Kick Her Out

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Alan's POV

" Bella, how long? Choose your dresses now. We are here for 4 hours now." I said her who was trying dresses after dresses for Tasha's wedding reception party. Why didn't she come with the girls!!!

I wonder if she spends all her money on her closet!!! I sighed. I was waiting for her to come out just outside of the trial room. I was wondering how long she will take now!!! It's 15 minutes that she has gone inside to try the new dress but still there is no sign of her. I started to get tensed.

" Bella!!! Bella!!! Are you ok?" I knocked. " Be-" I was saying but suddenly the door was opened and she pulled me inside and my eyes open wide at once.

" Bella!!!" I said when I saw her half done with her dress and she was irritated with her dress.

" Look, what this crap is." She asked me.

She was wearing a red dress sleeveless with black stripes on it. But the zipper was undone and she was trying hard to get reach it which started from her waist and end up below left side of her chest. I swear this dress is weird but still she was looking stunning in it.

" Want some help?" I asked.

" Yes, the zipper." She pointed and sighed. I smiled and helped her with it.

" You are looking beautiful, love." I said.

" Well, it's very obvious, cause I am beautiful." She said. Well, I admit that she is right.

" Are you done choosing dresses?" I asked.

" Yeah, I will take all of them." She said. I smiled.

" Ok, then change." I said and looked at her very irritatingly looking at the dress.

" Need help again to make the zipper undone?" I asked.

" Yes, was thinking about that." She said and turned around. I helped her.

" Move now Bella, let me me out or you want to strip off in front of me?" I joked as she was standing at the door and winked at her.

" Oh!!! Really, Love?! I don't have any problem though." Bella said smirkingly moving closer to me.

" No, I am fine. Take your time." I said and came out of the trial room. What a dangerous girl I got!!!

I sighed. All the girls of my family is crazy but as for Bella you can't predict her acts. She can be a angel in a second and in a blink she can turn into a devil. I was waiting for her but she was taking too much time. I don't know what she was doing inside now.

" Bella, come out, love." I said.

" Coming just wait a minute." She said.

" Yeah, I am waiting for ages." I said.

" You shouldn't go for a girl who makes you wait when you have one who is always waiting for you." Suddenly I heard a familiar voice from my back.

" Kendra!!! Oh, Hi!!!" I said awkwardly cause after that day she tried to insult Bella all my affection for her as a friend died instantly. She threw a party last month but I didn't attend it. I am wondering if I am starting to hate her.

" Hi, Alan." She said. " How are you doing these days? May I add without me?" She asked and I felt disgusted.

" I was never dying without you, I am perfectly fine. You no need to worry. Cause I have someone to get worried about me." I said and she smirked.

" Yeah, can see that. She is such a typical girl keeps you waiting like this. Did I ever make you wait like this?" She asked.

" First of all I love to keep waiting for her. I will be waiting for her eternity if she wants to. Secondly, you were never in the position which she is in. So, you are out of this discussion. We were just friends as you were Norman's cousin nothing more than that. You can lure other people around your finger but not me when I am not even interested. So, keep your mouth shut if you want to utter this kind of shit." I said and the same time Bella came out with her smiling face and kissed my cheek.

" You should have been inside." She said and winked at me I just smiled at her. Then she turned and found Kendra standing there. Her facial expressions changed for a moment then she smiled again.

" Hi, Ms. Bronson. What a pleasant surprise. I never thought you like my brand this much. Suddenly at my store?! Very impressive." She said smilingly.

" There is nowhere it's written that I can't come to your store, Ms. Stratton. Besides, I am a customer you can't stop me from coming." She said.

" No not at all but I prefer that you should chosen a dress before and then roam around in front of the trial room. You are destroying others privacy." Bella said. That's my girl. I so badly wanted to kiss her.

" It's my wish wherever I roam in the store to choose a dress." She said.

" You can't. Cause it my store and rule is rule for everyone. Besides, I am not seeing any dresses displayed here. It's private area only you will able to come after you choose a dress. You broke the rule I can sue you for that. You tried to destroy the privacy of others or you have some bad intentions?!" Bella asked.

" Alan, will you not say anything to her? She is insulting me." Kendra said. And enough was enough now.

" Why should I tell her something? She is 1000% right. And why should I tell her something when you are the one who is wrong. Don't -" I was saying but Bella stopped me.

" Let me talk, love. First of all, Ms. Bronson, it's my store I am not going to listen to anyone here. Not even, Alan. And as for your doing I have CCTV here, I can prove what you did. Before that I have to find out who let you come in. You should be kicked out. What did you think you can take my fiance away by roaming around us. I am watching you for the few days following us trying to reach him. What did you think I am blind!!! I can't see anything. I swear Kendra Bronson, whoever you are stay away from my man or else you will see hell. I hope you got things in your thick skull. Now get the hell out before I kick your ass out of my store." Bella said crossing her arms over her chest. Woah!!!!

Kendra stomped her feet and walked out of the store.

" I can see my mom in you." I said to her honestly.

" Yeah, it was her idea. She wanted me to kick her out the real one but I am still on process turning into her so I am not that savage yet." She said.

What!!! Mom!!! I sighed. I have a crazy mom and a crazy girl.

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