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LAILA was tied against a tree trunk when they made camp. She sat across from Brienne, who was in the same situation as her. Jaime was sat a few feet from them. Laila stared at the bonfire the Bolton men were currently making. Her eyes were entranced with the flames, and she found her vision following them in an attempt to distract herself from what would soon happen.

She sucked in a few oncoming tears. Laila didn't want to go through with this. She didn't want to let them have her in the palm of their hands. Oh, and there it was – she was crying. Laila looked at her hands, letting the tears fall on them. Brienne stared at her in pity.

It was then that the Bolton leader – whom she learned was named Locke – approached her and Brienne's spot. He looked down at Brienne, before glancing to Laila. "I'll take the big bitch first. When she's good and wet, you lot can finish her off." He nodded his head to the side. "Rogar, you can have the handmaiden."

They began to untie Brienne as she said, "My lord, I am Brienne of Tarth. Lady Catelyn Stark commanded me and Lady Laila to deliver Ser Jaime to King's Landing."

"Catelyn Stark's a treasonous cunt," Locke replied.

They hoisted both Brienne and Laila from the tree. Laila was sobbing, unable to give any words. "How do I shut the bitch up?" Rogar complained as he shook Laila. This only made her cry more.

Laila fought against the more arms that tried to keep her still. Locke sent her a menacing glare. "Why are you doing this?" Laila asked, before she started to scream, "LET US GO!"

Locke sighed, but still had the hint of a smile on his face. "Orders were to take the Kingslayer alive. Nobody said shit about you two."

Brienne and Laila met eyes, and then thrust their arms out. Laila kicked her legs out, trying her best to fight the people that bound her. She knew shit about fighting, and that was clear in her movements, but instinct was beginning to get the best of her. One man attempted to lock his hands around her throat, and instead, she head-butted him. "You're only making it worse," Rogar told both women. Laila responded with a kick to his nether regions.

"Take them over there where it's dark," Locke commanded. "I'd like a little privacy."

Laila glanced to Jaime over her shoulder, pleading in her eyes. She screamed at the top of her lungs as the men led her and Brienne away. She pushed and pulled, but it ended with nothing on her part. The men holding her were too strong, and she was nothing but weak.

Rogar shoved her to the grass, making her land on the ground face-first. Her nostrils filled with dirt as she looked over her shoulder, seeing the man try to undo his belt. She screamed again, kicking her legs out just enough to hit Rogar's crotch. He groaned in pain, and Laila tried her best to stand up, but she was pushed down again by another man helping to aid Rogar.

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