This Is Pay Back.

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Alan's POV

" Are you sure? " I asked my PA Norman.

" 100% sure, sir. Our men saw her landing here. Even they are following her now. We will soon know her motive of coming here." He said I can't but smirk.

So, the Stratton Princess is here!!! Welcome, princess. Your bad luck is starting now. Countdown has been started. Welcome your bad luck. You are finished now.

Strattons were our closest friends. But they betrayed badly and made a huge amount of losses for Christos. No way, I am forgetting that. Just not this time. They later tried so many times to harm us, still trying. So, we got here one of their weaknesses.

But, it's very strange that they sent her Greece!!! How can they sent her here!!! When they know we are their biggest rivals. It can be a plan of their. No, we just can't let her go like this.

" OK, Norman. Follow her silently, keep eyes on her and report me every moves of her." I said checking my phone.

" Yes, sir. Anything else? " he said.

" Do everything silently, don't let her know that we are following her." I said and he nodded.

" You may go now. " I said and he went out from my cabin.

Oh! Let's see the Stratton princess, so that I can recognize her easily. I searched for Stratton family. There are they.

Umm, oh! Gabriel Stratton married twice. His first wife Annie Stratton was a fashion designer and my mom talked about her so many times even if she is no more. She worked with my mom and aunt Lucy at their clothing line. They were kind of friends. His second wife is Catherine Stratton. I can't select any good word for her, because she doesn't deserve. She is definition of such ladies who can do anything for money. She can even sell her children.

Well, Strattons have two Princess. The youngest one is Catherine's daughter Aurora. She is a cute little girl, very much look alike her mother, but still different. And the eldest one is Isabella Stratton. Her mother is Annie Stratton. Here her pictures are.

And the next moment I froze looking at the screen at the beauty who was smiling from the screen at me.

Her ginger red hair with blue pairs of eyes and a soft smile on her lips, making her heavenly beautiful. She was smiling but somewhere something was missing. I felt like she is forcefully smiling. I just kept looking at her.

Then I hard a knock on the door I turned at the next moment my mom Elaina Christos entered my office and she sat beside me on the couch.

" Hey, boy. " she kissed my cheek. I smiled.

" Hello, mom." I said.

" Girlfriend? " mom looked at Isabella and asked. " Oh, gosh! She is very pretty and beautiful. You should ask her" she winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

" She is Stratton princess. Isabella Stratton. " I said my mom got shocked.

" Annie's daughter? " mom asked taking the phone from me to see her closely.

" They have same hairs, same eyes." Mom said.

" She is gorgeous. " mom was smiling at the picture.

" But rival." I stated.

" Come on, Alan. We can't change the truth. " mom said.

" Yes, she is in Greece now. " I said.

" That's why you are searching for her!!! " my mom was shocked.

" They need to understand meaning of betraying. " I said. 
" There is no more thinking, this is the pay back time." I said looking at the phone were she was smiling.

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