Crazy Girl

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Alan's POV

I was observing the girl sitting across me still eating her breakfast even though I and Mrs. Austin have done already. How can she eat like this!!!!

" Do you always eat like this?" I was confused.

" None of your business. Don't look at my plate, stupid." She said  looking at her plate and then glared at me.

" Well, what do you eat generally? Elephants? " I was trying hard to control my laughter.

" No whale." She replied. " You satisfied? Now zip up your mouth or I will break your stupid face." She said and I smiled. She is cute.

" You are eating like you are starving for years." I laughed.

" Not years. I am starving for 4 days maybe." She said and finished her food. Then looked at me.

Starving!!! Stratton princess!!? Why?! Such a drama queen.

" Well, why would Isabella Stratton starve while she has billions? " I asked in a cold tone.

" I don't have a penny and you are saying billions?? Well, Mr. maybe you have but not me." She said.

" Obviously I do. What do you think? I am Christos." I said smirkingly.

" So? What's wrong with Christos? " she asked I felt like bang my head somewhere.

" Nothing happened with us. You don't know us. I thought you must know us." I said surprisingly.

" No, I don't know you, stupid." She said and I glared at her.

" I think Alan is not a hard word to member. Leave it, I doubt if you have anything inside your head or it's blank!!!" I smirked.

" Well, idiot guy. I have but I think stupid is more perfect name for you. So, stupid is your name given by Bella." She pointed herself at the end.

" I refuse to take that name, thank you." I said sarcastically.

" I didn't gave you any options, you have to take it." She was smirking at me now. 

" You act crazy." I said.

" You act stupid." She said.

" Well, kids stop bickering at my ear." Mrs. Austin said.

" He started first." She said.

" Well, Bella. It's OK, you too fought with him. No difference, you both are the same. You go, darling take rest, I will just come after talking to Alan. Go, take a nap and don't stress out." Mrs. Austin said and she pouted and gestured totally pissed off. Then she left and climbed upstairs. I smiled my own.

" Now, Alan. Come to the point. What happened suddenly that you came to me this early in the morning? Anything serious? " Mrs. Austin asked.

" You can tell that. I don't know if it's important or not." I said.

" What? Make it clear boy, don't talk like your grandma. " she said and I can't but smile widely. I love my grandma a lot. She is the most important person in my life. She is the sweetest lady I have ever seen. She loves me very much. I can't imagine my life without her.

" Well, No. I am not talking like my grandma. I was talking about this." I handed her the envelope that my mom gave me to handed her. She was shouting at me to do it by my own. Something important in this. She can't believe anyone. So, I myself came to give it to Mrs. Austin. She took the envelope from me and then looked at it. I was thinking she will open it now but she put it aside and looked at me.

" Alan?" She called me.

" Yes, aunty?" I said.

" Can you help me in one thing? " she asked.

" Yes, sure if it's possible for me I will definitely help you. " I said.

" It's possible for you. You can do it." She said.

" Then I will definitely do it. What's that?" I asked.

" Can you help me to find a job for Bella? She needs it badly. If you have any vacancies? " she asked.

What!!!! Why does she need a job!?? She herself is a Billionaire?

" She needs a job?" I raised my eyebrows.

" Yeah, she needs. Can you help her if it's possible?" She asked me.

" But why does she need a job? Isn't she belong to the Stratton? She is Billionaire herself." I said looking at her.

" She needs a job to prove herself that she is capable of handling her family business as she going to be the Heiress. " she said.

" What mind of prove!!! " I asked, she needs to prove herself?! Why? She doesn't need to prove, she needs to be guided about business things. Is her father mad!!!! Send his daughter to Greece?! Without any securities!!! Well, as mom said her new mom is an evil woman. She must have send her here. But why had she agreed with this!!! She is the Heiress, they have to admit, what will they do if she failed!!!

" Well, she needs to prove that she can survive without any help of her family and take care of herself alone. If she can, then she must be able to handle her business alone too." Mrs. Austin said.

" What if she fails?" I asked.

" If she fails she has to marry a person her mom has chosen who is double aged of her. He will handle their business then." She said which made my blood boil at it's top point.

Told you that, lady is a true evil. How can she choose a guy like this for her!!! I know she may not   love her but what kind of joke is this!!! She is playing with her life!!! No one can play with anyone's life. How dare she!!!

" Has she gone mad?" I asked Mrs. Austin.

" Who?" She asked.

" Catharine Stratton?" I asked.

" No, she was mad from the start." She said gritting her teeth.

" Well, all of them are mad. Why had her father let that lady play with her life? And why the hell she get agreed with this crazy thing?" I asked frustratedly.

" She had no other option. " she said.

" Why so? Everyone has a choice, then what's wrong with her?" I asked.

" Then she needed to marry that guy and stay away from business world forever. Let him do whatever he wants with her." She said to me. I felt extrem rage inside me. How can someone be this cruel!!!

" OK, send her tomorrow to my office I will see if I can help her." I said controlling my anger.

" Thank you, Alan. Thanks a lot." She said.

" Yeah, any time." I said. " Can I ask you something? " I asked.

" Yeah, sure." She said.

" How do you know her?" I asked.

" Well, Alan. Her mom Annie was my cousin and best friend." She said, well this was something I never knew. That's why she had come here.

What were you thinking Alan!!! Your crazy head. Don't always think Rubbish.

" Oh, that's good then" I said and I was about to say something more but then my phone rang.

It was from my PA Norman. I immediately picked it up.

" Hello? What happened? " I asked.

" Sir, You dad is searching for you. It's very urgent. He told you to come to office in 30 minutes." He said.

" OK, coming. " I cut the call.

" Aunty, I have to go, dad is searching for me. It's urgent. Bye, take care, see you soon." I said and I was about to come out, then I turned to her, " Send her tomorrow, I will try to help her if she wants." I said and came out.

Let's see how this crazy girl acts at office. I hope she acts normal not like this. I smiled and walked out of the house. I need to reach office in time. Well, she is crazy but cute girl. She needs to learn a lot of things if she wants to get her place in her family business. I thought and start for my office.

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