Chapter 13

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Noel's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and streched sleepily, elbowing somebody in the face.

"Umph." Harry groaned, wiping the sleep from his eyes and turning to look at me with puzzled eyes.

"Sorry baby." I laughed softly, stroking a stray curl back from his forehead as his cheeks blushed a light shade of pink. Wait...I'm wearing one of his famous black shirts, and I'm sure I didn't get changed last night.

"Did you undress me last night while I was asleep?" I asked as he looked nervously at me from the corner of his eye.

"Um, well yes I did but I didn't look or anything. I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable while you slept." He reasoned.

"I don't mind, I just wondered." I replied as he smiled warmly, one dimple showing.

"Oh good, I'm glad you're not one of those stupid girls that think they're fat. Then again, you have no reason to think that; you're perfect." I blushed and hid my face in his chest.

"Says you." I mumbled, my voice muffled by his bare chest...oh shit...what was he WEARING?! I cautiously lifted the duvet and peeked underneath the covers. Oh jesus he was only in his boxers. I must not fangirl. He's not just Harry Styles anymore...he's your boyfriend. I looked up, expecting Harry to be laughing at me, but instead he was staring into thin air with a look of sadness on his face. I pulled myself further up the bed, he was too tall for me to reach him, and softly carded my hand through his curls.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked quietly.

"I'm just having one of those days. I feel a bit down and you're saying I'm perfect, when it's obviously not true, no one else thinks it. And that makes me wonder if you just want me for my fame and money, because after all you did get me to sign that contract, and why else would you want to be with me?" I was a little hurt that he thought I was only with him for his status, but I pushed that aside and tried not to be selfish for once.

"Harry, I'm not going to say I love you, because it probably wouldn't be true yet, we haven't known each other long enough, and I want to make it special when it is. What I will say though is that I really care about you, not about your fame, and definitely not your money. I would care about you just as much if you were a poor, homeless guy on the street. It would have just been a lot harder find you. And you saying you aren't perfect and that no one thinks it?! I'm sorry Harry, but that is total bullshit! Do you know how many millions of girls out there adore you? I'm just one of them, I should be the one feeling insecure, there are billions of girls out there prettier, slimmer, kinder than me, that you are gong to meet on tour, in the street, everywhere and you will get bored of me eventually because I am me and you are perfect!!" My voice cracked on the last sentence and I was breathless after my rant and I didn't realise I was crying until Harry wiped a tear from my cheek with the back of his hand. I looked up just as a single tear escaped from the corner of his eye making a perfect trail down his perfect face.

"Really?" He whispered brokenly, looking down at me. I tilted my face up to his and gently pressed a kiss to his nose as he giggled childishly. My stomach gave an embarrassingly loud rumble and I tried to hide the disgusting sound with a loud cough.

Harry's P.O.V

Just as I was about to ask Noel about tonight, her stomach growled impatiently and she tried to cough over the sound. I laughed loudly as her pale, delicate skin turned pink from her hairline to the bottom of her neck. As I looked at her flushed skin I noticed that the neckline of my t shirt had been tugged down to reveal more skin than it should have.

"Haz?" Noel asked quietly. I cleared my throat awkwardly. Well done, Harry. That's not going to creep the fuck out of her then, ogling her. Urgh.

"Would you like me to make you breakfast?" I asked, totally randomly, breaking the silence. Oh Jesus, my voice was so god damn raspy and weird in the mornings. I bet she hates it.

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