Chapter 19

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Noel's P.O.V

When I dreamt of being reunited with Harry, it never turned out like that. He was still asleep when  I crept out of his flat, across the hall and into my own apartment to change clothes. I walked into my bathroom and took off my makeup from the night before. I changed clothes and decided to put on a face pack and paint my nails before going back to Harry's. Why not? Fifteen minutes later the face pack had dried and my nails were painted lilac. Splashing water on my face, and managing to get half of it on the floor I giggled and walked back to Harry's apartment, knocking on the door out of politeness.

He opened it, bleary eyed, but it didn't look like it was from tiredness. "Noeeell!!" He slurred, as my eyes widened in shock. "I knew I had imagined you. I saw you when I was drunk last night, so I decided - hey!! I'll get drunk to picture you again!!" He giggled, barely keeping his reddened eyes open as he opened the door a little wider to let me in. I hesitantly stepped past him and into the living room, shocked at what I saw.

In the half an hour that I had spent in my own home, Harry had managed to trash his perfectly tidy lounge. There were beer bottles littered across the sofa and a few on the floor. How much had he drunk?! I felt bad for leaving, that was what had made him drink so much. As I went to sit on the couch, a bottle got in the way. I lifted from under me, and my eyes widened when I saw what it was. A bottle of vodka, completely empty.

"Harry, how much of this did you drink?" I asked, gulping nervously as he laughed.

" 'Bout this much." He held his thumb and forefinger apart by about an inch. "Hahahaha, I'm only joking, I had all of it. Didn't want to risk you not comin' back." He smiled proudly at me, like a five year old that had gotten a gold star.

"Oh sit, Harry. I think you might need your stomach pumped or something!" I exclaimed as he let out a hiccup, swaying on his feet. His face crumpled from it's giant smile, into a mask of worry.

"I didn't mean to. I just wanted to see you again." He wailed, tears spilling from the corners of his eyes. "Just wanted to see you. Please don't leave me again." He muttered, almost childishly. He stumbled drunkenly towards me and more fell than sat on the settee next to me. I wrapped his large frame into my arms. It was me taking care of him for one as he sobbed into my t shirt.

"Ruined your pretty top." He mumbled. He really did seem like a cuddly little kid when he was drunk. He mumbled other bits and pieces of nonsense as I constantly shushed him in a gentle, comforting voice. He seemed to get a little sleepy again, so I decided to let him get rid of the alcohol that way instead.

"I love you, Harry." I whispered, kissing his soft, brown curls.

"Love you too, Noe." I jumped a little, not expecting him to still be awake, but just stroked his curls repeatedly until he slipped into slumber. The action was as comforting to me as it was to him and I soon felt my own eyes softly closing.


I woke up, feeling a soft tickling sensation on my eyelids, then my nose, cheekbones and finally my lips. I opened my eyes, squinting at the sudden brightness of Harry's living room and finding the source of the tickling sensation. Harry was tracing my features gently with the tip o his forefinger. He smiled when he saw that I was awake.

"I can't believe you're actually here." He mumbled in disbelief as I grinned back at him.

"Ditto." I came here to escape the memories of you, only to discover the real you." I replied. "Not that it's a bad thing. "I hastily added, earning a low chuckle and a shake of the head from him in response.

"I just-" He choked up. "I thought you were dead for five years. "Five fucking years." He repeated, his voice cracking as he pulled me closer and buried his face into my neck. Suddenly, he pulled back and looked down at me on his lap with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"We should go to the club to celebrate our reunion." He smiled hopefully at me, his dimples showing adorably, and who was I to say no to that?

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