Chapter 18

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A/N: Heey guys. I wanted to apologize for not uploading in a while. I've been on holiday, been busy with getting stuff for college, since seriously, that is a lot to figure out here and much more, not to mention I've simply been too God damn lazy. 

I'll make it up to you by not putting a goal on this chapter (;

Harry's Pov.                    

“Liam wake up!” I’m upset. I honestly can’t believe that he turned to alcohol once again. He must have been truly upset about Niall.. He groans softly and opens his eyes looking somewhat shocked when he sees I’m here.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” I can’t help it but yell. He promised me not to do this again. Honestly, he refused to go to a clinic and it took me 8 months to get him off alcohol. 8 months that seem nothing anymore now he’s back drinking.

“You don’t have to yell ya know..” He slurs and he’s obviously drunk. “Why are you doing this?”  “A man needs a drink.”  He chuckles, sitting up only to fall back on the couch. “One drink yes! Not 10!” I spat, stealing the bottle he’s holding.

“You’re coming back with me.” He just scoffs and closes his eyes.

It takes me two hours to clean the apartment. Then I move upstairs to his bedroom and pack his bags, which I put in the car afterwards. It’s one hell of a task dragging Liam himself all the way downstairs (it appears the elevator is broken) and put him in the car. He sticks and it’s obvious he hasn’t been taking good care of himself. I open the window, with the hope I don’t have to make this journey being stuck with this awfull smell.

“What did you get yourself into.”

I sigh before driving off.


Niall's Pov.

“Are you sure you feel well enough for this?”  Zayn questions. I nod. I’m determinded to work my way into the school’s soccer teams and the auditions are today. I can’t afford to miss them. The stomach cramps aren’t as worse anymore and the sickness from this morning is gone. I have an appoinment at the hospital next week to find out what causes it.

Zayn has been kind of taking care of me these days. I’d sleep over at his place at Friday, but when I turned out to be ill he didn’t ditch me for the party we planned on going to, but actually came over with a fluffy blanket, meds, some popcorn and 10 movies we could watch as he spend the night with poor ill me and he didn’t even care.

He ended up staying all weekend to keep me company as we actually had quite alot of fun. He managed to distract me from Liam. Sunday, when I felt better we practised soccer. It’s too bad the school doesn’t have a basketball team, but soccer is fun as well.

“I am.”  I answer, smiling weakly as we walk into the lockerrooms. School has been quite great untill now. I’ve had fun talks, homework wasn’t even too bad considering I somewhat like studying now I finally can. After next week I’ll get extra tutoring for extra classes considering I missed out on alot through the illness, but I don’t mind.

I put my bag on the bench in the changing room, next to Zayn’s. I’m kinda nervous, but I try to ignore it. I’ve been wondering wether I’m good enough. I mean, it’s been a while and I’m probably completely out of shape. It doesn’t take long before more guys enter the changing rooms. “Heey Zayn. Haven’t seen you in a while.”  Zayn  chuckles. “Heey Nick. How have you been?”  “All good really, what about you mate?”  “I’m great.”  “Who’s the blondie?” “Oh, this is Niall. Niall, this is my friend Nick.” I smile weakly, wondering if I should introduce myself again, I mean, the guy knows my name by now.

“Nice to meet you.”  Nick chuckled. “Can’t remember seeing you around here. Did you change schools?”  I bite my lip. What do I tell? “Not really..”  Zayn looks at me, eyes asking for permission if he can tell the actual story and I gave a small nod that would probably go unnoticed for anyone who wasn’t actually looking for it. “Niall suffered from cancer for four years.” Zayn explained for me, which I’m gratefull for. The smile left Nick’s face straight away. “He’s better now, so we got him into school.” Zayn flashes me a proud smile and I can’t help it but smile back at him. I look at Nick who smiles at me weakly. “Beating cancer huh? If you can fight an illness like that and beat it, I’m sure you can take the whole field down.” I laughed softly. “I hope so. Not too sure.”

“Well, me being team captian this season once again, I’m going to decide who’s going to be on the team along with the coach and if you convince me, I’ll convince the coach.” A yell from outside could be heard, yelling that everyone had to “hurry the fuck up” cause they didn’t have all day. I frowned in suprise at the choice of words as Nick grinned at me. “The coach appears harsh, but he’s a nice guy when you get to know him. I’ll see both of you on the field.” He said, winking at me as he walked outside.

Me and Zayn followed soon after.

The auditions went pretty great untill my stomach started to behave all upset again. I kept playing though, not going to let this chance slip for  a bellyache. It kind of scares me though. I mean, I just managed to beat cancer, or well, get lungs just in time and I don’t wanna roll into somehting else. Atleast not straight away..

The ball comes in my way as I run to it. Reaching it, I start running to the goal and I’m nearly there when pain kicks on so bad I’m falling onto the ground, clenching my stomach. Nick was the first one to run into my direction. “Are you okay mate?” All I can do is shake my head. Zayn is the next one to kneel next to me. “Someone call an ambulance!” Is the last sentence spoken with an Bradford accent before I’m out.


“Is he okay?!” It’s absolutely Harry that just burst through the door. “He’s fine Harry. Calm down.” Louis told him. “Passing out isn’t normal! Do they know what’s wrong already?!” “No, we’re waiting for the doctor to return.” Zayn sighed softly. I hear how Harry sits down.

“Take it easy love. Everything is going to be fine.” Louis assured him. “Did you talk to Liam?” Zayn questioned, changing the subject. “Yeah.. He’s at the house.” Louis frowned. “If he wants to see Niall, then why isn’t he here?” “Well, I kind off.. Dragged him into the car. You see erm…”  Harry sighed. “Liam has struggled with alcohol before and I kind of found him drunk inbetween.. alot of bottles.” Harry sighed softly.

Louis frowned. “You never told me about that.” “Yeah, I know.. I promised Liam to keep it a secret. It had always been really hard on him and you know.. Some people would Judge him.” “You could have old us.”  Zayn sighed. “If he hadn’t been drinking again I wouldn’t even have thought of it. It was past then, you guys knowing about it wouldn’t have made any sense.” Harry muttered.

“Guys..” I open my eyes slightly to see three people looking at me with such worried expressions on their faces. “Gosh, Niall, are you alright?” Harry instantly asked. I nod slowly, not feeling any pain at the very moment.

“You really gave me a heartattack on the field just now man..” Zayn sighed. “Sorry..”  I mumble. “What happend..?”  I question, unable to remember for a moment. “You passed out at the soccer auditions.” “Right..” I sighed, remembering now in fact.

“What happend?” Harry questioned. “It’s just.. I got a really bad bellyache and just snapped out of it I guess..”  I mumble, watching Harry get even more worried. I really don’t wanna make them worry about me so much, but I guess it’s what life wants. I honestly don’t get why they still want to hang out with me.

Harry was about to probably let out another ramble of worries when the doctor entered the room. “Good afternoon. It’s good to see you woke up so fast mister Horan.” He commented, making me smile slightly. Maybe there’s nothing wrong. Maybe I’m just running a fever and maybe my body is just still weak and not taking it too well.

“I have the results from the test we ran about an hour ago when you were out.” I nod slowly at the new information. “You guys don’t have to worry about it being cancer since it absolutely isn’t.” I can’t help it but let out a shaky breathe in relief, hearing Zayn do the same.

He chuckles when he takes notice and I smile weakly at him. “There is, in fact, something else though.” He says, smirking slightly. He hands me a picture, black and white, making me frown.

“You’re pregnant.”

The Library Boy {Niam}Where stories live. Discover now