Not Welcoming

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Isabella's POV

" Ready, Bella?." Naomi asked.

" Yeah, I am ready." I said and went to the balcony. " You go get ready." I said.

" Alright, don't sprain your ankles, whole the plan will be destroyed. Besides, Alan will surely kill us." She said and winked.

" Ok, ok. I will be careful, don't you have to be worried." I said.

" Ok, best of luck." She said.

" Remember Eddie's plan? I hope you haven't already spilled the surprise to your best friend." She asked.

" No, Tasha doesn't know. I didn't tell her. Yeah, if anyone else has told her then she can come to know but not by me." I said.

" No one else has told her. Relax. I will be get going now." She said and I nodded.

" Be careful." She said and went back to her original position. I took a deep breath as I saw Tasha appearing the first stage. She wrote the letter we wrote for her. Then she was done and she pointed me.

I took out the note. It was more like a poetry. So, I read it for Ellie. I can feel her eyes were widen. I took a deep breath and jumped down. I landed safely. Thanks God. But I found myself in a big trouble when I saw Alan glaring at me. I gulped but ignored him.

I was going to join my original place too I bumped into someone. I saw it was a girl around Ellie's age. She had beautiful innocent face, light blue eyes, brunette long hair reaching her waist. She was beautiful.

" I am sorry, Miss." I said.

" Kendra... Kendra Bronson."

" Oh, you are Kendra. I am Isabella, Isabella Stratton. Nice to meet you." I said extending my hand but in a blink her innocent face turned into a witch one. She gritted her teeth and glared hard at me.

" So, you are the bit*h?" She asked venomously.

" Excuse me?" I asked.

" What excuse me? Now you get Alan huh?! What did you do to get him? Did you share the bed with him?" She asked.

" Look, Ms. Bronson, I am in hurry otherwise you would have paid for every single words you have just uttered. I am being humble that doesn't mean you can open that shitty mouth of yours and say anything you want about me. Just remember that you have no right to judge me or Alan. It won't take long for me to pull out the witch face of yours from behind the painted mask of your face. So, be careful and watch your tongue with me. Don't feel free opening your mouth for which you regret later. I won't be responsible for what will happen if you utter any stupid further." I said and left her there.

Look, that's what I said. People will start to give me names. Not only me they will point their fingers at Alan too on his character too. It's better for both of us to stay away from each other. I sighed. Once I reach Greece, I need to stay away from Alan. First of all need to leave his job then avoid him, just attend University and work in GS, nothing more than that. If I ever meet him accidentally just let him know we won't work. So, we should choose different ways. Don't take me wrong but I want peace. I don't want my life mess up again. I don't want any spotlight on me. I want to live a normal life. As for my dad and that lady I have my ways to handle them. I want to live an independent life now. No one can stop me from achieving my dreams. I am going to fulfill my mom's dream. I smiled and walked to the stage. I saw Tasha and walked to her.

" We are next." She told me and I nodded.

" Ready?" She asked and I smiled at her.

" Let's go then." She said and we both entered the stage.

Well, it was 30 minutes long performance. It ended with an emotional speech of Natasha. I knew she was going to cry. I just hugged her from back and kissed her head as she was sobbing hard. I found Ellie came on the stage and hugged Natasha then kissed her forehead. She hugged all of us. Then we were going down the stage but as I saw Tasha too coming down I hold her hand to stop remembering the surprise which was waiting for her and she looked at me shocked.

" Just stay here, Tashi." Stella said and we came down leaving the shocked Tasha on stage.

" Why do you call her Tashi?" I asked Stella.

" Just like that. I love to call her that." She said and smiled.

" You saw Flynn? He is over there. I pointed the corner where Flynn was standing with Mr. Anderson and some other people.

" Let him be there. Let's go and enjoy PSP." She said and I was wondering what is SMP?

" What!? SMP?" I asked.

" Yes, SMP." She said.

" What is supposed to SMP be?" I said.

"Surprise Marriage Proposal." She said and we both laughed.

" You know what happened this morning when you went out?" Stella asked me.

" What happened?" I asked.

" Natalie and Naomi beat up a stupid." She said.

" How come you guys didn't told me before?" I asked.

" I thought you heard it from Tasha." She said.

" No, I haven't." I said. " Well, why they need to be this violent today?" I asked.

" That stupid was disturbing Natasha continuously. She almost cried, you know how soft and innocent girl she is." Stella said.

" Then it's ok. I would have done the same." I said.

" Exactly. But I think, Natasha doesn't need her brothers to protect her when she has sisters like Natalie and Naomi." Stella said and I couldn't but agree with her. We stepped ahead to be witnesses of the proposal. It was going on and I felt someone holding my hand tightly. I looked up and found Alan who was looking at the stage. Though I wanted pulled it out but I didn't. I stood beside him still. He pulled me towards him and put his arm around my shoulder I hugged him from side. The proposal was accepted. I saw Edwin putting the ring on Tasha's ring finger I smiled widely. I am so happy for my best friend.

" I have someone to meet you." He said.

" I know." I said.

" You know?" He asked.

" Maybe your friends right?" I said pulling his attention to other thing. I don't want him know that bitter meeting with his friends.

" Yeah my friends." He said and pulled me into the crowd. I found some people there.

" Hey, guys?!" Alan said.

" Hi, Alan. Oh, wow. Who is she?" Someone asked.

" She is Isabella." He said.

" Hi, I am Isabella Stratton." I said.

" And she is my girlfriend, no drooling over her, Richie." Alan warned someone but made me shocked as well.

Girlfriend!!!! When I did agree with him?! Wait, has he ever asked!!! He can't claim me like this. Anyways, Bella. You only need to reach Greece and settle everything.

" So, she is the Bella? Her name should be Belle." Another one said

" Hold your tongue before I cut it." Alan said and I sighed.

" I thought you will choose someone who will beat me in Beauty. But I have to say you are terribly failed, Alan." I found Kendra saying. I frowned at her.

" Why should I find out someone who can beat you in beauty!!! Did I ever told you that I want someone like you? You are talking like I am madly in love with you? But sorry. for your kind information I am not. And don't have an wrong concept about that you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Don't daydream, Kendra. Stop being so self-centered. We are no more 5 years old." Alan said coldly. Well that was not at all welcoming I thought.

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