A Gift

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Isabella's POV

" Wow!!!" I said when I saw Ellie in her wedding dress that's the only thing came out from my mouth.

" Wow!!! You are looking hell beautiful." Tasha said to Ellie.

" You are beautiful, you are beautiful, you are beautiful it's true." Naomi sang for Ellie and she smiled.

" You have to understand she is our Ellie." Stella said fixing Ellie's make up.

" Yeah, she is." Natasha said.

" We love you so much." Natalie said.

" Awww, my babies." Ellie said gave us all a kiss on our cheek.

" Where is Tris?" Ellie asked.

" He is your ring bearer." Tasha said.

" He owe a kiss from me." Ellie said and smiled.

" Yes, he does." Tracy said. " But he will ask for two if you give him one."

" I can give him infinity kisses." Ellie said.

" Yes, he is cute." Stella said.

" That day I took him to visit Elizabeth's pregnant sister Juilla then seeing her he was asking me why is she so fat with big fat ball in her belly?" Tracy said.

" Then? What did you answered him?" Naomi asked.

" I told him that she has the baby inside her stomach, I said and his jaw was hitting the ground. He was looking at Juilla very angrily. Then asked her why have you eat the baby up?" Tracy said and we all laughed hard.

Indeed kids are source of happiness. I sighed remembering Aurora. She was cute when she was little girl. She is still cute and growing up dangerously beautiful. I don't know what happens with her when she will grown up, I just wish her mother doesn't play any game with her life. I wish she can live a happy life without any fear without running away with out any obstacles. I wish she gets all the happiness of this world. I just wish no harm ever touches her. I felt my eyes were wet. I looked away batting my lashes to push them back.

" What happened, Bella?" Natasha asked.

" Nothing, Sweetheart. I will be right back, girls. You guys, get ready." I said and walked out of the room. I went to the washroom area. I entered into one and washed my face. I saw my eyes were turning red. I let tears fall down my cheeks for a while then washed my face. I heard a knock on the door.

" Bella, are you inside?" I heard Stella's voice.

" Yes, Stella. Coming out." I said grabbed some tissues and wiped my face. I came out smilingly.

" Tasha sent me to see you. Are you-" she stopped seeing my eyes maybe they were still red. " Wait were you crying inside?" She asked.

" No, not at all." I shook my head.

" Don't lie." She said grabbing my arms.

" I wasn't crying, Ste-" I was saying.

" Umm.. no. I don't agree with you, girl. You were crying." She shook her head in disagreement. I sighed.

" Just was missing my sister. You know I only have one sister, no cousins no one else. I had two best friends one left country when we were 8 and another shifted to Berlin when we were in highschool. So, Aurora was my friend, my sister and just everything for me. It's quite hard for me not seeing her that long. Even I haven't heard her voice these days. I miss her a lot. Miss her like hell." I said and I found my eyes watering again I pushed them back.

Stella hold my hand and pulled me into a comforting hug. I hugged her back. I don't know when I will see Aurora back. I just wish she doing well without me.

" Bella, I know I won't be able to feel what you are feeling but I will always be there for you. You will never be alone. I promise I will be there I will never let you feel alone I promise you that." Stella said patting my back.

" Thank you so much." I said hugging her tightly.

" No need to thanks, Bella. What's are friends for?" She asked and I smiled. We broke the hug and went back to the room where everyone were. I found Ellie was almost done with her make-up. She was looking very pretty. I smiled at all.

" Sit here now." Naomi said and she started doing my make-up. I sit quietly until she is done with my make-up. I saw the make up artist coming towards me. I stopped her. I don't want heavy make up.

" You look as pretty as ever." Natalie told me and I smiled at her.

" Thank you. I will just come" I said and walked out of the room to find Alan. I turned and my back hit the door. Urrrghh, shit my clumsiness.

Let's find out Alan first. I need to ask for some help from Alan. Only he can help me. I want to know about Aurora, how she is doing. I was walking towards the wedding area suddenly someone pulled me behind the pillar.

" Aaaaaaaaa..." I shrieked.

" Stop making me deaf, Bella. It's me." Alan said and I glared at him.

" Are you mad? Why did you pull me like that?" I said angrily.

" Turn around." He said.

" What?" I asked.

" Turn around, Bella." He said.

" Why will I turn around?" I asked.

" Are you turning around or not?" He asked.

" No, I am not." I said stubbornly. He hold my hand and turn me around. I felt his hand on my zipper.

" What are you doing, Alan?" I asked feeling uncomfortable as his hand was moving now.

" Alan!! What are you doing?" I asked.

" Done." He said.

" What done?" I asked.

" Why was your zipper not done properly, Bella? What so hurry? Were you going to miss your train?" He asked.

" Uhhh, I hit on the door." I said and heard him sighing loudly.

" Don't turn away. I still have something." He said.

" What is that now?" I asked.

" Close your eyes." He asked.

" Why so?" I asked.

" Just do it." He said.

" No." I said.

" Bella!!!" He said in a warning tone.

" Urrrghh, I hate you." I said and closed my eyes.

" Good girl." He said and chuckled. I felt he was putting something around my neck.

" What are you doing? Having any plan of hung me?" I said.

" Done open your eyes." He said and I looked at my neck and found a pendant there with two tangling heart it was beautiful.

" This?" I asked.

" Umm, a gift for you from me." He said and I raised one of my eyebrows.

" Also has a meaning. This big heart is mine and this small one is yours." He said smirkingly.

" Why big one is yours?" I asked.

" Cause, I have a big heart you don't." He said still smirking.

" Well how?" I asked.

" Look, I am big hearted giving you kisses all the time but you don't. You have issues with that." He whined like a kid. I face palmed.

" Are you kid!!!!" I asked.

" No, I am not." He said.

" I can't accept this." I said showing the pendant.

" Why not?" Alan asked caging me between the wall and him.

" Why would I ?" I asked.

" Cause it's a gift from your husband to be." He smirked.

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