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Rydel's pov:

"No no no" I repeated power walking to the car.

"Mom what's wrong?" Riley asked running to catch up with me.

"Nothing sweetie, I just met up with my old friend" I sighed.

"Riker Lynch? Was an old friend?" She questioned.

I nodded she put a thinking face on..

"Wait... he's a Lynch your a Lynch... that means you're Brother and Sister!" She exclaimed.

No no no no!

"No sweetie he's not my brother... he's just an old friend" I answered still running towards my car. Why is it so far?

"But why do you look alike?" She questioned.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

"Mom, don't lie to me, tell me the truth" Rikey said I looking up at me.

What do i do now?

Riker's pov:

I ran out of Starbucks and looked left to right no sign of her, anywhere!

I pulled out my phone an made a group call, my phone exploded with their voices.

ROCKY: Hey home dog

ROSS: Why a group call?

ELL: Why dog? Can it be Cat?

RACHEL: Seriously Ell?

ME: Guys! Shut up!

ROCKY: Sorry..

ROSS: What's up dude?

ELL: Yep..

ME: I found Rydel!

ALL: What?

They all screamed I covered my ears.

ME: I found Rydel but she ran away and I can't find her now.

ROCKY: Not again..

ROSS: Where are you?

ME: Umm I don't know but meet me up in front of the Eiffel Tower.

ALL: Okay

I clicked END and ran of to the Eiffel Tower to see them looking around.

Wow they came quick...

"Guys!" I yelled.

They all ran to me and filled me with questions.

"Where did you find her?" Rocky asked.

"Why did she run off?" Ross asked.

"Does she look prettier?" Ellington asked.

"What happened?" Rachel asked.

"Wait who asked if she looked prettier?" I questioned.

Ellington blushed a deep color red, I chuckled he totally has a thing for her.

"Any way I was at Starbucks and I needed to pee" I said but I got interrupted by Ross.

"Typical Riker" Ross chuckled.

"Seriously?" I said, Ross gave me a What-look.

"Any way I tripped with someone and when I looked up i met with her eyes. I asked if she was her and she nodded I hugged her and said that I missed her. She said that it didn't look like it I was confused and asked why and she said because I replaced her. I said it wasn't like that and she said she didn't wanna hear it and" I kept telling them the story and never in my life I saw a group of people paying so much attention.

"Rydel has a daughter?" Ellington gasped after I finished.

I nodded..

"And I think it was the little girl from the show yesterday..." I said bringing the image back.

"Who Ell's ?" Rachel chuckled.

I nodded, "We better go look some more and see if we find her" Ross spoke up.

We all nodded and headed in different directions

Rydel's pov:

"Umm wait a second" I said holding up one finger and picking up my phone and dialed Stef.

STEF: What's wrong?

ME: We have a 911 and a 913

STEF: What?

She yelled yeah we made codes,

911 means a Lynch found me

912 means Ellington found me

913 means Riley is asking about the Lynches

914 means Riley is asking about Ell

ME: Yes! Riker found me in Starbucks and she is asking if were Related

I whispered into the phone

STEF: Did he see Riley?

ME: Yes! And he asked who's the dad and I ran out.

STEF: Did he follow you?

ME: No I don't see him, oh no!

STEF: What?

ME: Ross, Ross is down the street.

STEF: I know you don't want to hear this but you should talk to them.

ME: What?Are you crazy!

STEF: No you should really talk to them, they haven't seen you in 6 years Rydel they really miss you!

ME: I'm hanging up.

I said before hanging up the phone and stuffing it in my pocket.

"Riley we gotta go" I said picking her up.

"You didn't answer my question" She frowned.

"I'll answer it later" I hurried.

She nodded I started walking as fast as my feet could take me.

"Rydel!" I yell appeared from my side.

Oh no it was Rocky I looked back and there was Ross he still hasn't spotted me, good!

But where do I go now?

"Mom what's wrong?" Riley said feeling my nervousness.

"Umm" I shaked looking around looking for and escape.

"Rydel?" Someone asked from behind I turned around and there was one of my little brothers.


My Best Friend's Daughter (Rydellington fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now