Chapter 4

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“Jesus dude, I thought you died!” Harry yelled dramatically as I laughed softly. Harry frowned. “What the heck happend to your lifeless mood?” He asked.

I wasn’t gonna tell him about Niall yet. What was there to tell anyways? Harry was only going to tease me, plus I had only seen the boy once and what was I expecting? I don’t even know why he was still in my head though because no person ever stays in Liam Payne’s head for long, plus, I’m straight.

As straight as a ruler.

“Since when am I not allowed to be happy?” I questioned as I rolled my eyes and grabbed a glass of soda, jumping onto the old couch. “I’m bored.”

“Where have you been all morning?” “Went for a walk.” “A 4 hours long walk.” “Since when ain’t that possible?” Harry sighed. “I never said it was wasn’t possible, but first you’re nagging going here and suddenly you’re out for a 4 hours long walk?”

I sighed softly. “I went to the church which appears to have turned into a library owned by my old history teacher.” I groaned. “Interesting.” Harry chuckled. “Yeah, I actually am very interested in history.. I always used to stay behind after class to read or listen to his stories.”

Harry smiled weakly. “So you weren’t always an stupid lazy pig ha?!” I huffed. “I’m not!” “Okay, maybe your not, but you started to become one! Maybe taking you here wasn’t that bad.” I just sighed.

No way I was gonna tell him he was right.


Returning to the library two days later I heard the faint sound of a basketball. Not the rough sound I used to hear. The ball constantly hitting the ground, shoes sliding over the ground making an annoying noise. It wasn’t like that. The pace of the ball hitting the ground was slow.

I walked to wear the sound was coming from and noticed Niall, who smiled as he threw the ball in the basket.

I didn’t quite get it. In the first place, why was he outside? Yes, the weather was great, but he seemed so pale, so shouldn’t he be resting. Second, he somehow appeared like the happiest guy in the world and how could you be happy being ill? It was something I couldn’t quite get my mind too.

He went to get the ball when he started coughing. It sounded awfull, worse then just a normal couch and he obviously was in pain. I was doubting wether to walk over and did so when the coughing lasted longer then it normally would.

“Niall..” He said softly as he looked up, eyes slightly teary as I wrapped an arm around his waist and gently dragged him along to the bench, sitting down there as he slowly seemed to get controll of his body again and breathe slowly.

“You okay?” He nodded slowly, appearing to still be out of breathe a little. “Maybe you should continue playing some other time and get some rest now.” He nodded, yet sighed annoyed. He probably was always stuck inside, probably reading books and the weather was nice.

“Oh, Liam!” Chris walked outside and smiled at him walking up to him, frowning when he saw Niall. “Aren’t you suppossed to be inside?” He asked, trying to sound mad, but he rather looked worried. Niall looked down like a scolded child and bit his lip looking down.

“Niall, you know what the doctor said for the coming weeks. Atleast an hour walk, but no sports..” Chris sighed softly. It was obvious that he felt bad for his grandson. I mean, practically Niall was risking his life not listening to what doctors told him, yet he goes out and play basketball. I couldn’t help myself but try and think of a way to help him and that’s just not how I am.

I’m Liam Payne, the rich boy in town who never helps anyone expect from his best friend Harry Styles and that’s were it ends. I don’t help strangers, don’t help my friends their friends, it’s helping myself or Harry and suddenly this boy pops up and I want to help him.

The Library Boy {Niam}Where stories live. Discover now