Chapter 10

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Noel's P.O.V

I was lying in bed, with my head on Harry's chest and his arm wrapped around me, wondering how to bring up the steadily approaching deadline of our inevitable wedding.

"When do you think-"

"What do you want-" We said at the same time and burst out laughing.

"You firs-" We began again, my giggles getting louder.

"Oh my God, I need a wee!!" I yelled, running out of the room while Harry's laugh was getting hysterical.

"Other way!" He shouted after me as I turned and ran the opposite way down the corridor and pelted into the bathroom, slamming the door and sighing as I relieved myself; only then realising that I had just yelled that I needed a wee in front of Harry Styles. Well that's embarrassing. I took my time in washing and drying my hands as I reluctantly walked back down the corridor and stepped inside the door sheepishly.

As soon as Harry saw me, he burst out laughing and, as usual, I blushed bright red and became stroppy, resembling a small child.

"Stop teasing me." I sulked when he tried to pull me towards the bed, him sitting up towards the edge.

"Aw, I was only joking, babe. I thought it was cute." He gave me a cheeky grin, dimples and all, befroe realising what he had called me.

"Babe, hmm?" I asked, smirking evilly; time for revenge. It was his turn to blush furiously, but I stepped forward, his hands falling into place on my wide hips as I stood between his legs. He began to stutter out an excuse but I interrupted him.

"I quite like it, it's...cute." I said.

Harry's P.O.V

Noel was standing between my legs, looking unbelievably adorable in fluffy pyjamas with her hair tied up from her face, and I couldn't resist pulling her forward and gently tugging her head down, connecting our lips in a soft kiss. It only lasted just over a second, but it was perfect.

"That was my first kiss." She muttered, touching her lips with the tips of her fingers, almost disbelievingly.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry, I took you first kiss, shit sorry, I just assumed you would have been kissed before, I'm so sorr-" I gushed, as she moved the hand that had just touched her own mouth, to cover mine.

"Shh, I'm glad you were my first kiss." She said, blushing cutely for the second time that morning. I relaxed and stood up, looking down on her a little.

"Well in that case, I'm surprised you've never been kissed before, but glad that I was your first." I smiled as she looked down, trying to hide behind her hair. She failed though, she had obviously forgotten it was still tied up. I tilted her face up to look at me and brushed her lips with mine again.

"And your second." Again. "And third." I repeated the action until she was a giggling mess, before chuckling and burying my face in her shoulder.

"Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss." I sang jokingly before grabbing her hand and tugging her into the corridor, her laugh echoing behind us.

Louis' P.O.V

I was watching Maddie dance around the kitchen to some crappy song.

"MIDNIGHT MEEEMMOOOOORIEEESSS!!!!" She dragged out. Oh wait, that's our song. Oops. I crept up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist as she squealed and turned around to face me, grinning happily. Without thinking, I leaned down and kissed her nose and she blushed as she took a sharp intake of breath. I was about to apologise, but she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned into my chest, hugging me when Harry and Noel burst into the kitchen, laughing with flushed cheeks.

Maddie raised her eyebrows suggestively at the same time as Noel tried to wink in an exaggerated way. She just ended up blinking weirdly, like she had something in her eye. Me, Maddie and Harry all burst out laughing as she stuck her bottom lip out and frowned, stamping her foot on the floor like a toddler.

"You're not allowed to tease me, Maddie. You know I can't wink." Noel sulked.

"Aww, Noe you know I'm teasing." Maddie and Noel smiled at eachother and hugged in the middle of the kitchen, giggling.

"You two are such close friends, it's cute." I remarked as they laughed.

"Talking of friends, where are Ty and Liv?" Noel asked, curiously.

"They're getting socialized with Niall and Liam, we saw them on our way down." Maddie turned to her friend.

"Actually I might go and get dressed and stuff if that's okay?" Maddie said, giving me a look I couldnt decipher.

"Oh yeah, me too." I saw what she was getting at but not sure why. Harry nodded, smiling and I followed Maddie out of the room. She turned on the stairs to face me before I could ask why we had to leave the room.

"They still haven't talked about the wedding yet and they need to." She cleared up my confusion.

"Ohhhh." I nodded, carrying on our journey up the stairs to get changed.

Harry's P.O.V

I turned to Noel, my face serious and she seemed worried until I spoke.

"We need to decide on a date for the wedding." I said as she nodded her head, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Yeah, I was going to bring it up earlier but I wasn't really sure how to." She replied. "I don't mind the date either, it's up to you - after all; this is my fault." She added, looking down at her hands guiltily as I felt my stomach clench.

"Don't feel guilty, please. You might have made a mistake at first, but I for one am glad I signed that contract." I smiled comfortingly, taking both of her small hands in one of mine. She smiled, a beautiful smile, and laughed softly.

"So when would you like the wedding to be?" She asked me.

"Well it's okay if you don't want to, but I've sort of always wanted to get married on Valentine's day. I know it sounds soppy." I replied, my face flushing a little.

"Well I think that would be perfect." She confirmed as my phone rang shrilly from across the kitchen. I stood up and walked to the other side of the kitchen.

"Hello, who's speaking?" I answered politely, as the voice that I dreaded hearing echoed down the phone.

A/N: This is a shitty chapter but oh well. I can't really tell how long it is because I'm on my tablet so if it's short I'm sorry - H x

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