You're Not Leaving

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~Your POV~

The clown before me nodded solemnly

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The clown before me nodded solemnly. "Yes. It's me, Y/n."

We stared into each others eyes, his golden orbs breathtaking in the light. I gave a small smile before curling my fingers around his and tilting my head downward. "I can't believe it. It's been awhile hasn't it."

"Yes. It has." Jack used two of his fingers to tilt my head upward once more, our eyes meeting again. "I've missed you, my dear."

I didn't say anything as I felt silence was needed. "You know I looked for you everywhere over the years. I missed you that much."

My eyes widened, Jack had been looking for me? "Looking for me?"

"Yes. I had been wanting to tell you something since our last meeting but unfortunately you left me."

As he said this his grip around me tightened, causing me to become uncomfortable. In an act to break free, I unraveled from his grasp and stood facing away from him. "That wasn't my fault, you know. Dr Waterson made me leave in fear of my safety."

"Safety from what?"

I closed my eyes and took in a shaky breath, already feeling tension rising in the cold room. As I didn't answer, Jack slammed his fist down on the green arm of the armchair making me shudder. "ANSWER ME!"

I bit my trembling lip before I replied. "You."

Silence befell the room as both my patient and I were silent, I in fear and his in anger. That's when I heard the swishing of fabric and an arm gently draped itself across my waist, bringing me closer to the mad clown now behind me. I felt his face get near my ear as his hot breath blew on the shell as he spoke, "You're not afraid of me....are you, my darling Y/n?"

"I-I'm n-not-t quite-e s-sure-e." 

I inhaled sharply as his nails firmly but gently dug themselves into my hair before they stroked downward and wrapped around my chin. 

Clenched teeth fought against a cry.

   A red deteriorated nose nuzzled into my hair.

      Dirty nails caressed my freezing skin.

         Tears threatened to spill from my quivering eyes.

From behind me, I could sense Jack chuckle, it sending shivers down my already trembling spine. "Do you know how long I looked for you, my dear? 8 years. 8 years that I spent in agony and misery looking for you. Do you know how alone I felt, how heartbroken?!"

Jack shook me and I could feel tears of fear drip down my cheeks as I bit my quivering lip. "I'm s-sorry-y, J-jack-k. I w-wish t-that hadn't-t happened-d-"

"No matter. You're here and that's all that matters. You know I dedicated this year just to you in attempt to get you here."

My eyes widened. "Do y-you mean-"

"Yes. I'm the Ringmaster that sent you the invite."


"I needed to express to you what I've been wanting to tell you for years."

"What's that?"

Jack swiveled me around to face him, I having to tilt my head up to meet his eyes since he was so tall compared to me. He smirked down at me, showing off his disgusting decaying teeth, as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear while his hand lingered on my cheek longer than I liked. "I love you."

My breath stopped short. "What?"

He leaned in closer, his smirk widening. "I love you, my darling. I've loved you ever since our days at Shadybrook."

I stared at him, my breathing turning to hyperventilation. I tried to run from my problem but an obstacle stood in my way and that was Jack's arm. "J-jack, please-e let me-e g-go-o!"

He just laughed by throwing his head back before bringing it back to face me. "Y/n, do you really think I'm going to let you go after I finally have you back in my grasp? I'm not that stupid, love."

"I-I want-t to g-go home-e!"

"You are home, sweetheart. Perhaps we can give you a more welcoming entrance later."

After he finished everything seemed to slip by in a blur. I suddenly felt Jack lean forward before placing his lips on mine. My eyes widened once more before they returned to their normal state and I tried to push him away. However Jack was smart enough to encase me in his strong arms so I couldn't escape. Rendering helpless I ceased my struggling which allowed Jack to move his hands to my hair where he tangled his fingers into my h/c locks. I couldn't breathe, Jack taking forever to enjoy his supposed bliss. Before I thought I would fall into unconsciousness Jack let go of my lips, allowing me to gasp in shallow breaths. 

As I tried to cease my beating heart and calm my hyperventilating self down, I could feel my eyes slowly close. First my vision blurred and then blackness creeped in. Before my vision completely submitted to the inky black, I could hear Jack hiss something close to head. Something that put my thought of escape away for the time being.

"You're not leaving, Y/n. Not here and not me. Ever."  

~Coulrophobia~ Yandere!Jack the Clown X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now