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ARRIVING in King's Landing was something that Laila never thought she would do

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ARRIVING in King's Landing was something that Laila never thought she would do. They went through the entrance of Flea Bottom, since it provided a quick passage. Laila walked beside Jaime, while Brienne, Qyburn, and Bolton banner men followed. The sight of a lively King's Landing was like a breath of fresh air to Jaime, even though he had never visited Flea Bottom quite often. The three blended in as villagers, Laila noticed, with their rag clothes and dirt-covered faces.

Jaime stood in the middle of the lane, taking in the familiar area around him. Laila realized a stray dog was at her feet, and she bent down to ruffle it's fur. A villager tried to pass by Jaime with his cart, saying, "Out of the way." When Jaime looked at him in confusion, the villager continued, "Step aside, country boy. People working here."

Jaime moved off as the villagers passed. Laila glanced to him when he asked, "Do I really look that different?"

"Assuming from the first time I saw you in Winterfell," she replied, beginning to walk forward, "I'd say yes."


Once inside the Red Keep, Jaime was escorted off by the Kingsguard to wash up. Laila and Brienne weren't allowed to say goodbye. For them, on the other hand, they were asked to treat with Tywin Lannister, the Hand of the King and Jaime's father. Another group of Kingsguard led them into the meeting room, even with Laila and Brienne looking battered and dirty.

When they arrived in the room, the two women stood in the entrance without a clue of what to do. Tywin turned from his desk, looking them down with suspicion. He thought they looked like they belonged in Flea Bottom, but didn't say that out loud. Instead, he said, "My ladies, please sit."

Brienne and Laila looked to each other before hesitantly taking the seats at the end of the table. Tywin sat at the head, staring at them like they were meat. He then raised his hand as he gestured for a servant to bring wine. The servant poured the alcohol in two glasses in front of the ladies, which Laila found odd and too nice for someone like Tywin Lannister.

Tywin took a short sip of his wine. "You two look like you need a drink."

"Forgive us, my Lord," Brienne started. "We were not given the chance to ... freshen up."

"That's because I wanted to see you both immediately."

Laila picked up her filled goblet and sipped at it. She was feeling rather uncomfortable, not just by the tension, but from the area around her. Everything was so ... clean, and proper. It was everything that the North was not. She'd never imagine being in the South.

"I've learned that my son was escorted from Robb Stark's camp to King's Landing by you two." He eyed them with suspicion. "Why?"

Laila glanced to Brienne before exhaling softly. "It was under Catelyn Stark's orders, my Lord," she replied. "She thought this could be a way to end the war, or retrieve her children back. If we brought Jaime back to King's Landing, you'd give her back her daughters. We were the only two people she trusted to fulfill this order."

"Well, there are a few problems with her said order," Tywin said, holding up his hand. "One of her daughters, Arya Stark, is not present in King's Landing anymore. Lady Sansa is still here, and married to Lord Tyrion. And, I also regret to inform both of you that Catelyn Stark has most recently died." His mouth set in a fine line. "You're both free of your orders."

Laila's eyes went wide at the news. Her lady was ... dead? What was she to do now? What about the rest of the Starks? All ... dead? She felt her throat closing up. The only family that had given her hope were gone. Her hands formed into fists and tests pricked her eyes, but she dared to not let them fall.

"What of Robb Stark?" Brienne asked. "And his wife? The army?"

"Dead," Tywin answered quickly. "They were killed at Edmure Tully's wedding to Roslin Frey. Lord Bolton is the new Warden of the North."

Laila's eyes casted to the floor. Where was she to go now? Her only option was to really agree to Jaime's offer of staying as a lady of the court. "So, what are we to do?" Laila questioned, her voice coming out more hoarse. Her throat hurt to speak, and she looked up at Tywin with anger in her dark eyes. "Are we going to die as well?"

Tywin's stare went narrow. "Are you suggesting I had a hand at killing the Starks?"

Laila didn't reply. Her nostrils flared. Brienne laid a hand on her arm.

"What were you two to Catelyn Stark?" Tywin then asked, breaking the silence.

Brienne pursed her lips before replying, "I am Brienne of Tarth. I was Lady Stark's sworn sword. I swore an oath of fealty to her after my own King, Renly Baratheon, was murdered."

Tywin looked to Laila, who said, "My name is Laila Ryswell. I had been Catelyn Stark's handmaiden since I was seventeen. My father and I fled the Rills from our original family after they disowned him, and the Starks were very gracious to take us in and give us occupations."

"A Tarth and a Ryswell?" Tywin chuckled softly. "Both low houses, but known, nonetheless."

He was staring at them like he wished for them to leave, but Laila knew she wasn't leaving until they were offered compensation, either in property or coinage. Laila wanted a room in the Red Keep. It was the only place she could go now, so she had to take the opportunity while it lasted, despite possibly having Cersei Lannister's suspicions on her.

Tywin was still quiet, so Laila spoke up. "Your son offered us spaces in the Red Keep, my Lord, as ... compensation for the journey he went through."

"What journey?" Tywin scoffed. "You walked him back to King's Landing. What kind of feat is that?"

Laila glanced at Brienne, urging her to speak up with her eyes. Brienne was still confused over Laila's comment, but continued her thoughts. "My Lord, we did not just walk your son back to King's Landing. We had to sneak out of Robb Stark's camp at the dead of night and disobey his orders. We were committing treason. Not only that, but we had to not take the Kingsroad so none would spot us. We were captured by Bolton soldiers, who cut off your son's hand, but Jaime was able to get us out. Our journey was long and hard, my Lord. Please, know that."

Tywin was eyeing Laila again. "Why would Catelyn Stark send her handmaiden on a journey like that?"

"You'd be surprised at what a handmaiden knows," Laila responded, taking a sip of wine. "I'm known to be an expert debater, and a keeper of peace."

"Sounds about right," he nodded, leaning back in his seat. Tywin tapped at his temple, staring at the two dirty women for a minute. "I'll grant you both spaces in the Red Keep, under some conditions. Brienne of Tarth – you are to stay loyal to your new King. You don't need to be anyone's sworn sword, but you must defend the actions of the King. Laila Ryswell – you are to become one of Sansa Stark's ladies-in-waiting. You will assist her at any time. Do you agree to these terms?"

The two ladies nodded their heads slowly. They looked to each other, wondering if they made the right decision. Laila thought so, though she knew this would have drastic consequences. Brienne, on the other hand, knew this wouldn't be good from the start.

"Good," Tywin said, finishing off the rest of his wine. He wiped the excess from his mouth. "And, thank you ... for returning my son. You two seem to have grown loyal to him."

Laila sighed. "You have no idea, my Lord."


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