Chapter 2

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"I can't believe I'm doing this." I groaned, looking at Harry who just came back from the car and walked into the apartment again. "Come on, it can't be that boring." Harry smirked. "You're gonna regret this mate." I assured him, but he just shrugged and sank onto the couch. 

"I've never been someone who specially needs everything he has. I can easily go without all the luxury." Harry huffed, grabbing the remote controll, going through the channels.

"Well I do." I protested. I'm never getting into challenges with Harry ever again, I swear to God. I dumped the last items into my suitcase and sighed. "Ready to go?" Harry asked. Thank God he was driving, I would probably cause an accident by how frustrated I am right now. 

We haven't left yet and I already can't wait for the comming six months to pass.

"Whatever." I answered, rolling my eyes as I looked around my apartment once more. I eventually locked the door and moved through the hallway with Harry as we stepped into the elevator, going all the way down since my apartment was located on the top floor having a beautiful view over London anyone would die to have.

We walked to his car as I groaned. The wether was so awfully bad. Harry took my suitcase and dumped it in the back of the car as we both stepped in. I locked my seatbelt, looking at the window covered in stripes of water sliding down. I remember how I, as a kid, always used to pick to and make it a race which one would reach the end of the window fastest. 

Harry's car came to life as he started driving. It was gonna be an eight hours drive. I had taken some magazines and a good book. I used to read alot before I got popular in school. To keep your reputation you have to spend alot of time on having contact with people and appearing on certain party's and ofcourse I had to study, because if I got bad grades, dad will take my credit-card and that's the last thing I want to happen. 

Harry turned on the radio and hummed along with the familiar song that they would play every day for the last couple of days. How could they not get tired of it? It probably annoyed me because Harry had been singing it three days straight already. Singing in the car, humming it while doing his work in class, it was time he changed songs really.

I grabbed the book I had taken and smiled weakly at the cover. I've read this over ten times already and am fascinated by it every time I read it again. It's such a shame the writer died at a young age. As I was reading time passed by as I didn't even notice the car stopped. "Bro.." Harry mumbled. "I'm gonna go for a piss." Oh, what a choice of words for a rich boy. You'd say his vocabulary would be a bit more neat.

I nodded as Harry got out, doing his bussiness as he soon enough returned. 

After two more hours later we crossed the familiar sign with "Wolverhampton" on it as I sighed. It had been 8 years since I had been here. 

Last time had been when my grandmother died. She lived in a house close to ours at the time. 

"Here we are." Harry chuckled, like it was nothing more then a two days vacantion. I just groaned. Why didn't I just buy him a new car? 

Probably because I knew how pissed dad would be. I didn't understand why Harry put that as price on the bet anyways. He had a beautiful car which was properly functioning so... 

Harry drove onto the ramp of the house and smiled weakly. "I like the style of the build." He mumbled. The house was old and it absolutely showed off. It wasn't too big, but couldn't be called small either. I just sighed and got out of the car. It obviously had rained here, but luckily it was dry right now.

Harry stepped out of the car as well as we got our luggage and got to the house. My dad made sure someone cleaned all the dust away once a week, so I did expect a clean house. I walked to the door and unlocked it as we stepped inside. It indeed was neatly cleaned as the smell of old wood hang around like always. The wooden floor cracked slightly as we walked.

"Let's just bring everything upstairs straight away." Harry nodded in agreement as he walked upstairs. I would sleep in my parents old bedroom as Harry would stay in mine. 

After unpacking everything I let myself fall on the bed. For someone reason 8 hours of sitting worked exhausting. It was just like sleeping. If you stay in bed all day you'll eventually get tired of doing nothing at all.

I got downstairs as I realized Harry was cooking. "That might be another positive thing." I said with a smirk. "I don't have to cook for myself." "Not that you ever do." "True." Truth be told I, Liam Payne, am I horrible cook! I normally go with easy meals that pretty much anyone can make really or eat at someone else's place or order something. Everything's possible after all. I once wanted to cook for Harry and nearly set his kitchen on fire.

That might be the reason why he's cooking now, so I can't burn the house down since it would force us back to London where I prefer to be.

"So.. When does school start over here?" I asked softly. Harry was the one who signed us in so.. "Next week. The vacantion is still going on here." Well, atleast I had a week extra vacantion. That wasn't too bad, yet there was nothing to do around here, so I was probably gonna be bored.

Maybe I'd walk around tomorrow to see if anything had changed. As far as I could remember there only was a church, some shops, the sea and forest, not to forget about the local primary and highschools. I wasn't sure.

One thing I was sure about though.

These six months were going to be the worst.

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