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+Chance's POV+

After Jack had left me I sighed. I looked down the hall to the room Y/n was in before looking back down the hall that my love had left only a few seconds ago. Clutching my head I also clenched my teeth, allowing a muffled scream to pass through. I threw my hands down and let the tears of frustration gather in my eyes as I struggled with my decisions. Looking towards the end of the hall with Y/n I let my fingers intertwine before whispering, "I want to help out my friend from the monster that has taken her."

Looking back at the other end of the hall I let my hand drift upwards, almost as if I was reaching out. "But then I want to help and love the monster. Without him I'm nothing."

I could feel the tears running down my face as my mind raced between the two, it swirling deeper and darker. Sighing I decided to go with my gut and help Y/n. Heading towards the kitchen I made a cup of tea, the smell calming me as I smiled. Gazing down into the light brown liquid and cream I could see myself and Jack together, us giddy with excitement. The memory brought a smile to my face but soon the image disappeared, sending a frown to my lips. It seemed even when trying to help out a friend my relationship with Jack spurred my thoughts. Huffing, I grabbed the cup and headed to Y/n's room, my heels clicking against the concrete and filling up the deadened silence within the hall. When I reached the door I knocked and waited for a response only to not get one. Slowly opening the wooden barrier I saw Y/n was laying in bed, the covers pulled over top of her. She seemed asleep so I quietly set the cup on the nightstand next to the bed. I looked down at her and frowned. How could such a woman like this be swept up in a situation such as this? Oh who am I kidding. This is Jack you're talking about, Chance. You yourself know how he thinks and what to expect from him.

Lost in my thoughts I failed to see the h/c awaken and look about. "Chance?"

My gaze looked down at her, her body shifting underneath it. Slowly I sat on the side of the bed and looked at her, the silence eating the two of us up. We stared into each others eyes before I averted my gaze and allowed it to rest upon her hand sitting on the plush of the blanket. The hand was wrapped in gauze and looked black and blue. I realized then it was the hand that I hurt. Gently taking it in my own I rubbed the knuckles, knowing that always calmed me, before looking back up at her. "What did he do to you?"

Y/n seemed to go uncomfortable as I watched her shift before looking back up at me, tears decorating her lashes. "He...he took away my mobility. There's no way I can heal fast enough to escape. Even if I did my broken leg is going to be messed up for the rest of my life."

She took her free hand and ran it through her hair. She sighed and rubbed her eyes, either trying to rid of tears or sleepiness. "Listen, Y/n. I know I may seem like a jerk but I'm grateful for you standing up to Jack for me. Without you I'd have been probably beaten up pretty badly. In return for your kindness I'll help you escape."

E/c orbs quickly bore into mine as she gave a genuine smile. "You'd do that for me?"

I nodded before I was brought into a hug. I gave a small smile due to not having felt affection for the longest time. As we savored each other's embrace Tiny interrupted. "Oh! Hello, Tiny. What is it you need, puddin?"

"Jack wants Y/n to visit him."

I looked at Y/n who in turn sighed heavily. "Tell him I wish to not see him."

"Jack thought Y/n would say that so he forced me to drag Y/n there."

Suddenly Tiny seized the poor girl and began to pull her out of bed towards the door, I standing in vain to stop him. That's when I saw them. My eyes widened and I gasped as I looked upon Y/n's legs. The one a deep and rich purple with tints of blue and black while the other was lobbed off at the thigh, a small piece of cloth soaking up blood. Upon seeing these new found injuries I growled and took hold of Y/n's other hand and tugged, this action causing Tiny to turn around. "Tiny, please don't take away Y/n. She needs to see Albert! I mean just look at her legs, she's unable to walk!"

The strong man looked down and after a few seconds he nodded. Carrying the h/c girl in his arms he began to walk out the door, I quickly followed him. "Chance, what about Jack? He'll be ticked off about this entire situation!"

"I will not let him touch you, Y/n. I'll take the blame for it as it is my idea."

"If you do that you'll be beaten-"

"He's done worse to me, Y/n. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"


She didn't offer a reply back. The rest of the trip was silent besides the clicking of our boots against the gravel and the trees rustling in the wind. 

When we arrived at Albert's house the elderly man was already outside tending to his rose bushes. He didn't seem to notice us so I cleared my throat, gaining his attention. His gaze fell upon Y/n and her legs, him simply nodding and starting to head inside with us close behind. I had forgotten how beautiful the house was indoors as I was almost always with Jack and his bright colorful nature. The wooden steps creaked underneath our feet as we arrived in the basement, the dim lighting making the place seem complete. Tiny set Y/n on one of the metal tables, goosebumps trailing along her flesh, before Albert began to examine her. 

~Y/n's POV~

My skin tingled as Albert delicately ran his pale slim fingers around my newly deformed legs while his face set into a frown. "I take it Jack had an outburst?"

I nodded. "Hmm. It seems that Jack made a precise cut but he didn't clean the wound very well. I'll have to disinfect it and make sure all is tidy before I can give the rest of my examination."

The elderly doctor began to walk away but I stopped him with my voice. "Albert."

"Yes, Y/n?"

"Do-do you think I'll ever be able to walk again?"

Silence filled the room for what felt like an eternity, all three of us staring at the silver haired man. With a sigh he turned and looked at me, his gray eyes piercing my soul. "If I was to be perfectly honest with you Y/n, I think the only way is to have you on a prosthetic leg and making sure your other leg heals right. If not then we might have to make some drastic decisions."

My eyebrows creased before my gaze fell to my lap, understanding what he meant. The dreaded silence continued as Albert disappeared before coming back with a bowl of water and a rag. Taking the dried and now deep crimson cloth off, the elderly doctor began to clean my wound up. I cringed as I saw that Albert was right: Jack had made a perfect cut.

After cleaning my now stubby leg up with the rag, the good doctor wrapped some fresh gauze around both my leg and my wrist after putting some ice on it. "There we go, that should be it. I should have your prosthetic done soon too."

"Thank you, Albert. For all that you've done."

"No problem, Miss Y/n."

"We'd better get going, puddin. We don't want Jack getting on our tail."

Helping me stand up, Chance and Tiny wrapped their arms around me and walked me out of the basement and to the porch. I smiled as moonlight hit my eyes when my smile was instantly replaced with a frown. There in the moonlight spotlight was my worst enemy, his golden eyes burning with anger and rage as his arms crossed over his chest while he growled.

That's when I knew I wasn't going to hear the end of this.   


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