My Broken Heart

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Isabella's POV

" Alan, this dress!!! You bought it!!! I tried so hard to get it but they didn't sell it. You are mean. You were spying on me!!!" I almost yelled at him and he put his hand over his ears.

" I am not even that loud. Stop pretending." I shouted again. He removed his hands from his ears and looked at me then smiled.

" Say something." I shouted.

" Bella, Sweetheart. Let him speak at least." Aunty said.

" I didn't spy on you, love. It were Norman and Carla who went to the same store. They saw you fighting for the dress and informed me. I told him to get this dress anyhow that was the reason how I got this dress. Why will I spy on you? I trust you more than I trust me myself." He said and that made my heart melt again for him. I couldn't but smile. My heart!!! I so badly wanted to kiss him but the fact is aunty is here and I can't kiss him in front of her. I sighed.

" Ok, stay here I am coming." I said and hurriedly went to my room then changed into the new dress and came downstairs.

" How is this?" I showed both of them.

" You look beautiful." Aunty said.

" Alan?" I asked who was looking at me with amusement in his eyes.

" What happened?" I asked.

" No, you really look beautiful." He said and I narrowed my eyes as he was smirking now. The same time aunty got a call and walked out of the room. Alan walked towards me and stood right in front of me.

" What?!" I asked.

" Was it too hard to zip your dress up? Why do you have to mess up with zipper? I am now onwards not buying you a dress with zipper." He said and his hands were behind my back zipping the dress up. I sighed.

" I already have dresses with Zipper. You no need to buy me. I can buy myself" I said.

" You get angry so easily." He said and hugged me tightly.

" No hugging, no kissing, no cuddling. I hate you." I said.

" Calm down, angry bird. Calm down." He said not letting me go.

" Leave me." I struggled.

" Never ever." He said.

" Urrrghh." I said.

" Give me a kiss. I have a meeting. I have to go now." He said.

" No kisses. Go away." I said turning away. I felt he was patting my shoulder I didn't turn but he kept doing the same.

" What the he-" I was cut by his lips which were pressed on mine at once

" Love you, love." He said and pressed his lips on my cheeks.

" Bye, see you later in the dinner time. Don't be late." He said and I sighed.

" Go away, I won't come." I lied.

" You will come, love." He said.

" No, I won't." I said.

" Yes you will." He said and winked then walked out of the house.

" Where is Alan?" Aunty asked coming inside.

" He left. His meeting was about to start." I said.

" That's ok. Now you go change and have your lunch." She said.

Food is my first love. Nothing can make me stay away from food. So, I ran to my room, took a bath and came down. I have my lunch and I have a phone call from an unknown number. It's normal cause I use to get calls from dealers, sponsors and sometimes from University too. I don't know all the numbers after all.

" Hello!!!" I said.

" Hello, Isabella. Forgot me?" The voice made me frozen at my place. My hand was shaking. What does she want?! Don't get scared Bella, hell don't get scared.

" Why did you call me Catherine?" I asked. I hated her so badly.

" Oh!!! Why are you so mad at us, Sweetheart? You didn't bothered to invite us in your Fashion House's grand opening? It was very bad. I felt insulted." She said.

" Oh, really?! Go, rot in hell. Do I look like I do care about you?" I said.

" No but you might care about Aurora. Don't you want to see her?" She asked and my eyes open wide.

" Electra Palace Athens. Come soon. We will be waiting." She said and hung up.

" I gotta go, aunty. I am going." I shouted.

" Where are you going?" She asked.

" I will tell you later." I said and ran to my car getting in I speeded up. I reached in 30 minutes. It was the restaurant side.

" Can you please tell me if Mr. and Mrs. Stratton has any reservations here?" I asked the receptionist.

" Table 27." He said with a smile.

" Thank you." I said and I took a deep breath then walked towards the table. I found Catharine and my dad sitting there. There was no sign of Aurora. Great!!! Just great. She trapped me. No wonder I hate them both.

" Where is Rora?" I asked.

" Oh, Bella, Darling, what about having a conversation with us?" She asked.

" I don't want to have a conversation with you guys if Rora is not here." I said. " I have more important things and persons to take care of." I said.

" Oh, you mean Alan Christos, Right?" She asked.

" None of your business." I said.

" Of course not darling. But aren't Christos and Stratton the biggest rivals in business world?" She asked my dad and he nodded which made my eyes open wide.

" What!!! What are you saying?" I asked.

" It's true." My dad said in a small tone.

" They even try to destroy us." She said and I glared at her.

" Why should I trust you?" I asked confidently.

" Cause I have proofs." She said and I raised one of my eyebrows.

" Here look this." She handed me some bankruptcy papers of two of our factories which was banned in reference to, what!!! Hell no!!!! My eyes were widen. They can't do it.

" I can understand your pain, Bella. You didn't deserve this. You deserve something better. I am sorry. I may be a witch for you but it's truth that they are no good too." She said and I just kept looking at the papers.

" I don't think he loves you, Bella. He is just playing a game with you. He knows you don't deserve him. He must've someone else. It's not your fault. But you are innocent." She said.

I didn't say anything. I was composing that things inside my brain.

Why, Alan!!! Why!! Why did you do this to me!!! Why did you break my heart!!!!

" Bella, think about my words. You no need to continue this relationship, you can come back  to us we promise we won't be forcing you to do anything." She said.

" Shut up!!!" I said and walked out of the restaurant with a broken heart. I hate myself. I need to get out of this. I have had enough. I need to keep myself away from everything. I don't want to get hurt more than I already am.

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