Absolute Hell

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Holy hell, this is my longest chapter EVER, but I really like that. 3300 words compared to my usual 1700-2400.

"Hello," the receptionist said, a cheerful smile on her face. How could she be so upbeat in the emergency department of a hospital? She obviously puts up a front, but she's good at it, at least. "How can I help you?"

Yukio squeezed my shoulder, "well, uh..." he turned to look at the cram school kids, who were still as oblivious as before. "Could you guys give us a little privacy? Sorry..." I heard a few voices and the eventual sound of footsteps padding away from us. I dully wondered where Kuro was, but the thought was fleeting. Yukio turned back to the woman, "um, my brother's been... assaulted."

She clicked on her keyboard, "mmm, and what type of assault, physical or sexual?"

"Uh, um, sexual," my eyes wandered up to his face and I noticed how flustered he was. Was he embarrassed? By me? Oh.

The woman shifted and my eyes returned to her, she was looking me up and down. "Did this just occur, or did this happen more than a few days ago?" There was silence, albeit, amongst the hustle and buzz of the waiting room and doctors. "Hun? Did you hear me?"

Oh, she was talking to me? "Uh... both?" Her face twisted slightly, but she composed herself before I could catch anything else.

"Honey, have you showered since the assault?" I shook my head, and she clicked away on her keyboard again. She asked for my identification and I dug out my school ID, she couldn't get much off of it so Yukio filled her in on the missing blanks. I kept my mind away from such things, focusing on my breathing and heart rate, instead.

I was jolted out of my haze when Yukio nudged me, his hand pulling at mine. I followed after him, allowing his grip on me to pull me toward the waiting room. He mumbled something about a waiting time and he sat down, I instinctively sat down next to him. The others were there as well, and it didn't take long for someone to pipe up.

"Why are we here, what's wrong with Rin?" I closed my eyes and let my head fall back and hit the wall. Yukio tried to dodge their questions, but they didn't seem satisfied.

"Just tell them, Yukio, it's not like it matter's anymore."

He didn't seem to like my gray tone, "no, you don't have to, Rin, you're under a lot of stress an-"

"Just tell them."

It was quiet for a moment, but the silence wasn't broken by Yukio's voice. Instead, my name was called, my eyes shot open and darted over to where a woman in scrubs stood. She glanced around the room, waiting for someone to answer, but when none came, she called my name again.

"Over here," my brother called, standing and holding his hand out to me. I took it and got to my feet, realizing just how bad I had begun to tremble. "Nii-san," his voice was quiet, "would you like me to come with?"

I immediately shook my head, taking a few steps toward the woman. When I glanced back, I spotted Yukio's torn expression, he wanted to help me so bad, but he didn't know how. I didn't even know how to help me, so I couldn't blame him. My eyes drifted back to the woman, who gave me a comforting smile. She ushered me to follow her and we walked through the corridors to a room. She pushed the door open and let me through first, stating that I should undress and put on the hospital gown.

I heard the door click and I was suddenly alone for the first time in awhile. A horrid feeling clawed at my chest and I tried to keep it barred in. I sat down on the bed beside the gown and pulled my knees to my chest. Goddammit, this was never supposed to happen, no one was supposed to find out. I'm such an idiot, how could I let this happen? I should've hid my pain better or put up more of a fight against Yukio. I could've talked him out of it, told him he was just imagining it. If I had, everything would've been fine, we would all be back at True Cross.

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