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It's the same old Monday morning again,the sky?, Its grey, The birds?, They're not here,Me?, I'm barely awake.

It's the same in my home aswell, when I say home,it really isn't, it's the place I sleep and eat in, Not the place i feel safe in, No, My family doesn't make me feel safe, Or welcome, Or even wanted.

I'm not wanted, I know I'm not wanted. I've been told so many times that I was a mistake, My parents didn't want kids, It was my Nan's dying wish that they kept me and didn't give me up for adoption like they wanted to.

Unfortunetly, They promised her they wouldn't.

I wish they didn't promise her anything.

I would be better of with another family, One that actually loved Me, But of course, the word is against me and has been all my life, all eighteen years of my life.

I go downstairs, Grabbing an Apple from the fruit bowl,  avoiding my father's angry glares, Every morning, it's the same, There's no family breakfast, No parents asking me if I've got everything, No good mornings or smiles, Nope, It's all gloomy and tense here, One wrong word and I'm in trouble, One wrong move, I'm hit, I cant do anything right.

"Um,Where's m-mum?", I stutter.

My dad looks up from his newspaper, a angry look on his face,"She is having a shower", He replies through gritted teeth, "Now go to school, You little piece of shit"

I nod, Not wanting to annoy him anymore and walk out of the door, checking my phone and keys before closing it.

This is the best part of the day, the walk to school, Its comforting, the bitter cold morning nipping at Me, The fresh air showering over Me, The silence, the silence is the best part of it, Its gives me time to think as I carry my heavy bag down the road, But the thoughts scare me sometimes, the thought of the crowded halls and strict teachers, The thought of going home to my drunk parents who beat me for 'fun'. These thoughts make me shiver and I shove them to the back of my mind, thinking about the one person in school who actually likes Me, Joe, She's always there for Me and stands up for Me, alot of people seem scared of her so that's good for me.

I arrive at the grim building, My chain of thought interrupted by the loud chatter of the other kids,I look around for Joe, Holding onto my bag straps tightly.

I see her and start walking towards her, Stopping when I see who she's talking to,Mike, One of the most popular people in school,And when I say popular I mean he's a rich arsehole that practically pays people to be his friend.

I see Joe look at me from the corner of her eye, She gives a little sigh and cups Mike's hand in her face, giving him a hard Kiss and waves at him flirtasiously.

"Joe?", I ask, Confused at her recent actions.

"Uhuh?", She asks, wiping her smudged lipstick off the side of her mouth.

"What just happened?, I thought you didn't like Mike?"

"That was before I saw him waving that cash around last week, He's freaking loaded"

"I know that, Joe, But seriously, you're only with him for the money?"


I roll my eyes at her and we walk to our lesson.

New found fact one: My best friend is a Gold digger.

I let myself float away in the lesson, We have a substitute and she's not that good.

She wore her hair up in a tight pony tail, Her face was covered in too much make up and her pencil skirt was obviously uncomfortable.

I was in the middle of thought when I heard her say something, "So,I'm a Phsycic, Who wants their future told?"

Every one laughed at this comment, everyone except Me, I put my hand up and she nods, walking over to me and sitting on the empty chair beside Me.

"I hope you're not sensitive", She says, "These can get pretty dark"

"I've had plenty a dark day in my life, I can handle this", I reply,Making her laugh a bit.

She picks up my hand and traces the lines on my palm,I see her grinning a bit.

"Is it good?", I ask,slight concern in my voice.

"Yep, You're going to meet someone, A man, He's a few years older, He's going to impact your life alot,You're going to bond with this man so much and something incredibly strange will bring you even closer to him"

I nod, I dont really believe it but it's fun to imagine.

(A/N: So what did you think of chapter 1,I have most of the story already planned,vote if you wanna read more! 😊)

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