A Conversation

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I woke up in a completely different area than I had fallen asleep in, and that was a lot more disorienting than I would've expected. However, I quickly realized that I was in my dorm room, the sunshine basking the walls and floor. That wasn't the only thing I noticed, however, as I felt someone stroking my hair. I turned over and saw Yukio, his eyes open, but still sleepy. I greeted him hoarsely and he did the same. Kuro was sleeping between us, his small frame purring and sending small vibrations through the mattress.

"Did you sleep in my bed?"

"Yeah, sorry, after yesterday, I didn't want to let go of you." Memories flooded my brain and I sighed, feeling myself grow tense. "Hey, its fine, everything's over with." I bit my lip and looked away from his eyes, was it truly okay? Everything's happening so quickly, it's hard to tell. "Are you okay?" I nodded and he sighed, sitting up in bed. "Rin... promise me something." I blinked a few times and looked at him expectantly. "When I ask if you're alright, don't just answer me out of habit." I huffed and was about to argue, but he cut me off. "For so long, I would get answers that; yes, you were alright, but in reality, you seriously weren't."

"I-I'm sorry."

He shook his head gently, "don't apologize, I know your intentions were to protect me, but..." he reached out and touched my bare arm, I hadn't even noticed that I had changed, did Yukio do that? I was in a t-shirt and some bruises were showing from underneath my sleeve. "I don't want something like this ever happening again. We need to trust each other and speak when things aren't going right." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry, I don't know what to do, I guess."

He bit his lip and I could tell that he was holding back his emotions. I sat up as well, ignoring the stabbing pain in my gut. "Hey," I soothed, "you just said that we need to speak to each other. What's wrong?" I reached up to push the hair from his face, but his fingers gripped mine and pulled me to him.

He let out a shaky breath and his embrace was bear-like. "Christ, Rin, I'm an idiot, how could I be so blind?" His warmth seeped through my shirt and I sank into him, breathing deeply. "For so long, there were so many clues, but I'm obviously inept because I couldn't put them together."

"That's not true," I muttered into his chest.

"Yes it is, I knew something was going on, and I figured that it had to do with the monestary. I guessed that you were simply uncomfortable with... him because he'd taken Dad's place. Yet, you were scared of him, and I couldn't figure out why. Never did I think he would do that. That's just fucking despicable, I want to murder him." My eyes widened and I tried to calm him down, but he was already ahead of me. "I'm so sorry, I could've helped you, Nii-san, but I'm obviously too stupid to even do that."

"Stop," I demanded, pushing away from him. "Don't blame yourself for this, Dad couldn't even figure it out, and he was an adult, how can I expect you, a teenager, to figure out something like this?"

"They briefly covered topics like this while I was getting my Doctor meister."

"So? Don't those statistics mainly contain girls between the ages of eighteen to thirty? I read somewhere that only 1.5% of people raped are boys of my age or lower, while 14% of girls our age are sexually assaulted, that's a really big difference in number, Yukio. No one would automatically think of something like that as an answer."

"But there were so many clues, I mean, you had nightmares-"

"Everyone has nightmares."

He gave me a look, "you were scared of the monestary-"

"Anyone would be upset to go back to the home they watched their father die in."

He grunted, "you were scared of him-"

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