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After we all got settled in, we were all having a movie marathon. We were currently watching The Purge, i think I'm not sleeping tonight.

Oh and hear this, when i went upstairs to my room i found my room untouched, it was exactly how i left it. The boys were so sweet and i totally hurt them when i left. Riker even had all those breakdowns, i feel terrible. If i hadn't of left, Ellington would've been threw Riley's birth and he would've been able to see her grow. And maybe we would be married already, but everything happens for a reason!

"Hey, Rydel. Can you go pick up the mail?" Riker asked from beside me.

I nodded in response and walked towards the mailbox when i little puppy ran towards my feet. It was a little dalmatian.

I smiled when i saw the little critter and picked him/her up.. It's a her.

"What's your name little girl?" I smiled looking for a collar.

I looked around for the collar, "Oh, Daisy. Hey Daisy, where's your owner?" I spoke with a goofy voice.

She barked and licked my cheek, i smiled down at the little puppy when a girl voice was heard, "Daisy, come here girl,"

Daisy barked in my arms and the girl quickly made her way towards me, "Oh, I'm so sorry," She spoke taking Daisy from me.

"No, it's no big deal," I smiled, "Im Rydel," I spoke sticking out my hand.

"Lucia, but you can call me Lucy," She smiled shacking my hand.

"So your new on the neighborhood or?" I asked.

"Actually yes. I moved here," She smiled pointing at the house next to ours.

I slightly nodded, girl with a puppy you got that right Rocky.

"That's so cool, I'm your new neighbor then. Including my four brothers and fiancé," I chuckled.

She gasped, "Four brothers?"

"Yeah, but they're great" I laughed.

She nodded slightly, "That's nice, and congrats on the fiancé" She chuckled.

A grin made it's way to my face, "Yeah,"

"So, i should get back to unloading. But it was nice to meet you Rydel," She smiled.

"Oh, you two. We should get to know each other better, like maybe shopping sometime?" I questioned.

She nodded rapidly, "Yeah sure, that would be great," She smiled.

"Okay, well i'll let you know," I smiled.

"Okay, bye," She waved walking towards her door.

"Bye," I waved picking up my mail before walking back inside.

"What took you so long?" Ellington questioned furrowing his brow.

"Oh, i just met our new neighbor" I smiled. Rocky was about to ask but i cut him off, "And yes, it's a girl with a puppy. It's a cute dalmatian Daisy!" I laughed.

"Yes!" He cheered, "What's her name?" He asked.

"Lucy," I smiled slumping down next to Ellington, he wrapped his arm firmly around me.

"Is she pretty?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's beautiful," I responded.

"Nice," He smirked.

I chuckled at him before a wrapped my arms around Ellington tightly, "I love you," I whispered in his ear.

He smiled down at me, "I love you two,"

I placed my lips on his, he quickly responded our lips moving on a steady pace. It was nice and gentle, our lips moving in sync.

"Get a room," Ryland commented from beside.

Ellington quickly pulled away and stood up, "Okay," He spoke before throwing me over his shoulder.

I gasped at his sudden move before i started kicking him playfully.

"Ellington, put me down," I laughed playfully punching his back.

He chuckled at me before running up the stairs, "Use protection," Rocky yelled from the couch.

"Shut up!" I yelled, laughs were heard.

Next moment i was in my room, Ellington kicked the door closed before he places me gently on my bed.

"What was that for?" I chuckled.

"Well Ryland said get a room so i did," He smirked crawling over me.

"Oh, calm down there tiger" I smirked.

He didn't hesitate to crash his lips on mine, i quickly replied. This kiss was more eager and aggressive. He quickly slipped his tongue into my mouth. My hand made it's way towards his hair, i tugged sone strands, earning some moans from Ellington.

"Please. Stop. That," He mumbled into the kiss.

I smirked and tugged his hair even more, "Rydel, I'm warning you, stop," He hesitated.

"What if i don't stop?" I smirked.

"Well, i may be really turned on. And i'll probably rape you" He sighed.

I laughed at his comment, he stood their with straight face, "Im not kidding,"

I laughed even more, tears streaming down my cheeks, Ellington just sat there with a puzzled look on his face, what made me laugh even more.

"Well that ruined the mood," He scoffed.

I rolled over in laughter, which cause me to fall off the bed with a big,


Ellington quickly made it's way to the edge of the bed, "Are you okay?" He chuckled.

I tried to hold my laughter and nodded. But as soon as i did that i epically failed and started laughing.

Knock. Knock.

"Is everybody with clothes on?" Rocky's voice was heard from the other end of the door.

Ellington was gonna speak but i cut him off, "Oh, Ellington. Faster, Oh. Faster," I moaned.

Ellington looked over at me, his eyes almost popping out of his head. I just nodded in response.

Ellington quickly started moaning and saying my name, "Eww, okay bye," Rocky said footsteps heard after that.

After we knew that Rocky was out of sight we started cracking up.

"Oh, good job," I laughed giving Ell a high- five.

The laughter died down after five minutes so we decided to go back down stairs and clear our testimony.

"Oh, your back," Rocky said turning towards us.

"Yeah, were back" I mocked him.

"So, were you guys doing.. It?" Ryland smirked.

I smirked and nodded, they all gave me looks, "Seriously?" Riker asked.

I put on a straight face, "No,"

They all gave me confused looks, "But

I heard you guys," Rocky said furrowing his brow.

"Oh, Ellington. Faster, oh," I moaned.

"Oh" They all said.

"You tricked me," Rocky scoffed.

I smirked and nodded.


New character.. Epp! There's a pic of Lucy in the side.

Lucy is inspired my @princesslucia

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