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LAILA had nightmares of what happened in the Stormlands

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LAILA had nightmares of what happened in the Stormlands. Watching Renly Baratheon's murder was a nightmare in itself, but to be haunted in your dreams was something she didn't wish for. He had died at the hands of some ... shadow, she guessed. It wasn't real; the act seemed fake. But Renly Baratheon was still dead, and he had died by a sort of magic, if Laila really believed in it.

Laila tended not to get involved with things like Kings. Of course, she supported her lady's son as the King in the North, but the battle of which other King would get the Iron Throne seemed exhausting. Still, she thought Renly Baratheon to be nice. He would've been a fair King. From what she'd been hearing of their current King Joffrey, anyone would be a better King, at this time.

She was sitting in the tent of handmaidens, listening to them herd together in a circle and gossip. Laila stayed in her spot in the corner, staring at her chipped nails. She pursed her lips, feeling that they were chapped. Slowly, the chatter inside the tent seemed to cease. Laila looked up, realizing the rest of the handmaidens were doing the same. Their eyes all connected as shouts were heard from outside.

Before one could ask, the chants became clearer: "KILL THE KINGSLAYER! JUSTICE FOR THE KARSTARKS!"

The handmaidens squirmed with fright as they hurried out of the tent. They stood just outside of it, watching the sight. Laila slowly stepped out of the tent, eyes squinting while they adjusted to the light. She cupped a hand over her vision as she tried to see, but still couldn't. "JUSTICE FOR THE KARSTARKS!" The chants continued, and Laila pushed forth into the bustling crowd to get a better look.

In all his bloodied glory, Jaime Lannister was being paraded through the camp by his shackles. They pulled on his chained-collar like a leash, and Laila's eyes widened in horror. His face went right into the mud as Lord Karstark and his men marched forward. Their swords out cold and ready to strike. "Get back! I want his head!" He ordered. "Any man who stands between a father and his vengeance asks for death!"

Laila was shoved backwards into the crowd as Queen Freya Greyjoy stepped forward into the circle. Lady Catelyn and Brienne of Tarth stood behind her, and Laila struggled to get closer to them, but couldn't.

"LORD KARSTARK!" Freya snarled, silencing the rioting crowd. "What the fuck is the meaning of this?!"

"The Kingslayer killed Torrhen!" He argued back, pointing his sword at the muddied Lannister. "If you have any ounce of pride that I know you to have, Your Grace, you will allow me to strike him down."

Catelyn pushed herself forward, hand out. "Lord Karstark, this man is our prisoner."

"This monster killed my son."

"And crippled mine," Catelyn added. "He will answer for his crimes. I promise you, but now here."

Laila breathed heavily, beginning to bite down on her nail. If she could just get to Catelyn, she could help ... somehow. (Truly, who was she kidding? What could she do?) She looked back down to Jaime. He was smirking as his face collided with the mud again. Laila wanted to scoff in disgust.

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