Chapter 17

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*5 years later*

Harry's P.O.V

I woke up suddenly, a cold sweat on my forehead was the only reminder of my reoccurring nightmares. I pulled back the white duvet from my body, stepping out of my white bed and into the black and white kitchen. Black and white were the only colours of my apartment, and I hated it, but I didn't deserve any more than that, I supposed.

I opened my medicine cabinet and took out two aspirin, dry swallowing them, desperate to rid myself of my banging headache, the result of a few too many drinks the night before. Wiping my hands over my face exasperatedly, I sat at my kitchen table, resting my head onto my folded arms and sighing. This was all there was to my life now, the same routine every day and night. Get up, take pills for my hangover, mope around all day, go back to the same pub every night and brush of the offers of various different girls that were nowhere near to what I wanted. I wanted a tall, curvy, brown haired, sarcastic girl that was my perfect match. But I couldn't have her. She had left me. And I guess that's what everybody I care about does. They all leave me eventually, but I deserve it, I deserve to be punished. I'm a weak person and I deserve to be miserable.

I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself, and walked into the bedroom, passing my bedside table, with my scruffy, brown leather journal sitting on it. I trailed my fingers over the cover, almost wistfully, before I picked it up, resting cross legged on my bed and picking up the black pen that was always next to my bed, for occasions like this. I opened the pages, flicking to the last one I had written in and started to scan my own hand writing. My overgrown, now more wavy than curly, hair flopped into my eyes, and I pushed it back on my forehead, only for it to fall back into it's annoying position. I leaned over and opened the top drawer in my bedside table, grabbing a black elastic headband, the exact same ones that Noel used to tease me about. I knew she adored it when I wore them, no matter what she tried to convince me. I didn't know why, but I was thinking more of her today than any other in the past five years. I needed to stop, I didn't even care about her anymore. At least, that was what I told myself.

I slammed the journal onto the bed, frustratedly acting as if it was a stupid book's fault that I was feeling this way. I stormed into my bathroom, turning the shower on and stripping off my t shirt and boxers and climbing in straight away. I leaned my head back into the stream of hot water, washing away my thoughts of Noel and anything but relaxation.

Noel's P.O.V

I climbed from the comfort of my warm bed, and walked towards my wardrobe, picking out the white shirt and black skirt I had been advised to wear for my new job, by my new boss. I had showered the night before, so I simply curled and brushed out my hair, leaving it in loose waves down my shoulders. I put on minimal makeup, just a small amount of blusher and some lip gloss. I hadnt bothered with my appearance for five years. It wasn't like I had anyone to try to impress anyway. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of any negative thoughts. It was the first day of my new job, in a new town where I didn't know anybody, and I would enjoy it no matter what.

I stepped around the boxes in my apartment, I had bought a new home in the hope that I could erase any memories of Harry. My new apartment block was about an hour away from here, and twenty minutes away from the small pub I had gotten a job at, as a waitress. I must admit, ehen I was younger and I pictured my 25 year old self, I thought my job might be a little more glamorous, but hey-ho it payed the bills - just about. I pulled on my black vans and made my way through the door, sighing as I unlocked the car door and started the 40 minute drive to work.

I was about half way there when I heard my phone go off, indicating that I had a text message. I scrabbled around in the passenger seat until I grabbed a hold of my phone and smiled as my screen lit up with a text message from my best friend.

Good luck at work today!! - Lou sends his love xoxo

Her and Louis were in a kind of on and off relationship, although neither of them had dated anyone else for five years (when they first got together) and they both quite obviously both wanted more, I don't think either of them had the courage to ask the other. I pulled into the car park of the homely pub that I was to call work from now on and stepped out of my car, locking it behind me. I quickly typed a reply to Maddie's message before tucking my phone away into my pocket and walked into my workplace.


My shift had just finished, and I had quite enjoyed talking to the people I served. Everyone in this area seemed so nice and polite, it was lovely and I was quite looking forward to moving near to here. I walked out of the door just as a tall, dark haired man stormed in. He seemed annoyed, but tired. He had stubble littered across his chin and upper lip, and dark sunglasses perched on his nose. He pushed past me, shoving my shoulder and completely ruining the reputation that the rest o the people of this area had earned. I flinched, and carried on through the door, rubbing my bruised shoulder and walking back to my car, ready for the long drive home.

Harry's P.O.V

I went to the same pub at the same time as always and ordered the same drink, surrounded by the same regulars as always. The difference was that today, as I had walked in, some girl had pushed past me. I didn't know her, and although I only caught a glance of her, I could tell she wasn't from this area. Hopefully I wouldn't see her again, the rude bitch. I downed my drink in one and ordered another, hoping to wash the events of the day away with alcohol.

A/N: I hope this is longer than the other chapters and sorry if it isn't aha, comment/vote pleaasee - H x

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