Chapter 24

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Noel's P.O.V

I felt a rush of emotions flood through my brain as the doctor confirmed my suspicions. I looked over to Harry, scared as to what his reaction would be. His face was a blank canvas but his eyes showed a flipchart of feelings. After a few minutes of none of us talking, the doctor left the room to give us some privacy and Harry was the first to break the silence.

"Did you know this?" He whispered hoarsely, looking at me with hurt in his eyes.

"I had my suspicions." I replied, not looking at him, just staring at my hands.

"Why wouldn't you have told me, we could have sorted this out much sooner." He said. His words rang through my brain. Sorted this out?! This is a baby, our baby, not an object!

"I didn't tell you because I knew you'd react like this. You're going to try to get me to get rid of our baby I know it." I said angrily, tears pooling in the corners of my eyes. "I'm not killing a baby, leave me if you want but I won't do it." There was nothing but furious tears and anger in my eyes now, as I looked up into Harry's. Seeing the expression in his eyes triggered some stupid pregnant woman hormone in me and I started to sob uncontrollably as Harry walked towards me, trying to pull me into his arms for comfort but I kept stiff and he eventually gave up, standing on the other side of the uncomfortable hospital bed.

"I know that the way I phrased what I said probably wasn't the best, but I didn't mean what you thought I did." He spoke, sounding exhausted. "I meant we could have done a test, then come for a scan and I would have been here for you the whole time. I know we're still quite young and you may not think that you're ready for a child, but I for one am really pleased. And by the way I think you'll be a great mum." Harry smiled softly, walking back over to me and tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Harry..." I said quietly, my voice weak. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably and I sniffed repeatedly as I tugged fiercely on Harry's waist, pulling him towards me and wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face in his chest. "Stupid fucking hormones." I muttered, sniffing again.

"Thank you, I love you." I mumbled, my voice muffled by his t shirt. He played with my hair gently eith one hand, his other rubbing up and down my back soothingly.

"I haven't done anything but you're welcome and I love you more." He answered, bending down to kiss my forehead.

"Please can we go home now?" I asjed looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"Of course, babe." Before I could protest, he lifted me up into his arms and carried me out of the room and hospital, not bothering to tell the doctor that we were leaving.

"Harry!" I squealed as he chuckled, carrying me across the car park. "Harry, everyone's staring at us. Put me down!" I giggled, trying and failing to sound angry at him. He suddenly hoisted me onto his shoulder in a fireman's lift and I gasped, hitting his strong back with my fists. A sharp pain shot through my stomach and I flinched, groaning in pain. Harry noticed the change in ky voice and dropped me back into a bridal hold, worry crossing his face as I grasped my stomach with my hands trying to ward off the pain. I soon realised that we were right next to his car, and he unlocked it, sitting me gently in the front seat and taking my hands in his larger ones.

"What happened? What did I do? Oh my god, is the baby alright?!" He asked, concerned tears collecting in the corners of his eyes.

I winced in response and shook my head quickly.

"Oh no no no no no no. This can't be happening. Why me?" Harry mumbled, his face terrified with tears making streaks down his cheeks. He lowered his head near to my lower stomach and kissed it gently, whispering words that I couldn't hear properly. I bent my head down to his level and kissed his hair, listening to what he was saying.

"It's okay baby, you're fine see. I love you already, you know. Your mummy is trying to listen in to our conversation so I'll talk to you later." Harry was talking to my stomach like the baby could actualy hear him, it was making my heart melt seeing the way he spread his large hands across the width of my stomach and kissed it, before tilting his head up to face me and smiling lopsidedly at me, a single curl of hair falling onto his forehead.

"You'll be a great dad you know." I said, making him grin even wider and his dimples become even more obvious. To be quite honet, it was completely and utterly adorable.

"We should get you home now, and you can get some more rest." Harry spoke, his fingers still absentmindedly brushing againt my stomach under my top and his green eyes seeming even brighter than usual in the dim lighting of the car.

He walked around to his side of the car after closing my door and started the car, pulling out of the car park with our hands interlocked, my eyes fixed on his face while his were watching the road, occasionanally flitting back to mine and sending a small smile my way.

A/N: This is short again but it always is so I don't know why I say that anymore :') I'm a bit tipsy on champagne so it's not my fault if this chapter's shit haha sorry for any typos - H x

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