The Good Doctor

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~Your POV~

After what felt like an eternity of having my eyes closed, I opened them slowly. Blinking a few times I removed the blurriness from my vision as I studied my surroundings. I couldn't tell exactly where I was but by glancing up I knew I was somewhere with a roof. Looking back down I glanced to the side to see a window with a shade closed over top of it, moonlight slipping through the small cracks. As I shifted to my side I felt an arm wrap around me, pulling me close to a warm body. It took all my willpower to not cry out so I bit the inside of my mouth as I glanced over my shoulder. I couldn't really tell who was behind me but a curl of orange hair spelled it out for me. Slowly but gently I grabbed Jack's hand and began to remove it from my torso. However a rough growl from Jack's throat made me stop and let it hang limp around me before he nuzzled his head into my neck. 

My lip quivered as I tried to move away but the insane clown wouldn't allow it. I closed my eyes as his husky voice purred into my ear. "Good morning, love~ How did you sleep?"

"Good I-I-I guess-s. H-how long was-s I-I out-t?"

"Oh only for a few hours."

"I-I see-e. W-well Jack, I'd better-r get-t back-k to my-y friends-s."

I pushed away Jack but I screamed when I felt my wrist pulse with pain. I clutched it near my chest as tears formed in my eyes and I bit my tongue to stop the erupting scream from coming. Jack instantly sat up and gently took my hand to examine it. "Hmm. It seems like you fractured it but we should have my good friend look at it. He's an expert at this sort of thing."

I could only nod as my wrist throbbed in pain. Jack stood up and disappeared for a second before reappearing in his signature red leather duster. He uncovered me before helping stand up and guiding me out of the trailer that we had seemed to be sleeping in. My eyes blinked and adjusted to the new found light of the moon as Jack and I trekked along the gravel path. "You don't suppose that when Chance threw you that it caused your injury, do you?"

"I have a feeling that's what it was."

"That bitch. I'll have to take care of her myself." He mumbled.

I stopped Jack and looked at him. "Please don't. I'm sure she didn't mean it."

"And you know this how?"

"It's just a guess."

"Y/n, you don't seem to understand. When somebody hurts you they need to be punished. They need to learn their mistake."

"Sure it was an accident but please don't hurt her, Jack!"

He just glared down at me, considering the idea, before continuing to walk while dropping our conversation. I simply sighed and followed behind.

As I followed Jack's booming footsteps, I looked down to see that I was in a completely different outfit. Instead of the clothes I had worn to the park I was now dressed in a baggy black shirt with the logo for the event and f/c shorts. Did Jack change me?

The thought sent a shudder down my spine but I continued to follow the psychotic clown

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The thought sent a shudder down my spine but I continued to follow the psychotic clown. After a while we approached a worn down looking house with the lights fluttering in the windows. The house itself looked Victorian and the dimmed lights just added to the creepy effect. Jack opened the door and turned back to me, smiling. I walked up to him, his hand extending to the opened doorway. Taking his advice I walked through, Jack following behind after he shut the door. "Albert! Albert, where are you?"

Silence met the two of us before the creaking of stairs caught our attention. Looking up I saw an elderly man with shoulder length gray hair and piercing grey eyes. He yawned and rubbed his eye sockets, almost as if we had disturbed him from sleep. "Jack, what are you doing here? It's 5:00 in the morning."

"Does it look like I give a flying fuck?"

The man, Albert I presumed, sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well since it seems you are not leaving, what is it you want?"

"I need you to examine Y/n's wrist. I believe Chance broke it."

"I see. Well I'll meet you in the Infirmary. I just need to grab a few things."

I watched Albert walk back in the darkness behind him as Jack took my good wrist and led me to the Infirmary. The room itself was quite large, a few metal gurneys strewn about with tables of medical supplies, and the awful stench of death. The flamboyant clown had me sit down on one of the metal tables, the cool metal bringing me goosebumps. A few seconds later Albert came down the steps with a black leather bag by his side, which he set beside me. "Which wrist is it?"

"The right one."

Albert gently took hold of it, weighing it in his cold hand. "Hmm."

He then proceeded to turn it every which way, some earning a whimper from me others earning just a 'hmm' from him. Meanwhile Jack just stood leaning against one of the tables watching with keen eyes. At last the Good Doctor let go of my hand before walking to grab supplies. "Well you were correct in it being fractured, Jack."

"When do you think it will be fully healed?"

"8 weeks. 8 at the bare minimum. During that time you'll need to keep this around her wrist until I can make up a cast."

"I see."

"But for now this should do it."

As the two men were talking, Albert wrapped some gauze around my wrist firm but gently to keep circulation going. "I recommend putting an ice pack on it at least a once a day also. It will help bring the swelling down. If any pain is administered you should give her normal pain medicine."

"Thanks, doc. We'll let you get back to whatever you were doing."

"Thank you, Dr Albert."

"It's no problem, Miss Y/n. It's just my job." He said giving a slight bow.

Jack wrapped an arm around my shoulder and led me out of the house and back to the trailer. Ushering me back into bed, Jack removed his red leather duster to reveal an old, dirtied tank top and took off his boots before hopping in right next to me. He snuggled close to me, wary of my hurt wrist. As he sat his head atop mine I called out to him. "Yes, Y/n?"

"Thanks know."

"It's no problem, love. I want you to feel better."

"B-by any c-chance did y-you see-e me n-naked-d when-n y-you changed-d m-me?"

I heard Jack chuckle, his chest moving against my chest. "No I was good boy, even though I wanted a peek so badly."

I blushed and hid my face away earning a laugh from my clown captor. "You never cease to make me laugh, my dear. Well it's late, we should get back to sleep. Good night, Y/n."

He gave me a kiss to the forehead before wrapping his strong arms around me and falling asleep, his mouth emitting small snores. I gave a small smile before closing my eyes and succumbing to the lighter darkness.         

~Coulrophobia~ Yandere!Jack the Clown X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now