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*another time skip because yeah*

*6 months later*

Dan's POV

"I've never really spent Christmas with anyone", Phil says, digging his hands into his coat for warmth.

I look over at him and smile, "Well, there's a first time for everything"

He smiles at me, And I feel myself blush.

Yep, I still blush after all this time, whenever our hands brush or he brushes hair out of my face or even when we kiss, I cant help but blush.


We found a cheap Christmas tree and brought some decorations, as it was the main reason we went out.

The tree was a struggle to put up as none of us had ever really done it.

"Not in that one", I laugh.

"How do you know?"

"Look", I say and point to the purple sticker on the black plastic, "It's colour coded"

"Oh", He says, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment and I kiss his cheek, making him blush more.

"What was that for?", He smiles, placing his hand over the place where I kissed.

"Can't I just kiss my boyfriend when I want to?", I ask, smiling.

"Boyfriend", He smiles, not nessecarily talking to me but processing everything in his head.

We eventually put the tree up and draped the lights around it, we both grinned at the lights, proud of our work.

"Okay, decorations!", Phil said, excitedly.

We open the plastic box containing the red and gold balls. (Don't you dare)

"We didn't get tinsel", I pout.

"Aw, Shit, I'm sorry", Phil replies, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"It's Okay, you spork", I laugh.

"That's a new one", Phil says.

"New What?"

"New name, you usually call me Philly or...sunshine for some reason and occasionally you call me dadd-"

"I do not!", I laugh, getting out of his grip and hitting his arm gently.

"Anyway, let's get these decorations on so we can eat"

We put the decorations on different branches and then put the star on top, admiring the way it glinted in the light.


We sat on the sofa watching a TV show none of us were really interested in.

"Hey", Phil whispered and I turned around to look at him, my legs crossed.

He had his hand behind his back and I raise an eyebrow.

I saw him lift his hand over our heads and I look up.

"Mistletoe?", I grin and he nods, grinning back.

I lean in and connect our lips, He kiss back almost instantly, the kiss is slow and gentle, our mouths moving in sync.

He licks my bottom lip and I allow entrance, his toungue enters my mouth and out toungues tangle together, He pulls away, his pupils blown with love and lust.



A/N: you can guess what happened.

That chapter was kinda short but I'm trying to make happy chapters before.....Um....have a nice day/Night!

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