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Phil's POV

"S-something doesn't feel right", Dan says as we walk away from his childhood home, His lip slightly quivering.

"What do you mean, Sugarcane?"

"I feel like something bad is about to happen", He says, taking my hand.

"Don't worry, Its just nerves", I reply, kissing his cheek.

He nods and I squeeze his hand a bit.

Suddenly an ambulance and a police car drive past us, I see Dan's face full of horror.

"P-Phil, W-What if that's going to my parent's house?!"

"Shh, It's not, they're fine"

"N-No, We need to go back!", He cries, "Please..."

"Okay, Fine, But I'm telling you it's not your pa-", I'm cut off by Dan's screams as the ambulance turns the corner to his parent's road.

I see him run away and I immediately go after him, shouting and screaming his name.

When i see him stop I stop behind him, My hands on my knees, panting.

"D-Dan", I say breathlessly, "Dan, We need to-to go-", I stop as I see a body bag being wheeled out on a stretcher from his parent's home, Dan stood there, wide-eyed, heavy breathing.

"Oh, Dan", I say sympathetically, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No, Get of me!", He screams, Running into the building past his weeping father who tries to call him.

Dan's POV.

Anything, Anything, she must have left something.

I ramage through drawers and cupboards, looking for any tiny bit of her.

She couldn't of left me, not after today, could she?

Just before I decide to give up, I see an envelope on my pillow. I pick it up with shaking fingers.

I unseal the material and take out the paper.

'To Dan.
I wish I spent more time with you, I wish I could have. It's your father, He never let me play with you or cuddle you. He just wanted me.
I really do love you and always have, that's why I've done this, You no longer have to worry about me, not that ever did.

Now you have Phil, He can take care of you and I know you love him, I can see it I'm your eyes, same goes for him.

I've never told you this but, If it wasn't for you, I would have been dead alot earlier.

I remember one night, your dad came home drunk, He had lipstick stains on his collar.

I stood up for myself that day, altough i regretted It.

He hit me, told me I didn't have the right to tell him what to do, He strangled me.

But you started crying, I heard it.

He started to get annoyed and let go of me, He told me to go and take care of "that piece of shit".

I'm sorry, I love you, I always will.


I feel tears run down my cheeks, My legs start to Shake, I can't breathe, I cant do anything.

I fall onto the floor, My fist tightening around the note.

"M-Mum", I whisper.

A tall figure enters the room, I see it come closer, Their hand moves hair out of my eyes.

"Dan, Its me, It's Phil, calm down, Okay, calm down", He wipes the tears from my eyes and my vision is less blurry.

"Here, wipe your eyes, Okay, sugar cane?"

I nod and roll my sleeve up my hand to wipe my eyes and my vision becomes clear, But my breathing is heavier.

"Phil-Phil- I-I c-Can't breathe"

"Shh, Calm down, um", I see him look around the room, "Ah, Lets play, I spy, It calmed me down as a child, Maybe it'll calm you, You go first, okay?"

I nod, "I-I spy, W-with my little eye, S-Something beginning w-With P"

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