To Accuse

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I'd been horrified when I saw the scratch marks on the door, and I almost threw up in my mouth. Last night had been stressful; Yukio and I talked about, well, everything. It seemed as though we were on the same page now, but I still couldn't help hiding a few things from him. As I lay in bed, the afternoon sun basking our room, I ran my fingers over Kuro's paws, an orange tint discolored the usual white mittens. His claws had been shorted to nubs or broken off completely. It must be painful just to walk, yet, he followed happily everywhere I went.

My eyes flickered over to Yukio when his phone rang. His brows furrowed and he dug out the device, becoming even more confused. "Hello?" He moved from his position on his bed, standing up and walking over to the window. "Today?" I blinked a few times, my fingers continuing to smooth the short hairs on my familiar's paw. "Why wasn't this done earlier?" Oh no, he was getting angry, who was he even talking to? "We'll be there in awhile."

That piqued my interest, and when he hung up, I spoke up. "Where are we going? What are we doing?" He didn't seem happy and the small ball of excitement in me died, "w-who was that?"

He sighed, running his hands through his hair, "the police station." I immediately shifted in bed, my heart stuttering before picking up the pace. "Don't worry, it's not about him... well, sorta. They need you to give a written testimony."

I sat stock still, "oh..."

Apologetic eyes gazed into mine, "I'm sorry, Nii-san, but the more you do for this, the easier it is to lock him away and the quicker it'll be over." He stepped toward me and held out his hand, "I'll be there with you, and you can take as long as you need."


I sat in a small room, a single table and a few chairs in the middle. However, unlike in the movies, it wasn't dark and monotonous. There were pictures on the walls, which were painted a light blue over the brick. The pictures were of smiling people or of inspirational quotes. The area seemed more fitting for a pediatrician's office than a cop shop. I had a feeling this wasn't the normal room people were led to when they needed to be questioned. The police officer opposite of me confirmed that much.

"Normal questioning room can be intimidating, but that's the point when you're trying to get answers from a convict. This room might be cheesy, but it's a lot more inviting, wouldn't you say?" I nodded timidly, my eyes wandering over some of the quotes.

You can do this. Can I?

Don't let another's action define who you are. His action made me who I am, though.

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time. And the past will haunt every single one.

It's never to late to be what you might've been. Actually, yeah it is.

I gave up on the quotes, focusing my attention to the man before me. "What do I have to do?" He nodded his head to the paper in front of us, it had a step by step guideline on how to write a testimony. "This will be used at the trial?"

He sighed, "yes, you'll have to give an oral testimony as well."

My eyes bulged and I abruptly stood from my chair, "I have to be there?? No, no! I can't see him, he can't see me!" I stumbled backward, tripping over the chair and falling onto my rear end.

I heard him shuffle over to me, his hands were large and gripped my shoulders. A memory flashed through my mind and I cried out, "get off of me! Stop!" There was a loud noise and I lashed out once more when his hands were ripped from my shoulders. "Stop!" I covered my face with my hands and cowered in on myself.

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