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In a heart beat was so adorable.

Dan's POV.

I wake up to the sound of a beeping machine next to me, I'm confused at first but then remember what happened, the blades, the blood...

I look around and see no sign of Phil, I try to call his name but my throat hurts and I can't talk that loudy.

I'm sure I could get out of bed, couldn't I?

I pull the cover off me and swing my legs off the bed slowly, I feel really light headed.

I feel my bare feet touch the cold ground and I gasp at the feeling. My legs feel like jelly, I can barely stand, I grab hold of the stand containing a bag of liquid and wires connected to me.

I take a few slow steps to the door and grab the handle, I manage to only open the door a little bit and see Phil sitting against the wall.

I smile, "Phi-", But before I manage to finish my sentence i feel my legs give way and I fall onto the cold tile floor, "shit".


I laugh a bit, "I-I'm fine..that was embarrassing"

He shakes his head, a small smile on his lips and helps me up.

We walk back to the bed and sit down.


"Hospital good is disgusting", I mutter, Moving the food around on my plate.

"I know", Phil chuckled,"But you've got to eat"

"What if i dont want to?", I smirk, pushing the food away.

"Well, you aren't allowed out of the hospital and I haven't got much money, so you're stuck with this shit", He smiled, pushing the plate back.

"Fine", I sighed, eating the rest.


Time skip *2 weeks*

Third person POV

It was the day of the funeral, Dan had mostly recovered from the recent....incident.

"You ready?", Phil asked Dan who was freshening up in the bathroom.

They had been given a small flat since they lost their home, it wasn't the best, it was damp and falling apart but it would work for now.

"Just about", Dan sighed, "Phil, do we have to go?"

"Dan..I know it's hard but you need to go to your mother's funeral, she would have wanted you there"

"I guess so, I'm just so scared, Phil", Dan said, a tear falling down his cheek.

Phil cupped his face and wiped the tear away with his thumb, "I'll be there, there's no need to be scared, okay, sugarcane?"



Dan's father wasn't there, The note his mother left said she didn't want him there.

He was in prison now, where he would spend nearly all of the rest of his life.

Phil's POV

Dan went up to say his words, He had been up all of last night trying ti figure out what yo write.

He stood by the podium and took out a piece of paper.

"My mum wasn't always the best to me"

There was a gasp.

"She tried to be though, She didn't tell me that until the day she died. When I saw her be carried out of the house, my heart dropped. I wanted to build a relationship with her, I wanted to learn to love her again. It was all my dad's fault, all of this was and I'm glad he is rotting in prison. I don't have much else to say except rest in piece....and if I didn't have Phil, I would say see you soon"

I felt a tear run down my cheek, I have really affected him in such a good way?

He sits down next to me, rubbing his eyes, "You did good, Dan, I'm proud of you"

"Thank You, Phil"

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