Chapter 22

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Dedication: Niams_Baby, cuz she/he is right (; 

Niall’s Pov.

Liam helped me dressed up. He was amazed seeing all the brand new (expensive) clothing in my closet as I explained it was Harry who bought it for me, along with half of the other new stuff in my room.

“I’m starting to wonder if he’s spoiling you because he’s secretly in love with you.” Liam joked making me laugh softly. “Last time I checked he was still in love with his “boobear” so I don’t think that’s the case.” I respond taking on the blouse.

I know me and Liam will have to talk things out eventually but for now I’m just going to enjoy the moment and be happy that he’s here with me and didn’t let me down. I mean, he could have just ditched me despite Harry telling him he was going to have a kid, but he didn’t and I think that’s prove that I can believe him when he says he loves me and that he’s sorry. I’m pretty sure he has a good explination as well.

“You ready?” Liam questioned. I nod and grab my phone, putting it in my pocket as I grab my jacket and then we leave taking Liam’s car to the restaurant. I’m nervous. I know my dad won’t go easy on Liam, especially not after I told them the truth. I’m pretty sure all of this was a big misunderstanding and I hope that they understand that too. It would have been better if me and liam had talked first before dinner, but that’s not the case so we will just have to deal with it for now.

Liam grabs my hand hesitantly and I squeeze it to let him know it’s okay. “I missed you.” He confessed softly, not taking his eyes of the road. “I missed you too.” I tell him, smiling weakly as he pressed a kiss to my knuckles. “You’re shaking.” He noted. “I know.. I’m just.. kinda nervous.. I don’t want my dad to be mean to you and I think he might be.. Considering I told him everything and such..” “Well, I get what I deserve.” “Liam, don’t talk like that please.” I sigh. Sure he has been wrong, but I don’t want him to feel fucked up, because I’m pretty sure those are the feelings that cause him to grab alcohol.

I make a mental note to start about that too, because he really has to quit, especially now there’s a baby on the way.“Hey, it’s gonna be fine yeah? I’ll try to kinda reason with him. I’m sure he wants the best for you and the baby and if it’s me that comes along with that, he’ll deal with it. I’m pretty positive with that.” He told me and yeah.. He does have a point there. Dad probably will.

We spend the next ten minutes in silence as he pulls off the road and parks the car nearly in front of the restaurants entrance. Liam opens the door for me, making me smile weakly. “You sure you are alright? You look kinda pale.” “Just a bit of a stomachache.” I tell him. “Not that I don’t want too go or anything, but if it’s bad I can go and tell them if we can do this some other time.” He explained. “No, it’s fine. I just won’t eat too much.” I tell him, getting out. “How about we share a plate?” He suggests, making me smile weakly at the offer because it’s really sweet and that’s the Liam I know.

The guy with the short but messy brown hair and the cool looking clothes that keep him in balance with those innocent puppy eyes. The guy that has before the latest events always been there for me and didn’t care about me being ill. I’m grateful for that. You don’t often meet people like Liam..

He grabs my hand again as we walk inside and I tell my name knowing we will be brought to my parents table. The man wearing quite a fancy uniform (which is funny because the restaurant itself isn’t that much of a big deal) leads us to the table where my parents are sitting.

My mom smiles weakly seeing us, my dad looks like there’s a bloody thunder cloud hanging above his head about to strike.

“Goodevening..” Liam said softly. “I’m Liam.” He says, shaking both their hands. “Oh I know. Heard alot about you.” My dad says with a sarcastic tone in his voice. “Dad, if you’re going to be like this I’m leaving.” I tell him, standing up for Liam. “Niall, we’re staying, come on.” Liam tells me before I can say anything else. He gets me settled and I sigh, stroking my stomach softly. “I can ask for something warm for your stomach you know.” He tells me, looking quite worried. “It’s fine.” I tell him, shrugging it off. Then the actual talking starts.

