Chapter 5

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Niall’s pov (What?!)

I smiled weakly as the wind played with my blonde locks. Liam pushed me forward. So there was something about me? I wonder what though.

It appears he doesn’t quite know himself either, so I guess I shouldn’t bother asking. It’s funny he said it though.

In fact, there was something about Liam too. Gramps told me Liam moved to London after his father made it in bussiness, causing them to have alot of money. They moved short after that.

Liam was bullied in highschool, so gramps told me atleast. He used to spend his breaks with him so they couldn’t pick on him as he’d read books or listen to Gramps stories, just like I have been doing since forever.

“So.. Have you always lived here?” Liam questioned, breaking the silence. “No, I used to live in Mullingar.” “Mullingar? “Ireland.” “Could have guessed that.” He chuckled as I smiled weakly. “Why did you move?” “Well.. Mom and dad are busy working to be able and pay for my medications and since there always needs to be someone watching over me I moved in with grandpa..”

I explained, sounding kinda timidly. I tried to not think about it and let curciousity take over.  “What about you? Where do you live?” I already know, but still, I want know everything in detail. That probably gives an idea of how curcious I am..

“Well..” Liam started off. “I was born here and moved a couple of years ago when my dad started to make alot of money and since I didn’t enjoy living at home that much I got my own apartment close to school.” He explained. “What does your apartment look like?” Probably luxurious, with everything you don’t actually need.

Ofcourse it gives a pretty look, but I would never want to live at such a place unlike to many others since I simply don’t care about money. I honestly, am convinced I would be able to live a happy live on the streets. Just the freedom you have means enough.

“Do you care about money?” I asked. “Yes.” The answer came out low and serious. “Why?” “Well, since I like buying stuff.” He chuckled. “Does that make you happy?” I didn’t face him, but I just knew he was frowning.

 “Ofcourse it does. Aren’t you happy with a new laptop?” He asked. I shrugged. “Happiness for objects normally doesn’t last long.” He fell silent and I assumed he was thinking about it.

Liam pov.

“Happiness for objects normally doesn’t last long.”

I fell silent at that one, because it actually made me think. There was so much truth in it. I bought a necklace, felt happy then bought another one because the one I bought before got normal.

“Then what does make you happy?” I ask frowning. I mean, there has to be something. He shrugged again.

“Small things.”

What am I suppossed to think about when he says that? “Like what..?” I asked softly. “Birds singing.. or feeling good enough to go on a walk by myself. I like to watch the sun go down, specially with a deep orange color and it really makes me happy if I get to see that.”

My heart dropped. While I was complaining about not having the newest clothes or gadgets this boy had been fighting for his life just longing to be able to go outside for once.

Niall’s loud coughing broke the silence all of the suddenly. I stopped walking. “You okay..?” I asked, as he nodded, yet kept coughing, obviously in pain and I don’t now why, but it actually hurts me to see him like this and I have no idea where the feeling is coming from.

“I wish I could make you better..” I whispered softly, his following answer suprising me.

“Well you can’t have anything you want.. Unless you deserve it.”


Niall’s words made me think. Did he mean I didn’t deserve it for him to get better, because I wanted it or did he mean he didn’t deserve it to get better himself, but why the hell not?!

Walking home from the church that has been what’s on my mind and nothing else untill Harry makes me snap out of it. “LEEEEEE-YYYYUMMMM!” He yelled, jumping onto me as I let out a yell in suprise.

“What the fuck Harry?!”I sqwuak as he leans back in me. “I got Louis’ number!”  “So..” “So now I can text him!” “So..” Is it me who thinks they would have seen eachother at school eventually again? It wasn’t like they met at a bar and wouldn’t walk into eachother anymore, yet exchanged phonenumbers to keep it touch.

Harry groaned. “Just be happy for me!” I just sigh and shake my head as I lay down on the couch and turn on the tv. “Pff, you’re so boring.” “Why don’t you go text your boyfriend?” “He’s not my boyfriend!” “Bet you want him to be.” I smirk as Harry throws a pillow at me.

“Geez, you on your period mate?” When Harry liked someone he became all giggly and eventhough it was cute, it could absolutely be annoying, like now. I get annoyed easily when I’m tired, you’d think he knew by now.

Harry just rolled his eyes and jumped on the other couch smiling when he heard his Phone, grabbing it from the table as he unlocked it. I shake my head and look at the tv. “Which book are you reading for English class?” Harry asked me. “Cyberbully. Niall suggested it.” “Niall?” Well fuck. “Yeah.. A boy I met at the library the other day.” “You never told me anything about meething someone.” He huffed. “What did I miss out on?!” He said curciously as I sigh.

“Well, practically my old history teacher now owns a library and Niall lives with him.” “Really? Maybe we and him and Louis could go do something fun this weekend like-“ “No option.” I huff, cutting him off. Harry groaned. “And why’s that? Don’t be such a party pooper. Come on Liam, it’ll-“ “Niall has cancer Harry. He’s unable to go with us.” I say, actually feeling bad about it, because come to think of it, I’d love to take Niall out..

For some reason.

My comment made Harry fall silent though. “You actually hang out with someone who practically is taken aback in what he can do and what not?” That really pissed me off. “So?!” “No no, there’s nothing wrong with that!” Harry defended himself. “It’s just.. not you.” He said and he was right.

This indeed wasn’t me.

Slow updates during alot of homework and exams coming up.


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