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Ellington's pov:

So we were currently on the airport to go to our next stop on tour. I miss Delly and Riley more and more every day. I can't wait for this tour to end.. In a good way you know. Cause I love my fans.

"Hey dude I think we might be going home for christmas" Riker says.

"Seriously?" I questioned.

"Yeah, but by home I mean Colorado" He sighs.

"What about Rydel?" I asked.

I can't spend another christmas without them. Not other!

"Well we could send her two tickets... But I don't know" He shrugged.

I just nodded.

Soon we were boarding the plane. I took my assigned seat and plopped into it. I quickly put on some headphones and watched a movie that was playing. A few minutes later I was out like a night light.

Rydel's pov:

"It's getting late let's go girl" I called.

We were currently still at the park. We played for a while some hide and seek with the girls. But eventually got tired...

"Okay let's go" Lily said breathing heavily from the run she did from the swing sets to here.

We hopped in our car and dashed home for a good night sleep.

2 months later

It was currently December! That means christmas is coming. And guess what.. Where gonna spend christmas all together this year. It's Riley, Lily, Stef, The boys, Rachel and Me! And guess where were going... To Colorado!

"I'm so excited!" Riley cheered jumping up and down.

"I'm am two, it's gonna be the first time I see snow" Lily squealed.

"I'm glad your excited" I chuckled.

We were currently in the airport waiting for our flight. The boys are already in Colorado, they're gonna pick us up from the airport.

"Rydel thank you again for letting us come with, you really didn't have to" Stef said from beside me.

"It's no problem" I chuckled, "And again I can't spend a christmas without you guys, your family" I smiled.

"That means a lot" She smiled giving me a side hug.

30 minutes later we were boarding the plane. We took our assigned seat and waited patiently for the plane to take off.

Ellington's pov:

"I'm so impatient!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air.

"Dude calm down" Rocky laughed.

"No she's gonna be here in a short amount of hours, and christmas is coming soon and I think I'm not ready to do this" I said pacing around the room.

"You were born ready Ellington and don't you dare chicken out" He encouraged in a way.

"I won't, but I'm so nervous" I sighed plopping down on the sofa.

"Don't be, she loves you man" Rocky smiled.

"You think?" I questioned.

"I know" He smirked.

Rydel's pov:

I was dead tired but I couldn't sleep cause I had a sleeping toddler, teenager and women?... I don't know! But I couldn't sleep cause I gotta watch Riley, you never know what could happen even on a plane.

"Passengers please buckle your seat belts were about to land" The flight attended lady said threw the speakers.

I shook Riley to wake her up. She ignored me and kept her slumber. Until I had to scream in her ear that "Olaf was here" and she quickly woke up.

"Where?" She yelled looking around like a lost tourist.

I laughed at her reaction and she gave me a glare, I just laughed more.

I told Riley to wake up Lily and she did as told and I woke up Stef.

"Where here" I whisper in her ear.

She quickly woke up and looked out the window.

In several minutes later we were exiting the plane. And let's just say we were pretty excited to be here.

"Where's daddy?" Riley questioned looking up at me.

"Umm their over at the baggage claim" I nodded.

She gave me a look I just ignored her. We walked over to the baggage claim. And there they were waiting.

"Daddy!" Riley yelled running up to Ellington. Luckily there was no one who knew us so they didn't hear her.

He turned around and smiled a wide smile before opening his arms. Riley ran into them, he picked her up from the floor and spon her around.

"I missed you daddy" Riley smiled

"I missed you too princess" He smiled kissing her forehead and putting her down.

He looked up and we locked gazes. He smiled before I ran to his arms and embraced his hug.

"I missed you so much" I cried into his shoulder.

"I missed you too Delly a lot" He whispered into my ear.

I pulled away shoulder length and stared into his beautiful hazel eyes. He quickly leant in and kissed me passionately. I missed this deeply.

He pulled away for something stupid called air. He smiled down at me an pecked my lips one more time.

"Hey" Riker smiled from beside.

"Riker" I chuckled embracing him into a hug.

I hugged each and every single one of the boys quickly.

"Let's go get your luggage" Ellington said taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers.

They boys helped us with our luggage. And we quickly made our way outside into the freezing air.

"Mommy it's so cold" Riley whined.

"Snow!" Lily squealed before running into the freezing snow.

Ellington's arm made his way around my shoulder i snuggled into his chest instantly feeling warmer.

Next moment snowballs were being thrown around. I pulled away from Ellington and quickly picked up some snow and tossed it at him.

"Snow ball fight!" Ellington exclaimed before we all started throwing snow at each other.

I have a feeling this Christmas is gonna be awesome.


Aww I loved writing this chapter so much I don't know why but I did :)

I hope you guys liked it...

Any who...

What is Ellington up to?... Let me know what you think in the comments

I love you all remember that!

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