I’m suprised that my dad starts with asking such things as how we met, asking for more details then I let out yesterday. Liam simply answers them as they eventually start talking about his parents company. They’re actually… getting on quite well. “So.. When it comes to the baby..” My mom says softly.

“Look..” Liam tells them. “I know I made a big mistakes dealing with the situation the way I did. No excuses. But I’m here now and I’m not leaving again. I can  easily cover costs. As stupid as it sounds… I got all the money I need. I’ll also talk to my parents about this so it should be fine. Money troubles won’t be there. I’ll talk this out with Niall as well, ofcourse, but I prefer explaining everything to him first in person and I’ll take therapy for the remaining problems.” He stated, squeezing my hand under the table as he looks at me. I can’t help it but smile.

I’m glad I’ve got him back.


Dinner went way better than I could have imagined as Liam drives me home after we told my parents goodbye and thanked them for dinner. Again there’s a comfortable silence, considering I’m tired and not feeling too well.

“Liam..” I moan. “What is it love?” “Pull over.” “What? Why?” “Pull over!” I say a bit louder as he does so. As soon as the car stops I get out and throw up instantly. It takes two seconds for Liam to get out and hurry over to me. “Are you okay?” He asks, helping me up considering I dropped to my knees.

I nod, giving him a disgusted look because really, the taste I’m having right now is far from nice. “There’s a shop near. I’ll get you a coke and the we’ll drive home okay? I’ll stay with you tonight if that’s okay.”

I nod once again as I get back into the car.

After Liam getting a coke from the shop we drive home. I guess I’m half asleep because I’m aware there’s music playing, but I barely hear it. When the car stops I come back to senses as Liam opens my door and carries me out.

I allow my eyelids to sink down again, putting my head against Liam’s chest as I smile weakly. He’s here with me. Together with me. And we just had dinner with my parents. A dinner that went quite well. And I’m having his baby. I really don’t know what I would do without him. I love him so much. I’m sure we will figure out our problems, find a solution and Liam promised to get help for his drinking problem. I’m proud on him. I hope everything works out.

Actually, I know it will.


 “Morning.” Liam chuckles the next morning when I stir and open my eyes slightly. It’s weird waking up next to him again. Despite the fact he seems to be in quite a good mood, he looks exhausted. He looks slightly more pale then normally and has bags under his eyes.

“Goodmorning..” I mumble, stretching my body slightly as I rub my eyes. Luckily the stomach ache is gone. I hope I’ll be able to eat breakfast and keep it down for once. “How did you sleep?” Liam questions. “I slept okay. What about you?” Liam seems a bit hesitant before he says he’s fine, but I know better.

“You didn’t sleep at all, did you?” I sigh. “No.. I didn’t sleep at all. I eh.. Kinda got used to alcohol helping me sleep.” “Well, I’m glad you didn’t move out to get some.” I tell him honestly cuddling up with him. “Let’s stay in bed all day?” I ask him quietly, still feeling pretty sleepy myself. “Sounds like a plan.” He tells me, kissing my forehead softly as I smile.

He moved his hand under my shirt, stroking my stomach softly making me shiver. “I still can’t get my mind to the fact our baby is growing in there.” He mumbled against my neck. “Well, you better get used to the thought of it.” I chuckle. He slowly dissapears under the blanket as I soon enough feel his lips against my skin, pressing soft kisses on my stomach. “Don’t hurt Nialler.. You can be kick and scream when you’re outta there.” Liam mumbled.

I laugh softly. “So Papa Liam can deal with it.” I add as he comes above the blanket again. “I don’t think so.” He snorted.

Yeah.. This is going to work out.

Heey guys. I'm very sorry for the late update. I've been very busy with college and I've started a couple of other fanfictions too. I'm finally going to continue Cell Block 11 and I've started Transgender & Sex Club. You migh wanna check em out, they can be found on my profile ofcourse.

Question for dedication: Do you believe Larry is real? Why do you or why do you not?

Goal: 24 votes/ 10 comments.

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