Chapter 26

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of Noel running to the bathroom to be sick again. Nice. I could not believe she was pregnant. Neither of us could. I yawned and stretched my arms in front of me, sighing at the ceiling before turning to my bedside table and clicking the home button on my phone to check the time. It was quarter past ten, the closest I had gotten to a lie in all week. Noel wandered back in through the door and grimaced when she saw that I was awake.

"Sorry if I woke you up again." She said, clambering back onto the white bed sheets and lifting my arm up, before crawling under it, curling into my side.

"No, you didn't don't worry." I lied, pulling her closer to me and kissing the top of her head.

"I wonder if Lou sorted everything out with Maddie." I mused as she looked at me.

"They probably did, you know what they're like." She laughed, pushing her hair back from her face as I heard a loud growl come from my  stomach.

"God, I thought there was a bear in our room for a second!" She joked. "Come on, lets go and get some breakfast."

I childishly stuck my tongue out at her and tugged her hand to help her out of bed. We walked through the living room to get to the kitchen an I heard Noel giggle quietly, pointing to the sofa. Maddie and Louis were lying next to each other, their legs tangled together with his arms around his girlfriend. I let out one of my loud, explosive laughs and immediately slapped a hand over my mouth as the sleeping couple sat up, surprised and now wide awake.

I pulled an awkward apologetic face as I backed into the kitchen, still holding Noel's cold hand.

"Jesus, why are you so cold, it's boiling in here for once?" I asked incredulously.

"Shut up, Haz. You know I'm always freezing." She said, lightly slapping my arm." I grinned and walked towards the cupboard while she lifted herself up onto the sideboard and sat down, watching me.

"Well are you going to help me, or not?" I asked even though she never helped me cook.

"Nope. Just get on with it." She smirked mischievously as I mock glared at her, putting down the milk that I'd just gotten out of the fridge.

"How very dare you." I said, slowly walking towards her and making my face angry as I held my hand behind my back.

"Make me." She said, leaning in as I pretended to kiss her, but brought my other hand up behind her back and opened it, the flour making her hair look grey as I rubbed it in. She gasped loudly and spluttered, trying to get it out of her mouth.

"Bitch, it's on!" She said, jumping off the counter and putting her small hand into the bag of flour, throwing it at my shirt. I laughed as we threw handfuls of the white powder at each other, her looking like a snowman seeing as her hands were too small to get enough of it to cover me. In the end,. she got fed up and grabbed the half full bag, simply throwing it at me, making me laugh even harder. Her whole face was coated apart from her open laughing mouth as she yelled that she needed a wee.

"Oh God Harry, no stop it, I'll wet myself!!" She yelled as I held her back from the toilet. I eventually let go and she ran through the kitchen, still giggling. Just as she reached the door, she slipped on a layer of flour left on the floor and she fell, right on her stomach, banging her forehead on the way down.

"Can I just ask why it looks like a Winter Wonderland in here?" Louis asked, walking in and looking confused when he saw me run across the room, but soon seeing Noel on the floor.

"Shit." He muttered as she started to sit up, wincing a little.

"Are you okay, baby? I'm sorry, it was all my fault again. God Almighty I'm not fit to be a dad." I said, bringing her into my arms.

"Haz." She said, and I pulled away a little to look at her again. She tugged on my hand and put it on her stomach as I gave her a confused frown. You still couldn't really tell that she was pregnant so my large hand covered the whole of her midriff. I was still confused, and started to pull my hand away, but she stopped me with a small shake of her head. I was wondering what kind of point she was trying to prove until I felt a small push against the palm of my hand. I jumped in shock as Noel laughed softly, smiling the widest smile I'd seen on her and leaning back into my chest as the pushing continued.

"That's our baby." She said, softly kissing my jaw as I felt I smile spread slowly across my face. Our baby was kicking. Our baby. My thoughts were interrupted by 'aww'ing sounds from the doorway. I looked up to see Maddie and Louis sanding there watching our moment with smiles on their faces. We stood up and we all walked to the glass table, pulling out chairs and sitting down.

"Is the baby still kicking?" Asked Louis, surprisingly.

"Yeah." Noel answered. "Would you like to feel?" She said and he laughed.

"That sounds weird, but yes please." He smiled. Noel reached out for his hand and placed it on her stomach and he grinned as we saw his hand move slightly, before pulling it away. Maddie walked over and felt the baby kicking too, before they sat down again and looked over to me and Noel.

"Have you had any ideas for baby names?" Maddie asked as me and Noel shared a glance, remembering our attempt at thinking of names.

"Umm, no not really." I smiled, looking back to them. Before either of them could reply, my phone started to ring from the other side of the kitchen.

"Just a second." I said, standing up and walking over to it, holding it to my ear as I walked out of the room.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, is this Harry Styles?"

"Um, yes it is, can I ask how you got this number?" I replied, confused at the unfamiliar voice.

Your manager gave it to me."

He has no right to give out my private number!" I said angrily as the man chuckled throatily down the phone.

"Oh I think he did, considering you're apparently engaged to my daughter. Would this be right?"

It took me a while to register his words, but when I realised the extent of what he'd said, I dropped my phone onto the wooden floor, making a loud cracking sound.

"Harry, what was that?" Noel called as she walked out of the kitchen and towards me, but I was paralysed. "Are you okay, who was it?" She asked, sounding alarmed by this point as she gently touched my arm. All the commotion brought Maddie and Louis into the hall just as I whispered.

"It was your father."

A/N: Pretty bad chapter, I know but I'm trying to make them longer. Sorry for taking so long to update, but I've been ill (and still am). Thank you for over 1.1k reads!! Vote. Comment. - H x

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