Not Everyone The Same

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Isabelle's POV

" Uhhhh!!!! I am hell tired!!!" I threw my bag on the couch and jumped on the bed, threw myself on it.

How can someone work like this!!! Whole day without taking break. I was thinking.

What kind of guy he is!!!! Yes, talking about my annoying boss Alan Christos. You all must know him, I didn't but that doesn't matter whole the Greece knows him. Like he is a Hollywood star. I don't understand why they are that famous here. People are damn crazy. Specially girl!!!! Urrrghhh!!! They acts bitchy around him. Hell with those girl.

He works like a machine. Workaholic person he is. Work, work and work. How can someone be like this!!!!

Whatever why are you thinking about him Bella!??? I scolded myself.

" Bella??! Dinner is ready come downstairs. " I heard aunty calling me from downstairs.

I was in no mood to eat now. I was hell tired. My whole system was complaining, they were in no mood to work. I somehow managed to get up from the bed but again fall down.

After 3 times of hell trying I was succeeded to get up but my eyes were not taking my orders to be opened. I applied some force they opened a bit. My eyes were half closed. I unevenly started to move and hit myself in the wall far away from the door. Then I somehow managed to get out of my room and stumbled.

I was happy that I hadn't fallen down but the next moment I stepped on myself and fall flat on the ground. I stood up and with uneven steps I reached the stairs. I kept my first step on the stair I stumbled again. I somehow managed to climb down almost all the stairs, and then I stepped on my foot myself and again I kissed the ground at once.

" Ouch!!!" I groaned in pain. " My nose." I was caressing my nose.

" Is she always this clumsy?" My eyes snapped open at once hearing the voice.

What the hell is he doing here!!! I asked myself. Urrrghh!!! How embarrassing Bella!!!!

I stood up and found the voice coming from the dining table. I walked there and sat on the chair kept my head on the table and again I was about to go to sleep.

" I won't allow my employees sleep in work time, so sleep as much as you can at home." He said. How annoying!!! I kept science and acted like I have already slept.

" Is she really slept or she is deaf?" He said again.

" Alan, boy let her sleep. She is not use to do this much works. You should've considered. " aunty said softly.

I love aunty. How she knows I don't use to do work like machine like this guy wants me to do. I can't work like a machine.

" Oh!!! I forgot, she is the Stratton princess. How can she be used to these works!!!" He said sarcastically.

Moron, idiot, stupid guy!!!

" What would you like to have, Alan?" Aunty asked.

" A coffee will do." He said.

" Hot chocolate will do." I said at once.

" Oh!!! Princess ordered, she needs things first." He said amusingly.

" Guys!!! Guys!!! Stop fighting. I will bring both" aunty said.

" Why is he here?!" I asked directly without thinking about anything.

" Bella, Sweetheart be nice." Aunty caressed my head.

" OK, fine fine." I said and crossed hands over my chest.

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