So True

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Alan's POV

Don't know why Bella is acting weird these days. She won't join us in dining hall, she will tell Mrs. Busby to take her meals in her room. She comes out a bit less, she doesn't talk like she use to do before. Like she is completely changed. She is not the same Bella she was before. Most hurting part is she is ignoring me like a ghost. If she even sitting with all chitchatting but if I appear there she turns silent and most of the time she leaves that place at once. If I try to reach her she is always giving some stupid reason to go away from there. It's been days she is acting like this. I don't know why she is punishing herself and me both. What have I done?! She isn't even taking my phone calls and is not answering my messages. Like she is denying I am a part of her life. She is refusing to be a part of my life too. But this girl Isabella Stratton has forgotten who am I. Do I look like I am going to leave her alone if she acts like a Stranger with me!!! I don't care. I really don't care. But I need an honest answer from her.

So, today is her fashion house's grand opening. She has to come there I will get my answers from her today anyway. I am not going to tolerate her behavior anymore. I was getting ready to go there. I came downstairs. I found Edwin there.

" You aren't going?" I asked.

" Going, I am actually waiting for Tasha." He said.

" Oh, ok. Where are the others?" I asked.

" They had left already." He said and I sighed.

" Where is Bella?" I asked.

" She hasn't left yet." He said.

" Ok, then. I will be waiting for her." I said.

" Hey, babe. I am done." I heard Tasha saying to Edwin. " Oh!!! Hi, Alan." She waved at me.

" Hi, Tasha. Congratulations." I said.

" Oh, thanks a lot." She said.

" We will be going then, Alan." Edwin said.

" But Bella?" She asked.

" She will come with me." I said and they nodded.

" Bye, see you in the event." With that Tasha left with Edwin.

I sat down on the couch in the living room waiting for her. I saw it was still quite long to start the event. I turn on the TV and was switching the channels. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. I turned off the TV and waited for her to show up.

I found her in a royal black and white dress with those pairs of glasses and a blonde wig. Why is she wearing a wig and glasses!!! Suddenly I got it. She is hiding her identity. I sighed.

" Hi, Bella." I said and she was frozen right there where she was. She looked at me and then looked away.

" Hi, Alan." She said but didn't move from the place.

" Aren't you coming down?" I asked. She sighed and started to climb down.

" Congratulations!!" I said.

" Thanks." She said and was searching for someone. Maybe for Tasha.

" They left." I said.

" Oh, then I should be get going too." She said and took a step to go out but I hold her wrist to stop her then I pulled her towards me and she landed on my chest I hold her tightly by her waist as she was trying hard to wriggling out of my hold. But there was no way that I was going to leave her. I need my answer. She has to answer me today.

" How are you, Bella?" I asked.

" I...umm...I am f..fine." I said.

" Great then. Won't you ask me back how I am?" I asked.

" You are fine, Alan. What will happen to you?" She tried to be rude but her voice came out in a soft whisper.

" How do you know?" I asked. Her eyes turned soft.

" I.. I..think that...I ca..can see you ar...are o..ok?" She told more like questioned herself.

" Very nice. But you are not right, Bella. I am not fine." I said.

" Wh...what happened to" I asked.

" You don't know?" I asked.

" No, I do.. don' will know?" She asked looking away from me.

" Yeah, how will you know, Bella? How will you? How will you when you avoided me for past two weeks? How will you know when you don't want to see my face? How will you know when you didn't bothered to look at me from past two weeks? How will you know Bella? How will you know when you didn't bothered to ask me how am I? How will you know when you yourself are the reason?" I just told her whatever I wanted to tell.

" Alan..I..I..I.. didn't..." She was saying but I stopped her.

" Why are you shuttering, Bella? Am I going to eat you alive?" I asked frustratedly.

" No, I.. I didn't meant that, Alan." She said.

" Then what did you mean!? Why are you avoiding me? Just because that day I told them that you are my girlfriend? Then Bella what wrong have I said? Are you this stupid to not get the hint that I love you? I didn't know that Bella. If I did I would have asked you long back. I thought you won't be ready, you need some time. I gave you time  to settle your stuffs first. Bella I gave you time and you gave me your ignorance. You showed me that maybe I am not enough for you, I don't deserve you. All you had to do was just tell me clearly but you did what made me wait and feel worst. That's nothing like I was going to keep you against your will. If you choose it that way then let's do it." I said and left her carefully then made a distance between us.

" Do I mean anything for you Bella?" I asked with broken heart. But she was silent and looking down and I got my answer immediately. Maybe I was wrong all the time. I thought more than I should. Not every love story ends happily ever after. I smiled. Still I knew I loved her. I wanted to hear for once that she too loves me. But I think I wasn't lucky enough.

" Alright, Bella. We are getting late. It's big day for you. We should be get going." I said. She was still standing frozen.

" Bella, let's go." I hold her hand and pulled her outside with me. I made her sit inside my car and drove it out of Stewart's House with a broken heart. Why this have to be truth? Can't it be a worst nightmare? I sighed.

No, it can't. It's life you can't get everything you want. Something said in my head. So true that said.

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