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I sit in the bath as I hear my parents singing, they're drunk again and it's killing Me, I'm scared to leave this bath but the water is freezing.

The half broken razor sits on the side of the bath, I was in the middle of breaking it before I decided harming myself wouldn't help anything, I pick it up and put it in the bin beside the toilet and wrap my arms around my legs, pulling them to my chest and resting my chin on my knees.

I run my fingers over my recent scar, my dad burnt me with a ciggerate after school yesterday, He said he didn't have anything to put it out with and he also finds it funny apparently, Because we all know that burning your son with a hot ciggerate is fun right?!, That was pure sarcasm by the way.

I get out of the bath when it's quiet and walk into my room to get changed, looking downstairs after to see my parents asleep on the sofa, Surrounded by beer cans and wine glasses.


It's the same old school morning, cold air, shitty parents, being dead inside, y'know, every day things.

I skip breakfast, as always and walk to school, wrapping my coat around me tightly, its alot colder than usual.

I have a weird feeling about today, but I dont know if it's good or bad, just something in the pit of my stomach telling me something will happen, good or bad.

When I get to school I see Joe and Mike along with a group of other kids, they look so intimidating so I walk over to the bench near by, it's a nice place to be when I'm lonely, sure it's even more lonely but it's better than being constantly scared of getting your ass kicked by a rich arsehole, sure, he'd never hurt anyone but in every movie the rich guy is the bully and I respect stereotypical movies.

I walk over to the bench to see a man sitting on it already, my socially awkward self stands awkwardly beside it without him seeing Me, He looks pretty mysterious, He's wearing black ripped jeans and a blue and black checkered shirt, His coat seems to hang off him and I see his hands shaking slightly, his hair is jet black and it's sticking up at the back, I get a glimpse of his eyes, I think they're supposed to be blue but they seem to be overtaken by grey, He checks his phone and sighs.

I sit on the bench, I don't look at him and he doesn't look at me, we just sit in silence, when I say silence I mean silent accept for the raging cars behind us and the sounds of annoying kids laughing and swearing around the corner, I think I can also hear people making out behind a dense bush, but I ignore it all and try to keep my head clear, but even though im not looking at him, the image of the man sitting next to me is iprinted in my head, it won't go.

"Hi', He says, breaking my chain of thought.

"Um, hi"

"I'm Phil", He says, extending a hand out.

I shake his hand,"I-I'm Dan"

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