nudge my chin. I sighed and scratched the top of his head, not really having an answer.

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