Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V

I dragged Noel into the stock room laughing silently when she turned around with fear in her eyes, only to see it was me. But the fear didn't go from her eyes. She started to panic even more.

"Maddie, Maddie why is she still scared, Maddie what's going on?!" I asked her friend as she turned Noel around to face her.

"Shhh, it's okay, it was just Harry, he was just messing around. Come on it's okay, you're safe, I'm here. Breathe. Take a deep breath." Maddie instructed Noel, holding her as she started to breathe more evenly. I looked frantically at Louis as if to ask what I should do. When Noel was back to normal Maddie turned back to me with a sigh.

"Noel suffers from panic attacks, she hasn't had one in a while but if something scares her then it can trigger it. Big crowds, extremely loud situations, that sort of thing and if it's serious then-"

"Maddie" Noel cut her explanation off in a warning tone.

"No tell me, I want to know, please." I begged.

"It's only happened once before." Maddie reasoned but I gave Noel my puppy dog face.

"Well once, it got really bad and I had a fit and ended up going to hospital. I was unconscious for three days." She mumbled so quietly that I almost didn't hear her.

"Oh my god." I said, holding my head in my hands. "I could have put you in hospital." I felt so guilty and started to sob. I felt a small, hesitant hand touch my shoulder gently. I knew immediately that it wasn't Lou. That meant it was...looked up..

"Noel..." I breathed as she pulled me into her arms. She rubbed my back comfortingly as I cried for a few minutes.

"You shouldn't be the one comforting me, you just had a panic attack." I hiccupped tearily as she gave an adorable giggle.

"I'm used to it, you however are not, I comfort whoever needs to be comforted." She smiled softly. I think she was the nicest person I'd met. I was conflicted as to whether I should ask her what I wanted to or not. Aahh, fuck it, I thought.

"So Noel, Louis is staying at mine tonight anyway so you and Maddie are welcome too. But only if you want to, I mean you don't have to, I don't want to pressure you or anything..." I trailed off at her laugh.

"You're almost as bad as me earlier." She threw her head back and laughed as I admired her. Not to sound like a pervert or anything...She looked at her best friend for confirmation before turning back to me.

"We would love to stay if you'll have us." She said and I sighed in relief.

"We should go now, I've had enough of manky store cupboards for one day." I said smiling and taking Noel's hand in mine. It fit in mine like it was made just for me. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to marry this girl after all. She really was something special. We walked out through the back entrance and I looked at my watch. Jesus, we'd been in a cupboard for over two hours; it was already six in the evening! I looked up when I felt Noel's grip on my hand tighten. Oh for Christ's sake - we were surrounded by hundreds of teenage girls. I saw the fear in her eyes and had an idea.

Noel's P.O.V

There were so many girls and they were all screaming and pushing me as Harry let go of my hand. I nearly screamed but he bent down in front of me as if to give me a piggy back. He looked at me encouragingly.

"No Harry I can't, I'll be too heavy, you'll hurt yourself." I hissed as one of the shouts from the fans stood out to me.

"Yeah you are too heavy, you fat bitch, you don't deserve him. You're nothing." She spat at me, her eyes filled with menace. Harry scooped me up bridal style as tears dripped from my face. I buried my head in his chest, hoping he wouldn't see me crying.

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