Settle It

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Isabella's POV

" No, that's insane." Stella shouted at Steffan. I shook my head to stop her.

" Why so, Bella? Look at him. Is he looking like he is alright after throwing her away from his life? Can't you see his eyes? He is such a loser. Why did you do that, Bro? I hate you." Stella said and walked out of the room.

" Think about it again, Steffan. You can't hide your feelings anymore. If you think it's right then just inform us, we will find out someone for our Ellie who will be with her in every thick and thin. Not like you left her for a meaningless insecurities." I said and ran after Stella. I know angry Stella is very dangerous.

Actually, when Ellie got out of the kidnappers place, Steffan called off their engagement. He was like  he is not perfect for her. She deserves better than him. He says his way to handle her has make her fall into trouble. So, he won't make her fall into trouble again. With that he broke up with Ellie.

But Ellie tried a lot to get him back. She tried to let him know it was not the way he thinks. She tried to reach him but every time  she did so he ignored her, he shut her down, he refused her again. He just didn't let her reach him. He didn't want her to get him back. He knew if he sees her every day he won't be able to hold himself back. So, today he just didn't let her see him. Stella was mad, more than mad at him. His this act hurt Ellie very much. She was very hurt. She cried and left. I was here to talk with Steffan about everything but when I reached here I found Stella already shouting at her brother. So, I decided to take things slow but it turned on messed. I never wanted this end like that. I came out of house without informing anyone. I was crazy but yes I was very scared if they are ended up here.

" Stella, Stella!!" I ran after her as she was very angry and walking like she doesn't care about anything.

" Stella!!! Stop right there." I said. She didn't stop.

" Stella!!!" I reached her and blocked her way.

" Move away from my way, Bella. I am not joking around." Stella said.

" Do I look like I am joking around?" I asked.

" Bella, please. Just leave me alone." She said.

" I don't want to." I said stubbornly.

" You are not going to mess up with my mood more now, Bella. Are you?" She asked.

" Trying to help." I said firmly.

" I don't need any help right now. I only need some peace to settle down my mind and compose what happened these days." She said.

" This is not a way. Let's talk." I said.

" I don't want to talk with you now, Bella. I don't want to talk with anyone now. I am hell devastated." She said.

" I know, we are also shocked at this, Stella not just you who is in a devastated situation. You know it would be great if you want to share. Cause, sharing is caring." I said and she sighed.

" Let's sit there." She pointed at the coffee shop the opposite side of the road.

" Ok, let's go." I said holding her hand and walking opposite side of the road.

" I can do it by myself." She said.

" Do what?" I asked confusedly.

" Cross the road alone by myself." She said.

" I know but I was doing that for me myself." I said and sighed.

" What an explanation!!!" Stella said. " Why would you do that?" She asked.

" I don't know but I know it's very hard but you were crying all very much so I just did one thing I to make you stable." I said.

" I am still fuming." She said and I just sighed.

" Let's go." I pulled her into the coffee shop. We sat in an empty table.

" Ma'am, may I help you?" A waitress came and asked.

" Two espresso." I said and she nodded after taking the note.

" Now, tell me?" Stella demanded.

" Tell you what?" I asked.

" What did you want to know?" She asked.

" I didn't want to know anything. I was just asking you to calm down." I said.

" What will happen if I calm down? They are not going to get back." She said.

" This is not a time to get frustrated. It's time to make our brain straight. We need to think straight. We have to make a plan so that we can make them realize that they have to be together. They can't stay away from each other." I said.

" I don't know how we will do it and I am not at all hopeful. You know after today Ellie will not try to reach him. I told him thousands of times from that day but that seems nothing effect on him." She said and I sighed.

" Let's do something. Let's hit upon a plan." I said.

" But no flop plans, Bella. Think very well then make a plan. I am with you. But don't tell me to help you to think with you. I can't my brain is not working properly. I don't know anything but I want to help you. I don't know how will I help you." She said.

" Ma'am, your espresso." The waitress came back with two cups of espresso.

" Thank you so much." I said and she went back.

" Ok, then tell me how are we going to get things back." She asked.

" I need a plan to get them back but I have to think first. But I am sure I will get some plan and this time it will work 1000% sure." I said.

" I hope so." Stella said.

" Can you do one thing for me?" She asked.

" Sure." I said.

" Think as fast as you can." She said.

" Yeah, trying ." I said. She was about to say something but her eyes widen when she saw something or someone behind me.

" Hello!! Isabella." I found Flynn standing there.

" Hello, Flynn." I was confused when I saw him there. " You here?" I asked.

" Yeah, had some works." He said. " Hello, Stella Anderson." He said to Stella who was trying to ignore him looking everywhere but him.

" Oh, hi, Mr. Campbell." She said.

" If you don't mind can I talk to her alone for a moment?" Flynn asked.

" Sure." I said.

" No, I don't want to talk. Bella, don't go." She said. Flynn looked at me. I stood up as I sensed something is not ok between them.

" Meet me tomorrow." I said and walked out of there. They needed to settle this down and I needed a plan.

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