The Ironic Henchman

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~Your POV~

The next time I awoke the sun seemed to be shining through the curtain, causing me to yawn and stretch. However in the middle of my stretch the sound of a soft honk made me jump a little, which in turn made me accidentally flick Jack in the nose, the honk erupting once again. Jack just opened his eye and looked at me, I giving him a small wave with my fingers. "Seems like somebody's awake."

"Heh. Um, yeah. S-sorry to wake-e you."

"It's no big deal. I have to get up anyway. I guess my nose is a good alarm, aye?" He said giving me a smirk.

"If you're trying to make me laugh it isn't going to work."

"And why is that?"

"You took me from my friends, the life I know! You could never get me to love you!"

"I'll make you eat those words, dear."

Jack reached up his hand to caress my cheek but I turned my head away and looked at the light sliding through the curtains. The mattress lifted a bit as Jack got up. As I heard his footsteps retreat I removed myself from the blankets and quickly made my way towards the door. I jiggled the doorknob only to find it was locked. Dammit! 

I hit the door with a fist, a scruffy masculine voice breaking the sound of my defeat. "I knew you'd try and escape. It's understandable, all my victims do it. However I'll teach you not to escape and soon you'll be only listening to me."

Jack ran a finger along my jawline, his nail scraping lightly against my skin. I growled and lifted my head away from his grasp. "You'll never convert me."

He just chuckled, that chuckle sending shivers down my spine. "Every human mind breaks, Y/n. You should know this. Besides all minds break at some point, some more stubborn than others."

I huffed and turned away, Jack wrapping an arm around my shoulders and leading me out of the trailer once more. Once again that day we walked on the gravel road, Jack's grip tighter than it was a few minutes ago. We continued to walk the same path however this time we took a right instead of staying straight, ending up at what appeared to be a large warehouse. Light sparkled in as Jack opened the door before leading me inside, him turning around and scanning outside before shutting the door. Looking around it seemed the place was deserted, circus type supplies littered here and there. "Why are we here, Jack?"

"Unfortunately I have to tend some business matters and I cannot bring you along."

Inside I smiled. Yes this creep was leaving me alone! I could escape and find Byf/n!

"So that's why I am leaving you in the care of my henchman, Tiny. Tiny, come on out!"

I could feel my heart crush as once again escape was futile. "Tiny, get your ass out here!"

Suddenly I felt another presence in the room. Craning my head I saw a tall, muscle-bound man who simply wore a black apron, gray pants, black boots and black arm braces. Despite all these adding to his creepiness factor the main thing was the executioner styled hood covering a majority of his face. "Y/n, meet Tiny. Tiny, meet Y/n."

I held out my hand, it shaking in fear. "Aw don't be afraid, dear! He wouldn't hurt a fly that is unless I told him to!"

In response Tiny grabbed me in a hug, careful not crush me in fear of Jack. Setting me down Tiny gave a huge grin which I gave back to him. "Now you watch over Y/n for me, Tiny." Jack suddenly grabbed the huge man by the apron strap and whispered something in his ear which I couldn't hear but Tiny nodded his head rapidly. Jack let go and began to walk of before turning once more towards my babysitter and I. "I'll see you later, Y/n. Be a good girl for Tiny, alright. I wouldn't want to come back and see you in any harm."

~Coulrophobia~ Yandere!Jack the Clown X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now